7 CCR 1105-1-9.404 - RESPONSIBILITIES [Rev. eff. 7/1/08]


The State Licensing Agency must act as prescribed in 20 U.S.C. § 107 et seq. and 34 CFR Part 395 et seq. and responsibilities are further delineated as follows and in policy.

The State Licensing Agency shall have the ultimate responsibility for the Business Enterprise Program. When the State Licensing Agency does not adopt written recommendations of the Colorado Elected Committee, it shall notify the Colorado Elected Committee. The State Licensing Agency will maintain operational procedures to secure the day to day function of the State Licensing Agency.

The following are responsibilities of the State Licensing Agency: The State Licensing Agency shall:

A. Cooperate with the Federal Secretary of Education in applying the requirements of the Randolph-Sheppard Act in a uniform manner (20 U.S.C. § 107 et seq.)
B. Take effective action to carry out full responsibility for the supervision and collaborative management of each Business Enterprise Location in the program in accordance with its established rules and regulations, this part, and the terms and conditions governing the contracts, agreements, permits and Blind Operator Agreements. This includes the removal of a Blind Operator from their awarded Business Enterprise Location, Probation, Suspension, or Termination of Licenses in accordance with § 9.402.2.
C. Take diligent action to enforce Blind Operator responsibilities, performance, and overall mission compliance to include systematic analysis of financial and other performance through evaluations and/or audits.
D. Submit promptly to the Secretary of Education for approval a description of any changes in
1. The legal authority of the State Licensing Agency,
2. Its rules and regulations,
3. Blind Operator Agreements,
4. Schedules for the setting aside of funds,
5. Contractual arrangements for the furnishing of services by a nominee,
6. Arrangements for carrying general liability and product liability insurance, and
7. Any other matters which form a part of the application (34 CFR Parts 395.2 and 395.3);
E. Survey sites in order to identify whether they are satisfactory for a Business Enterprise Location in accordance with 20 U.S.C. § 107a(d) and provide a waiver to the agency which has a non-satisfactory site, limiting the term and defining the conditions of the waiver.
F. Provide and train on documents provided upon request to any Blind Operator at any time.
G. Submit to an arbitration panel those grievances of any Licensed Blind Operator unresolved after a full evidentiary hearing in accordance with 20 U.S.C. §§ 107b(6) and 107d-1(a), upon written receipt of such request by the Licensed Blind Operator or their representative.
H. For each Business Enterprise Location and for the entire Business Enterprise Program, adopt accounting procedures and maintain financial and other records in a manner necessary to provide detail as is sufficient to
1. Enable evaluation of performance and
2. Comply with Secretary of Education requirements
I. Provide financial reporting relevant to Business Enterprise Program on at least a quarterly and annual basis, pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § 1071b-1.1.
J. Protect and manage all State Assets assigned to the Business Enterprise Program including purchase, transition, and tracking.
K. Only use set-aside funds for appropriate purposes, as identified in 20 U.S.C. § 1071b-3 and 34 CFR Part 395.8(c), and manage set-aside in accordance with these rules §9.405.
L. Notify Blind Operators of the set-aside schedule in accordance with these rule § 9.405.2.
M. Ensure any training services related to any Blind Operator, which have been incorporated into the standardized or individualized training curriculum, are provided to Blind Operators as vocational rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112), as amended. This is not limited to, but includes personal and vocational adjustment, books, tools, and other training materials.
N. Ensure the opportunity for Active Participation in accordance with these rules §9.403.
O. Attempt to resolve day to day problems with Permit on-site official informally with awarded Blind Operator of the Individual Business Enterprise Location ( 34 CFR Part 395.36(a) ).
P. Be solely authorized to initiate repair calls.
Q. Further establish in writing and maintain policies which have been developed with the Active Participation in accordance with § 9.403.2 of these rules.
R. Establish additional procedures as necessary to assure that rules and policies have been explained to each Blind Operator.
S. Determine procedures through an internal document.

The following are responsibilities of the Blind Operator. The Blind Operator Shall:

A. Not assume duties exclusive to the State Licensing Agency as listed in these Rules, § 9.404.
B. Conduct all business in a just and truthful manner.
C. Be responsive to communications received through modern means in order to responsibly manage business. For example, electronic mail, delivered mail, phone recordings, and other methods reasonably accessible to the blind.
D. Notify Business Enterprise Program of
1. Any litigations in which they is a party defendant in a case that involves any services provided as a result of participation in the Business Enterprise Program.
2. Complaints of alleged violations or legal issues that could jeopardize a Business Enterprise Location permit or agreement with property management, or jeopardize Business Enterprise Program's priority under the Randolph-Sheppard Act.
3. Facility and personal emergency and contact information, especially for legal correspondence
4. Preferred electronic and hard-copy reading format.
E. Submit a request for a full evidentiary hearing in accordance with these rules, §9.413 , or after such hearing, file a complaint with the Secretary in order to initiate an arbitration panel if so desired, in accordance with 20 U.S.C. § 107d-1(a);


A. Abide by all rules and regulations and program policies governing the operation of the Business Enterprise Location.
B. Impress upon their employees the importance of these Rules and the Blind Operator Agreement and shall be responsible for the actions of their employees concerning relative to the Business Enterprise Program.
C. Actively engage in the management of the Business Enterprise Location.
D. Be available for all necessary visits to the facility and cannot assign, delegate, or subcontract the totality of the Blind Operator duties to subcontractors or any other third party.
E. Appear and manage, or arrange for the management of, the Business Enterprise Location, or request an exception in writing, and receive, prior approval by the State Licensing Agency and approved by the State Licensing Agency.
F. Provide excellent service to the facility and its customers, maintain a professional appearance, and act in a professional manner while managing a Business Enterprise Program facility, or engaging in related activities.
G. Perform within any contract, permit, or agreement, as authorized or required by the Business Enterprise Location's property management, franchise agreement, management services agreement, state interagency agreement, or other. The Blind Operator will actively initiate full understanding of such terms and conditions and will communicate any developments which may have a negative impact on professional relationships, the Business Enterprise Location, the reputation of Business Enterprise Program, or the reputation of the Body of Blind Operators.
H. Not engage in any conduct that is detrimental to Business Enterprise Program's interest in the Business Enterprise Location, its statutory priority, its permits or agreements, or its equipment or other inventory.
I. Be responsible and financially liable for the accurate and proper reporting of all
1. Sales transacted through the Business Enterprise Location
2. Business Enterprise Program assets entrusted to the Blind Operator
J. Ensure compliance with all laws applicable in the operation of the associated business at all times.
K. Not engage in or permit harassment, violent behavior, threat of violent behavior, intimidation, or other disruptive behavior directed towards another Blind Operator, Business Enterprise Program staff member, subordinate, client, customer, or property. Possession of weapons is prohibited in or on any state or federal facility, including in vehicles.
L. Self-report any felony or misdemeanor arrest or charge.
M. Comply with the provisions of CRS 8-17.5-101 et seq. and shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work or enter into a contract with a subcontractor that knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien.
N. Acquire and maintain all appropriate records and business licenses applicable to the Business Enterprise Location.
O. Allow Business Enterprise Program, the State, the federal government, access to perform semi-annual evaluations, audits and/or inspections of records at any time, to assure compliance with the State or federal government's rules and regulations or to evaluate the Blind Operator's performance.
P. Comply with all reasonable requests made in the course of an investigation by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
Q. Furnish and give access to all documents and reports for business operations at the Business Enterprise Location, which are required by State or Federal governments.
R. Implement, or assist in the implementation of, the necessary systems, methods and controls for tracking, monitoring, and reporting of vending machine sales.
S. Acquire merchandise, utensils, and consumables as determined by Business Enterprise Program to be sufficient to satisfactorily maintain the facility (beyond initial inventory), in accordance with the Business Enterprise Program Inventory Policy and Process and with CRS § 24-30 202.4 regarding State Collections.
T. Not neglect, abuse, or relocate State owned equipment and manage it according to manufacturer recommendations.
U. Be responsible for the payment of required business licenses, business insurances, communications products, and consumable inventory (beyond initial inventory), and business needs not otherwise provided for.
V. Submit, in accordance with the prescribed schedule and method per these rules §§ 9.405.2 and 9.406
1. The standardized monthly financial turn-in Report ("Turn-in") to the Business Enterprise Program.
2. The set-aside payment to the Business Enterprise Program per these rules.
3. Timely payments to repay the services established by Business Enterprise Program on behalf of the Blind Operator.
4. Items which must be returned upon the transition out of the Business Enterprise Location according to the Blind Operator Agreement.
W. Pay all Debts associated with participation in the Business Enterprise Program (including to vendors of the facility/business operation), timely.
X. Give a minimum 30 day notice to the Business Enterprise Program of intention to vacate or discontinue managing the awarded/assigned Business Enterprise Location on a daily business.
Y. Understand that if they vacate, discontinue managing, or are the subject of an enforced removal, they may be held responsible for costs incurred as a result of the transition.
Z. Vacate facilities in an acceptable condition, conducive to an immediate transition between Blind Operators with no closure time required solely due to the physical condition of the Business Enterprise Location.


7 CCR 1105-1-9.404
40 CR 04, February 25, 2017, effective 3/17/2017 41 CR 05, March 10, 2018, effective 3/30/2018 42 CR 03, February 10, 2019, effective 3/2/2019 42 CR 17, September 10, 2019, effective 9/30/2019 43 CR 02, January 25, 2020, effective 3/1/2020 45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 11/30/2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.