1. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-1 - Establishment and confidentiality of the registry for the medical use of marijuana
  2. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-2 - Application for a registry identification card
  3. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-3 - Verification of medical information; issuance, denial, revocation, and form of registry identification cards
  4. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-4 - Change in applicant information
  5. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-5 - Communications with law enforcement officials about patients in the registry
  6. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-6 - Debilitating medical conditions and the process for adding new debilitating medical conditions
  7. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-7 - Determination of fees to pay for administrative costs of the medical use of marijuana program
  8. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-8 - Physician requirements; reasonable cause for referrals of physicians to the Colorado Medical Board; reasonable cause for department adverse action concerning physicians; appeal rights
  9. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-9 - Primary care-giver-patient relationship and primary care-giver rules
  10. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-10 - Waiver for primary care-givers to serve more than five patients
  11. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-11 - Waiver for primary care-givers to deliver medical marijuana products from a medical marijuana center
  12. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-12 - Patient Responsibilities
  13. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-13 - Subpoenas for Registry Information
  14. Regulation 5 CCR 1006-2-14 - Colorado medical research grant program

Adopted by the Board of Health on August 21, 2024 effective October 15, 2024.


5 CCR 1006-2
Regulation 7 eff. 07/30/2007.
Entire rule eff. 08/30/2009.
Regulation 2.A(iii) repealed as emer. rule eff. 11/03/2009; expired 02/03/2010.
Regulation 7 eff. 11/30/2010.
Regulation 6 eff. 03/02/2011.
Regulations 3.A, 8 eff. 04/30/2011.
Regulations 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 eff. 07/30/2011.
Regulations 7, 8.A eff. 12/30/2011.
Regulation 7.A eff. 02/01/2014.
Entire rule eff. 11/14/2014.
Regulations 2.A, 2.B., 2.B.5, 2.I, 2.I.2, 4.A, 6.D.2.c, 6.D.3, 14.A eff. 09/14/2015. Regulation 6.D.2.d repealed eff. 09/14/2015.
Regulations 1.C.5-1.C.6, 2.E, 9.B, 9.D, 9.F, 9.J.4, 9.L, 12.C.4 eff. 01/14/2016.
Regulations 1.A.2.a, 1.C.3-1.C.7, 2.A, 2.A.3, 2.A.6, 2.B, 2.B.2-2.B.3, 2.B.5, 2.D-2.E, 2.G-2.H, 3.A-3.B.ii,
3.C, 3.E, 4.A, 4.B, 5.A, 5.B, 6.D.4, 7.A, 7.C, 8.A-8.A.2.a.iii, 8.A.4.c-d, 8.B, 8.C, 8.D.1-2, 9.C, 9.J.4-9.J.6, 9.L, 10.B, 11.A, 12.A, 12.B, 12.C.4-12.C.6, 12.D, 12.E, 13.A eff. 05/15/2018.
Regulation 6 eff. 05/15/2019.
Regulations 1.A.4, 1.C, 2.B.2.b, 2.B.5, 2.H, 3.A-C, 6.D.1, 8.A-B, 9.F, 12.E emer. rules eff. 08/02/2019.
Regulations 1.A.4, 1.C, 2.B.2.b, 2.B.5, 2.H, 3.A-C, 6.D.1, 8.A-B, 9.F, 12.E eff. 11/14/2019.
Regulations 1.C.2.a-b, 1.C.11, 2.A.3-2.A.3.b, 2.B.2.a-b, 8.A.3-8.A.3.b, 8.A.4.e emer. rules eff. 01/01/2022.
Regulation 7.A eff. 02/14/2022.
Regulations 1.C.1, 1.c.2.a-b, 1.C.11, 2.A.3, 2.A.9, 2.B.2.a-b, 8.A.3, 8.A.4.e eff. 04/14/2022.
47 CR 18, September 25, 2024, effective 10/15/2024


Rules 6.D.3. and 14.A.2. (adopted 09/16/2014) were not extended by Senate Bill 15-100 and therefore expired 05/15/2015.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.