The Statement of Basis, Specific Statutory Authority and Purpose for rulemaking activity from 1992 is no longer in the Department's files.

1.4.1. October 9, 2008 - Effective November 30, 2008


The Commissioner of Agriculture, Colorado Department of Agriculture, adopts these permanent rules pursuant to the provisions and requirements of the Anhydrous Ammonia Act, 35-13-101 - 109, C.R.S.


The purpose of these rules is to:

Implement the statutory change to the Anhydrous Ammonia Act which require the Commissioner to establish rules to specify the dates for the registration of anhydrous ammonia storage tanks, mobile transportation tanks and tank mounted applicators.

Correct typographical errors.


The factual and policy issues encountered in the proposal of these permanent rules is as follows:

On August 6, 2008, The Anhydrous Ammonia Act was amended by Senate Bill 08-097. Section 35-13-109(1) requires the Commissioner to specify by rule the dates for the registration of anhydrous ammonia storage tanks, mobile transportation tanks and tank mounted applicators.

14.2. Adopted November 10, 2015 - Effective December 30, 2015


The Commissioner's authority for the adoption of these Rule amendments is set forth in Section 35-13-103, C.R.S.


The purpose of these Rule Amendments is to:

1. Delete obsolete language at the beginning of the Rules;
2. Correct typographical errors throughout the rules;
3. Amend Rules by deleting language that is not essential and unenforceable including reference materials;
4. Amend Rules to exempt refrigerated ammonia systems and delete all refrigerated ammonia rules;
5. Delete references to "Appendix C" within the Rules;
6. Add Rule 1.3 . to incorporate by reference all of the standards referred to in the rules, instruct where to inspect codes, and to explain later amendments of incorporated material are not included;
7. Amend Rules by changing the language "this Standard" to "these Rules" to be consistent with other Colorado Department of Agriculture rules;
8. Amend Rules by changing the word "paragraph" with the word "Rule" throughout the rules so as to be consistent with other Colorado Department of Agriculture rules;
9. Replace the language "Authority having Jurisdiction" with the word "Commissioner" throughout the rules;
10. Amend Rules to add definitions necessary to understand the Rules.
11. Amend Rule 1.4.8 . by adding the current edition of the unfired pressure vessel code and striking obsolete references to The Joint Code of the American Petroleum Institute and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (API-ASME Code) 1951 edition;
12. Delete the definition of "gas mask" in Rule 1.3.11.;
13. Add Rule 3.1.5 . to include a records retention requirement of inspections and welding on the container;
14. Realign the order of the Rules to be consistent with the requirements listed in Statute for the design, construction, location, installation, and operation of anhydrous ammonia systems;
15. Amend Rule 6.4.9 . by replacing the words "state Weights & Measures" with "The Measurement standards Act, §§ 35-14-101 through 134, C.R.S";
16. Amend Rules 6.2.3 . and 9.13.1 . by replacing language referring to emergency rescue with personal protection equipment.
17. Amend Rules to include the specific code of federal regulations cites throughout the Rules.

Factual and Policy Basis:

The factual and policy issues pertaining to the adoption of these Rule amendment are as follows:

1. The current Rules have not been revised for a very long time and therefore these Rules contain antiquated language and formatting requirements. These Rule changes are being made to modernize the language where appropriate, comply with the current Rule format requirements, and to align the Rule with the Statute;
2. Obsolete language at the beginning of the Rule has been deleted to comply with the Department's current Rule format;
3. References to refrigerated anhydrous systems have been deleted throughout the Rule to clarify that these Rules only regulate anhydrous ammonia used as an agricultural fertilizer. The amended Rules are 1.1.1.,, Section 4, 6.3.1., 6.4.1., and;
4. Rules referring to Appendix C have been deleted because Appendix C does not exist;
5. Definitions have been added to clarify the Rule. The amended Rules are 1.4.3.(ASME), 1.4.4.(Backflow check valve), 1.4.6.(Chemical-splash goggles), 1.4.10.(Data plate), 1.4.11.(Densely populated area), 1.4.13.(Emergency shutoff valve), 1.4.14.(Excess-flow valve), 1.4.19.(Mobil container), 1.4.20.(Non-code welding), 1.4.21.(Permanent storage container), 1.4.22.(Permanent storage facility), and 1.4.23.(Place of public assembly);
6. References to materials incorporated by reference within the Rule have been updated. The amended Rules are 1.3.1., 1.3.2., and 1.3.3.;
7. Informational language not essential to the Rule has been deleted. The deleted language is not necessary for the administration of the Rule. The amended Rules are, 1.2.7.,1.2.8., 1.2.9., and 1.4.7.;
8. Language not essential to the Rule has been deleted or replaced to clarify the intent of the Rule. The amended Rules are 1.1.1., 1.2.1., 1.4.,1.4.1., 1.4.15., 9.7.1., 9.7.3., 10.1.1., 11.1.1., and 12.1.;
9. References to other resources not essential to the enforcement of the Rule were deleted to avoid confusion as to which references are needed to be in compliance with the Rule. The amended Rules are 1.4.3., 1.4.8., and after Rule 6.2.;
10. The wording "state Weights and Measures" in rule 6.4.9 . was replaced with "The Measurement standards Act, §§ 35-14-101 through 134, C.R.S" to clarify where the requirements for meters used for the measurement of liquid anhydrous ammonia can be found.
11. References to emergency and rescue equipment were deleted in the Rule to eliminate the perception that untrained personnel should perform emergency and rescue operations. Emergency and rescue operations should be performed by trained professionals. The amended Rules are 1.3.11., 1.4.13., 6.2.3., and 9.13.1.;
12. The Rule was realigned to be consistent with the requirements of the Statute. The realignment will make finding the rules pertaining to the design, construction, location, installation, and operation of anhydrous ammonia systems for storing, handling, transporting, and utilizing anhydrous ammonia as an agricultural fertilizer within the Rule easier to find;
13. Records requirements for repairs completed on a container have been added to the Rule. The requirement will help the owner of the tank avoid costly re-examination and testing of the repaired tank before the tank can be registered and filled. The amended Rules are 1.4.15., and 3.1.5.;
14. The Rule was amended to clarify compliance with the Department of Transportation is required for all tanks transported by tank or trailer by adding the words "which shall be", by adding the specific federal code site, and eliminating language that could cause confusion. Rule 1.1.1 . further clarifies compliance with applicable Federal Statutes or Regulations. The amended Sections are 8. and 9. The amended Rules are 1.1.1., 8.1.1., 9.1.1., 9.6.1., and 10.4.1.
15. These revisions incorporate changes as a result of the Departments Regulatory Efficiency Review Process.
14.3. Adopted October 14, 2020 - Effective December 15, 2020

Statutory Authority

The Commissioner's authority for the adoption of this permanent Rule amendment is set forth in § 35-13-103 C.R.S.


The purpose of this rulemaking is to update the language that incorporates regulations and standards by reference so as to comply with the new requirements in § 24-4-103 (12.5), C.R.S.

Factual and Policy Basis

This rulemaking updates the language and citations within the rule to properly incorporate regulations and standards by reference. More specifically, it provides the proper address for the Colorado Department of Agriculture, which changed in 2018, and provides the addresses of the agencies and organizations issuing the incorporated regulations and standards. This rulemaking also updates the edition for each incorporation.


8 CCR 1202-5-14
38 CR 23, December 10, 2015, effective 12/30/2015 43 CR 22, November 25, 2020, effective 12/15/2020

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.