8 CCR 1504-9-4.0 - Use of American Rescue Plan funds to support student success in obtaining postsecondary credentials

4.01 The Board shall calculate allocations from American Rescue Plan funds to public institutions of higher education as follows:
4.01.1 The first half of an institution's allocation shall be based on that institution's headcount enrollment for the 2019-20 academic year of designated students.
4.01.2 The second half of an institution's allocation shall be based on that institution's full-time equivalent enrollment for the for the 2019-20 academic year of designated students.
4.01.3 The Board shall separately adjust the first and second half of an institution's allocation based on the following characteristics of that institution: Location in a rural area. Total headcount enrollment. Characteristics unique to area technical colleges
4.02 The Board shall request and public institutions of higher education may submit student application plans as follows:
4.02.1 As soon as practicable, the Board shall publish a request for SAPs.
4.02.2 To receive an allocation, an institution must submit a student-centered SAP to the Board.
4.02.3 Each SAP must describe the intended use of the allocation to support eligible students and specify: The amount of the allocation requested. The timeline for receiving the allocation or portions thereof over the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years, and any additional use of funds expected thereafter between 2023-2024 and 2025-2026 academic years. Using the data collected by the institution during SAP pre-work, the population of eligible students that the plan is designed to support, which should focus on disproportionately impacted student populations. The respective percentages of the allocation that will be used for direct and indirect financial assistance. Using the program budget and narrative template provided in the published request for SAPs, an explanation as to how the institution will use the allocation to support eligible students through indirect financial assistance in alignment with the initiative's Community Partner Program model on campus, through a subgrant with an initiative partner or any combination therein, as set forth in 8 CCR 1504-9 section 3.0. Using the statement of work template provided in the published request for SAPs, the specific, measurable goals that the institution expects to achieve through the SAP, which must include: Increasing retention of the identified population of eligible students. Increasing enrollment, persistence, and completion for said students. For institutions other than area technical colleges, decreasing student debt for said students. The metrics and data that the institution will use to measure the degree of success in meeting the identified goals in alignment with the Initiative's existing annual reporting and data collection and as set forth in 8 CCR 1504-9 section 4.0.
4.02.4 All SAPs are subject to review and approval of the Board.
4.03 Board review and approval of SAPs submitted by public institutions of higher education
4.03.1 The Board shall review each SAP and distribute all or a portion of an institution's allocation as soon as practicable after the Board approves the SAP. An institution may receive up to 100% of its allocation over two academic years beginning in the 2021-22 academic year.
4.03.2 Before approving an SAP, the Board shall consider: The respective percentages of the allocation that will be used for direct and indirect financial assistance, with the intent that a greater percentage is used for direct financial assistance. The population of eligible students that the SAP is designed to support, including traditional and nontraditional students and the degree to which the SAP focuses on disproportionately impacted student populations. The speed and efficiency with which the institution expects to distribute its allocation. The quality of the SAP, including: The rigor of programming and quality of the evaluation measures. The likelihood that the institution will meet the goals specified in the SAP and that the SAP will result in significant increases in eligible student enrollment, persistence, and completion. For public institutions of higher education other than area technical colleges, the likelihood that the SAP will result in significant decreases in student debt.
4.03.3 Before approving an SAP, the Board may provide feedback to the submitting institution, including suggested changes, and require the institution to revise and resubmit the plan.
4.04 Reporting obligations of public institutions of higher education
4.04.1 By August 1,2022, each institution that received an allocation shall submit a draft report to the Board that includes: A detailed explanation of the amount of an allocation that the institution spent during the 2021-22 academic year, including the number of eligible students served, the amount of direct financial assistance, and support services provided to eligible students. An explanation of the prior year's progress in relation to the institution's statement of work, budget expenditures, and student data in alignment with the initiative's reporting requirements; Any other data that demonstrates the institution's progress toward and achievement of the goals of assisting eligible students to enroll, persist, and complete postsecondary credentials and, for public institutions of higher education other than area technical colleges, decrease student debt; Any other data related to the use of the allocation that the board requests; and If any portion of the allocation remains undistributed, a request that the Board distribute the remainder and a description of any revisions to the institution's SAP for spending the remainder, including an updated statement of work and budget for the following year.
4.04.2 At the end of the 2021-22 academic year, by September 1, each public institution of higher education shall submit a final report to the board after consultation with the Initiative staff.
4.04.3 The Board shall review each institution's report and determine the institution's success in achieving the goals identified in the institution's SAP.
4.04.4 For each institution that requests the distribution of the remainder of the institution's allocation. The Board shall review the institution's SAP, including any revisions; Based on the criteria specified in 4.03, the Board may provide feedback and require changes to the plan before distributing the remainder to the institution for the 2022-23 academic year. An institution that implements an SAP during the 2022-23 academic year and that continues to implement the SAP in subsequent academic years shall submit an annual draft report to the Board by August 1, and a final by September 1, as it pertains to each academic year in which the SAP continues to be implemented.
4.05 Reporting obligations of the Board
4.05.1 By December 1, 2022, and by December 1 each year thereafter so long as the Board continues to receive reports pursuant to Rule 4.04, the director of the initiative shall submit a summary of the Rule 4.04 reports to the Joint Budget Committee and to the Education Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
4.05.2 The initiative's summary must include for each reporting institution: The amounts allocated and distributed; The amount spent on direct financial assistance, the amount spent on indirect financial assistance, the types of direct financial assistance provided, and they types of indirect financial assistance provided; The number of eligible students who re-enrolled during the academic years when the institution's SAP was implemented; The postsecondary credentials awarded to eligible students who received assistance through the institution's SAP; and Any additional information the Board deems useful in determining the degree to which American Rescue Plan funds were successfully spent to increase eligible student enrollment, persistence, and completion and decrease student debt.


8 CCR 1504-9-4.0
38 CR 18, September 25, 2015, effective 10/15/2015 38 CR 24, December 25, 2015, effective 1/14/2016 43 CR 15, August 10, 2020, effective 8/30/2020 47 CR 04, February 25, 2024, effective 3/16/2024

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.