7 CCR 1101-18-2-6 - Home Rule Entity

(1) This enforcement process shall not apply to a home rule county, city and county, municipality, or power authority established pursuant to Section 29-1-204(1), C.R.S.; except that if the Safety Commission identifies an alleged violation by the home rule entity, the Safety Commission shall:
(a) Inform the home rule entity of the alleged violation.
(b) If requested by the home rule entity, suggest corrective action.
(2) Every home rule entity described in subsection (1) shall:
(a) Adopt by resolution, ordinance, or other official action either:
(i) Its own damage prevention safety program similar to that established pursuant to the Act; or
(ii) A waiver that delegates its damage prevention safety program to the Safety Commission.
(b) Notify the Safety Commission of the decision in subsection (a).


7 CCR 1101-18-2-6
42 CR 10, May 25, 2019, effective 6/14/2019

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