This Rule is promulgated pursuant to section 12-110-107, C.R.S. Promoters and others involved in an event have the responsibility to understand and comply with the following Rules.

1. Physician
a. A bout shall not start or continue unless the physician(s) are actively licensed in Colorado, approved for the event, is seated at ring or cage side, and the physician shall not leave until after the decision in a final bout.
b. Televised bouts may require two physicians so that bouts may continue as one physician attends to a participant in the dressing rooms or in the near proximity.
c. Physicians shall be prepared to assist if any serious emergency arises, and shall render temporary or emergency treatments for cuts and minor injuries sustained by the participants.
2. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
a. Promoters are responsible for ensuring that all bouts have a minimum of two EMT's onsite and must ensure that the EMT's have medical equipment that at a minimum contains the following items and is located within twelve feet of the ring or cage:
(1) A resuscitator;
(2) An oxygen tank properly charged with suitable masks;
(3) A stretcher;
(4) An airway.
b. Promoters must arrange for an ambulance to be onsite throughout the entire event and must arrange for and give advance notice to the nearest hospital and persons in charge of its emergency room of such event.
c. The Director may require additional medical equipment and personnel as appropriate.
3. Security
a. Promoters are responsible for ensuring that public safety is maintained at all events by hiring a minimum of one certified peace officer.
b. Additional officers may be required as determined by the Director.
c. Any peace officer hired for this purpose must be Colorado State certified and must be employed by the local agency having jurisdiction in that area.
d. The decision of whether a uniform is not worn by the peace officer shall be a joint decision of the law enforcement agency and the Director.
e. Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of the event and may result in disciplinary action.

Promoters are responsible for ensuring that all local laws and fire codes are adhered to where an event occurs. Additionally, promoters are responsible for ensuring that the facility selected for the event and the weigh-in is a family-friendly environment. Facility selection is subject to the approval of the Director or chief inspector.

1. Dressing Rooms
a. Promoters are responsible for limiting the dressing room area to authorized personnel and shall furnish a person to enforce this limitation.
b. Female weigh-in participants may request separate dressing rooms from male participants.
c. The promoter shall furnish a private room for officials at the event.
d. The dressing rooms and immediate area must:
(1) Provide privacy for the participants;
(2) Be properly lighted;
(3) Be clean and free of clutter, trash, etc.;
(4) Be free of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs;
(5) Comply with local health department requirements.
2. Smoking area and Prohibited Objects
a. Smoking is not permitted within twelve feet of the ring or cage.
b. Beverages shall not be dispensed in cans or glass.
c. Food or serving items used by the patrons shall not be made of hard substances that could reasonably cause harm if thrown.
d. Any objects considered harmful to patrons as determined by Director or chief inspector are prohibited.
3. Ring, Cage, or Competition Area Safety Zone

A physical barrier surrounding the entire ring, cage, or competition area shall be placed at a minimum nine feet away from the outside edge of the apron or competition area. Anything within this area is the safety zone. The safety zone shall be under the control and jurisdiction of the Director or the chief inspector assigned to supervise the event.

a. The safety zone is to be used for designated working officials, participants, seconds, physicians, announcers, Commission members and their guests and media representatives as approved by the Director or chief inspector.
b. Promoters must ensure that the safety zone is controlled and free of nonessential individuals and the only beverage allowed is water.
c. At no time during the bout may any items be on the ring apron.
d. The tables next to the ring or cage must be free of any obstructions and shall not be higher than the fighting area platform. All areas surrounding the ring or cage must be suitable and safe as approved by the Director or chief inspector.
e. Spectator seats shall be a minimum of ten feet away from the outside edge of the apron.
f. The ring or cage safety zone must be completely set up at least three hours prior to the start of the first bout. This includes properly tightened ropes and all necessary equipment at ring or cage side.
1. Ring and Cage Size
a. The ring shall be not less than 16 feet nor more than 25 feet square within the ropes. The ring must have three sets of suitable steps. It shall be elevated no less than three and one-half feet nor more than four feet from the floor.
b. The cage shall be not less than 18 feet nor more than 32 feet square within the fighting area. The cage must have a set of suitable steps for each entrance. It shall be elevated no more than four feet from the floor.
c. The ring or cage posts shall be made of metal not less than three inches or more than four inches in diameter extending from the floor to the height of 58 inches above the ring floor.
d. The ring or cage entry onto the fighting area canvas must be sufficient to allow easy access to the fighting area.
2. Ring Ropes and Fencing
a. Four ropes are required for boxing and kickboxing. The lower rope shall be 18 inches above the ring floor, the second rope 30 inches, the third rope 42 inches, and the fourth rope 54 inches above the ring floor. The ropes shall not be less than one inch in diameter and wrapped in soft material, with the corners padded with protective covers.
b. A fifth or bottom rope is required for MMA bouts in a ring. The bottom rope shall not be more than six inches from the ring floor. The requirements for the top four ropes are the same as for boxing and kickboxing.
c. The fencing that encloses a cage shall be made of materials that will not allow a participant to easily fall out of the space or break through it onto the floor or spectators.
d. Acceptable materials for ring ropes or fencing include but are not limited to:
(1) Vinyl-coated chain link fencing;
(2) Metal parts of the enclosure and fighting that are covered and padded;
(3) Any material that is not abrasive to the participants;
(4) Any material that does not obstruct or limit the supervision and regulation of the bout.
e. The ropes shall be connected to the posts with extensions not shorter than 18 inches.
f. All ring ropes and fencing is subject to the approval of the Director or the chief inspector.
3. Materials for the Ring and Cage Floor
a. Floor.
(1) The ring floor shall extend beyond the lower rope no less than 24 inches.
(2) The entire floor and apron must be padded with insulate, felt, matting, or a similar material with a thickness of at least one-inch.
(3) A canvas or similar material covering, stretched tightly and laced or fastened to the outer edge of the floor shall cover the padding.
(4) Boards shall be of sufficient strength to hold the weight and ensure the safety of all who enter the ring.
(5) The padding thickness of any material is subject to the approval of the Director.
b. Prohibited Floor Materials.
(1) Vinyl or any plastic rubberized covering.
(2) Materials that gather in lumps or ridges.
4. Additional Required Equipment

Promoters are required to provide all equipment and materials necessary to conduct all bouts. The equipment must be clean and in good condition. Such required equipment includes which are subject examination and approval by a Commission representative the following:

a. Steps;
b. Two similar stools;
c. Water buckets;
d. Bell;
e. Buzzer or whistle;
f. Timers;
g. Gloves;
h. Head gear;
i. Elbow pads;
j. Shin pads;
k. Gauze and tape;
l. Scale;
m. Any other associated material and equipment as determined by the Director.
5. Pairs of Gloves Required for all competing participants.

Promoters are responsible for having pairs of gloves on hand equal to the number of participants competing. The gloves may be used multiple times during an event. Promoters must be prepared for differing glove sizes.

6. Gloves

All gloves shall be furnished by the promoter and shall be new or in-tact and in good clean condition without lumps or imperfections. All participants in the main event, championship bouts and bouts of six rounds or more shall use new gloves. The specific glove size for each event shall be as follows:

a. In boxing, Muay Thai, or kickboxing bouts, the following requirements apply:
(1) Participants weighing 147 pounds or less shall use at least eight-ounce gloves.
(2) Participants weighing over 147 pounds shall use at least ten-ounce gloves.
(3) When two participants differ in weight classes, participants shall use at least ten-ounce gloves.
(4) The Director may approve or require glove size increases.
(5) Participants in each bout shall wear the same brand gloves. The Director may approve gloves of different-brands.
b. In MMA bouts, the following requirements apply:
(1) Gloves must weigh at least four ounces.
(2) Gloves weighing over eight ounces must be approved by the Director or the chief inspector.
c. All gloves will be examined and approved by the Director or the chief inspector any time before, during and after a bout.
d. If gloves are not approved by the Director or the chief inspector, they will be discarded before the bout starts, and the bout will not proceed until proper gloves are approved.
e. Gloves that are manipulated in such a manner as breaking, skinning, roughing or twisting shall not be approved for use, and such conduct is subject to disciplinary action.


4 CCR 740-1.14
39 CR 10, May 25, 2016, effective 7/1/2016 41 CR 09, May 10, 2018, effective 7/1/2018 42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020 44 CR 09, May 10, 2021, effective 5/30/2021 44 CR 21, November 10, 2021, effective 11/30/2021 45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 11/30/2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.