7 CCR 1101-18-2-2 - Complaints

(1) The Safety Commission may review complaints from any person of alleged violations of the Act.
(a) A person who brings a frivolous complaint, as determined by the Safety Commission, commits a minor violation and is subject to a fine.
(b) The person filing the complaint may voluntarily withdraw the complaint prior to a hearing.
(2) The review of a complaint shall be completed by a review committee (Review Committee). The Review Committee shall:
(a) Be comprised of three to five members of the Safety Commission.
(b) Have an equal number of members representing excavators and owners/operators.
(c) Include at least one member who does not represent either excavators or owners/operators.
(3) The complaint process shall include:
(a) A complaint form, and if applicable a damage form, being completed and submitted to the Safety Commission.
(b) Within 90 days of the complaint form being received a hearing will be scheduled.
(i) Both the person filing the complaint and the alleged violator will be sent hearing notification letters to advise them of the logistics for the hearing.
(ii) Both parties shall receive a copy of the complaint form, and, if applicable, a damage form.
(iii) The scheduled hearing date may be modified by mutual agreement of all parties and rescheduled when the Review Committee is available.
(c) If applicable, the Safety Commission will file a Data Request Form with Colorado 811 to gain ticket information.


7 CCR 1101-18-2-2
42 CR 10, May 25, 2019, effective 6/14/2019

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