1. 8 CCR 1506-1-1 - Definitions
  2. 8 CCR 1506-1-2 - Conduct of Hearings
  3. 8 CCR 1506-1-3 - Service of Documents
  4. 8 CCR 1506-1-4 - [Repealed]
  5. 8 CCR 1506-1-5 - Rules of Evidence
  6. 8 CCR 1506-1-6 - Continuances and Recesses
  7. 8 CCR 1506-1-7 - Use of Copies as Evidence
  8. 8 CCR 1506-1-8 - [Repealed]
  9. 8 CCR 1506-1-9 - Representation Before Board
  10. 8 CCR 1506-1-10 - Record of Proceedings
  11. 8 CCR 1506-1-11 - Admission of Third Parties
  12. 8 CCR 1506-1-12 - Size of Exhibits and Retention
  13. 8 CCR 1506-1-13 - Subpoenas



Article X, Section 15 creates the State Board of Equalization and gives it the power to review the valuations determined for assessment of taxes upon the various classes of real and personal property located in the several counties of the state and shall, upon a majority vote, raise, lower, and adjust the same to the end that all valuations for assessment of taxes shall be just and equalized. The State Board shall also perform other duties as may be prescribed by law.

Under the authority of Section 39-9-103(8), C.R.S. the State Board of Equalization adopts these rules and the following statement of basis and purpose.

Statement of Basis and Purpose

The State Board of Equalization adopts these rules to insure all hearings conducted by the Board are fair, just and efficient. Hearings of the Board are conducted to carry out its duties which include:

Review of recommendations for orders of reappraisal that arise as a result of the valuation for assessment study, (§ 39-9-103(1), C.R.S.),

Review of recommendations for orders of reappraisal made by the Property Tax Administrator, (§ 39-9-103(2), C.R.S.),

Review of decisions by the Board of Assessment Appeals that affect the valuation of a class or subclass of property, (§ 39-9-103(5), C.R.S.),

The conduct of hearings regarding complaints of dereliction of duty on the part of an assessor, (§ 39-9-103(6), C.R.S.),

Review of the annual abstracts of assessment, (§ 39-9-103(7), C.R.S.),

Review of decisions made by the advisory committee to the Property Tax Administrator, (§ 39-9-103(10), C.R.S.) and

Review of matters regarding exemptions under the authority of the Property Tax Administrator, (§ 39-9-109, C.R.S.).


8 CCR 1506-1
Legal Authority, Statement of Basis and Purpose, Rules 2, 3, 5, 10, 13 eff. 03/02/2017. Rules 4, 8 repealed eff. 03/02/2017.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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