7 CCR 1101-18-2-5 - Remedial Actions

(1) A recommendation of remedial action that includes a fine requires a unanimous vote of the Review Committee.
(2) The Review Committee shall not recommend remedial action or a fine against a homeowner, rancher or Farmer (as defined), unless the Review Committee finds by clear and convincing evidence that a violation of the law has occurred.
(3) The Safety Commission may consider training, support services or other remediation measures that will improve the behavior of the person found in violation.
(4) Guidance for the recommendation of remedial action shall be consistent with the following principles:
(a) Whether the alleged violation is classified as a Minor, Moderate or Major violation (as defined).
(b) For a person who has not had a violation in the previous 12 months, the Safety Commission may consider alternatives to fines.
(c) The number of violations, relative to the number of notifications received, are a part of the consideration.
(d) The maximum fines are set forth in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5: Potential Enforcement Penalties

Type of Violation

Number of Violations within the previous 12 months





















7 CCR 1101-18-2-5
42 CR 10, May 25, 2019, effective 6/14/2019

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