A. Each school shall prominently display its current Certificate of Approval to the public, prospective students, and other interested persons.
B. The student-teacher ratio in each school shall be reasonable in terms of the suitability of the facility, adequacy of equipment and the method of instruction, and shall be submitted for approval; once approved by the Board, the ratio as approved must not be exceeded at any time.
C. Each school that allows tuition or fee financing through installment or deferred payment plans shall comply with the provisions of appropriate State and Federal laws concerning consumer credit and truth-in-lending or any other such law related to consumer financing.
D. The payment of all Board fees shall be timely made by the school online or by other approved means.
E. The Division Director shall set the Board agenda; which agenda may be modified by the Board.
F. For schools under corporate ownership, the Division may consider the on-site resident school director as the school representative and primary Division contact.
G. All applications and forms submitted to the Division requiring a fee as outlined below in the Fee Schedule must be complete within one year of receipt. If the Division has communicated deficiencies that must be cured prior to approval but the applicant(s) fails to make necessary change(s) to meet requirements of the rules and regulations, the application shall expire after one year, requiring the school to resubmit the application, fee and supporting documentation in order to be considered for approval.


Effective Date April 1, 2024



Provisional In-State School: Initial Application for Certificate of Approval (COA)--includes up to five new Programs and Stand-Alone Courses. Any additional programs or stand-alone courses are subject to the Programs/Course fees listed below.

Initial COA Application for Additional Campus

$ 5,000.00 Per School

$ 2,500.00 Per Campus

Renewal In-State School: Standard COA - three (3) year period

$ 2,000.00 Per School/Campus

Programs/Courses (Per Program and/or-Stand-Alone Course:):

New Program/Stand Alone Course per Campus

Major Revision Program/Stand Alone Course per campus

Minor Revision Program/Stand Alone Course per campus

$ 500.00

$ 500.00

$ 125.00

In-State Agent Permit:

$ 300.00 Per Agent

In-State Agent Permit for Multiple Campus Locations under same ownership with same school name: One (1) Permit per agent-valid at all campus locations (Provisional or Standard COA)

$ 300.00 Per Agent

Out-of-State Initial/Renewal: Initial application and annual renewal

Out-of-State Agent Permit per year under same ownership with same school name: One (1) Permit per agent-valid at all campus locations

$ 2,500.00

$ 300.00 Per Agent

Student Assessment: In-State and Out-of-State, Quarterly per Enrolled Student (out-of-state is Colorado resident that resides with-in Colorado receiving training or Colorado resident recruited to attend out-of-state school)

$ 5.00 Per Enrolled Student

(Subject to Change)


Per School

Change of School Location (per campus)

$ 500.00

Change of School Name (per campus)

$ 250.00

Change of School Ownership

$ 5,000.00

Exemption Request Fee

$ 300.00

Student Transcript for Closed School

$20.00 Per Transcript

Failure to pay and/or late payment of fees

1st violation: minimum $100; 2nd minimum $300; 3rd minimum $500, and each violation thereafter $500.

Failure to adequately and timely submit Annual Filings pursuant to Rule V

$500.00 minimum per violation per year


1. Fees are NOT refundable.
2. Fees are established pursuant to § 23-64-122(1), C.R.S., "for the direct and indirect costs of the administration of" the Private Occupational Education Act of 1981.


8 CCR 1504-1-II
40 CR 01, January 10, 2017, effective 1/31/2017 41 CR 10, May 25, 2018, effective 6/14/2018 44 CR 05, March 10, 2021, effective 4/1/2021 45 CR 04, February 25, 2022, effective 4/1/2022 46 CR 04, February 25, 2023, effective 4/1/2023 47 CR 04, February 25, 2024, effective 4/1/2024

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.