1. 7 CCR 1103-8-1 - Statement of Purpose and Authority
  2. 7 CCR 1103-8-2 - Definitions
  3. 7 CCR 1103-8-3 - Investigations
  4. 7 CCR 1103-8-4 - Determination
  5. 7 CCR 1103-8-5 - Appeal
  6. 7 CCR 1103-8-6 - Certified Copy
  7. 7 CCR 1103-8-7 - Preservation of Actions
  8. 7 CCR 1103-8-8 - Discrimination and Reprisal Prohibited
  9. 7 CCR 1103-8-9 - [Effective until 4/1/2024] Discrimination and Reprisal Prohibited

Adopted on November 9, 2020, effective January 1, 2021.


7 CCR 1103-8
New rule eff. 02/14/2019.
Rules 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, 3.5 eff. 12/15/2019.
Rules 5.1.6 -5.1 .8, 6.5-6.13 eff. 07/15/2020. Rule 4.3 repealed eff. 07/15/2020.
Entire rule emer. rule eff. 09/21/2020.
Entire rule eff. 01/01/2021.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.