9 CCR 2503-1 - Reserved for Future Use

  1. § 9 CCR 2503-1-3.100 - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE


9 CCR 2503-1
Sections 3.600, 3.602, 3.625, 3.626, 3.631, 3.632 eff. 08/01/2007.
Section 3.490.21 -22 emer. rules eff. 07/13/2007.
Section 3.400.19 eff. 09/01/2007.
Sections 3.490.21, 3.490.22 eff. 09/30/2007.
Sections 3.636 -3.638 emer. rule eff. 10/01/2007.
Section 3900 eff. 11/01/2007; Section 3.210.37 repealed eff. 11/01/2007.
Sections 3.636-3.638 eff. 11/30/2007.
Sections 3.120, 3.130, 3.608, 3.610, 3.612, 3.618, 3.750-3.770, 3.810 eff. 12/01/2007.
Section 3.360.44 emer. rule eff. 01/01/2008.
Section 3.360.44 eff. 03/01/2008.
Sections 3.614 -3.617 emer. rules eff. 09/05/2008.
Sections 3.140, 3.705, 3.710, 3.711 eff. 10/01/2008.
Sections 3.614-3.617, 3.720, 3.730, 3.736, 3.738, 3.751, 3.752, 3.754, 3.755, 3.756, 3.758, 3.760 eff. 11/01/2008.
Section 3.140.1 eff. 01/01/2009.
Sections 3.360.44, 3.614.21, 3.614.41, 3.615, 3.616 emer. rules eff. 01/01/2009.
Section 3.639 emer. rule eff. 01/09/2009.
Sections 3.360.44, 3.614.21, 3.614.41, 3.615, 3.616 eff. 03/02/2009.
Sections 3.639, 3.900-3.922 eff. 04/01/2009.
Sections SB&P, 3.755.43 emer. rules eff. 03/06/2009.
Sections 3.903, 3.919 emer. rules eff. 04/03/2009.
Sections SB&P, 3.755.43 eff. 06/01/2009.
Sections 3.605, 3.638 emer. rules eff. 06/05/2009.
Sections 3.903, 3.919 eff. 07/01/2009.
Sections 3.200.41, 3.626.12-3.626.15 and 3.626.21 eff. 08/01/2009.
Sections 3.605, 3.638 eff. 09/01/2009.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.171(F), 3.600.14, 3.710.31(G-H), 3.711.11, 3.711.22, 3.751.1(B), 3.752.1-3.752.23, 3.752.25(A), 3.754.1, 3.755.13-3.755.21(D), 3.755.41, 3.756.16, 3.756.19-3.756.2, 3.758.47, 3.759.32, 3.760.31 eff. 10/01/2009.
Sections SB&P, 3.600.12(A), 3.612.1 (HH), 3.711.11 emer. rules eff. 12/04/2009.
Sections SB&P, 3.600.12(A), 3.612.1 (HH), 3.711.11 eff. 03/02/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.639.12-14 eff. 05/16/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.604.2, 3.604.4, 3.604.52, 3.625.7, 3.626.1 eff. 06/01/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.171-3.140.18, 3.360.6-3.360.63, 3.360.65, 3.360.68 emer. rules eff. 07/01/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.720.21 (Deleted), 3.720.4, 3.721, 3.730.3-3.730.42, 3.730.6-3.730.8 emer. rules eff. 07/09/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.752.22 (C), 3.758.47 Step A eff. 09/01/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.171-3.140.18, 3.360.6-3.360.63, 3.360.65, 3.360.68, 3.720.4, 3.721, 3.730.3-3.730.42, 3.730.6-3.730.7 eff. 10/01/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.612.1 emer. rule eff. 11/05/2010.
Sections SB&P, 3.110.6, 3.110.7, 3.120.24, 3.140.16, 3.200.12-3.200.13, 3.210.4, 3.500.5-3.500.51, 3.500.53, 3.500.61, 3.600.12(B-E), 3.600.14, 3.601.1, 3.603.1, 3.603.3-5, 3.603.8, 3.604.1, 3.604.4, 3.605-3.607.22.D, 3.609.1, 3.609.2, 3.609.3, 3.612, 3.612.1, 3.612.2, 3.612.3, 3.613.2, 3.613.3, 3.614.17, 3.614.23, 3.614.24, 3.616, 3.617.1, 3.617.2, 3.620.1-3.620.6, 3.622.2, 3.631.1, 3.810, 3.810.13, 3.810.32, 3.810.4, 3.810.7, 3.810.74, 3.811.11, 3.811.2, 3.811.21, 3.820.2; emer. rules eff. 01/07/2011; Repealed 3.608 emer. rule eff. 01/07/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.612.1, 3.612.1(II) eff. 02/01/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.173 eff. 04/01/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.110.6, 3.110.7, 3.120.24, 3.140.16, 3.200.12-3.200.13, 3.210.4, 3.500.5-3.500.51, 3.500.53, 3.500.61, 3.600.12(B-E), 3.600.14, 3.601.1, 3.603.1, 3.603.3-5, 3.603.8, 3.604.1, 3.604.4, 3.605-3.607.22.D, 3.609.1, 3.609.2, 3.609.3, 3.612, 3.612.1, 3.612.2, 3.612.3, 3.613.2, 3.613.3, 3.614.17, 3.614.23, 3.614.24, 3.616, 3.617.1, 3.617.2, 3.620.1-3.620.6, 3.622.2, 3.631.1, 3.810, 3.810.13, 3.810.32, 3.810.4, 3.810.7, 3.810.74, 3.811.11, 3.811.2, 3.811.21, 3.820.2 eff. 05/01/2011. Section 3.608 repealed eff. 05/01/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.600.12, 3.711.11, 3.903, 3.904.1, 3.907, 3.908.1, 3.913, 3.916.1, 3.919, 3.919.E.4, 3.919.F.7-8, 3.921-3.922 emer. rules eff. 06/10/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.12-3.140.12.C, 3.902-3.922 eff. 07/01/2011.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.12.D-14, 3.600.12, 3.711.11, 3.750.15, 3.751.1, 3.751.33, 3.752.1, 3.752.22 C-E, 3.752.23.L, 3.752.26-3.752.27, 3.752.28.C, 3.754.1, 3.755.21.C, 3.755.42, 3.755.6-3.756.11, 3.756.2-3.757.12, 3.758.16-17, 3.758.32, 3.758.47 (Step F)-3.758.48, 3.760.16, 3.760.43.K-P, 3.903, 3.904.1, 3.907, 3.908.1, 3.913, 3.916.1, 3.919, 3.919.E.4, 3.919.F.7-8, 3.921-3.922 eff. 09/01/2011.
Sections 3.720.1 -3.720 .31, 3.720.33, 3.720.4-3.720.5, 3.721.11, 3.721.21, 3.721.23, 3.721.25, 3.721.4-3.721.62, 3.730-3.730.1, 3.730.21-3.730.22, 3.730.42-3.730.43, 3.730.5, and 3.731-3.738 eff. 01/01/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.140.12, 3.750.14, 3.758.1, 3.759.3, 3.760.15 eff. 02/01/2012; Sections 3.751.56 . 3.757.13-3.757.15, 3.760.22 repealed eff. 02/01/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.740-3.746 emer. rules eff. 03/23/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.710.11, 3.711, 3.711.1 eff. 05/01/2012; Sections 3.710.12 -3.710 .13, 3.710.22-3.710.24, 3.710.32-3.710.33, 3.711.11-3.711.12 repealed eff 05/01/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.360.44, emer. rules eff. 07/01/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.740, 3.810.76.A, 3.811.21.E, 3.904.1.A-E, 3.905.C.7-8, 3.906.C, 3.907.C, 3.911.E, 3.913.T-AA.2 eff. 07/01/2012.
Sections SB&P, 3.100-3.100.21, 3.110-3.110.33, 3.120-3.120.14, 3.120.27, 3.120.31, 3.130-3.130.12, 3.130.31-33, 3.130.6 eff. 09/15/2012. Sections 3.100.3, 3.110.4 -3.110.53, 3.120.28, 3.130.52 repealed eff. 09/15/2012.
Section SB&P eff. 03/02/2013.
Section SB&P eff. 04/01/2013.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 04/05/2013.
Section SB&P eff. 05/01/2013.
Section SB&P eff. 07/01/2013.
Section SB&P eff. 08/07/2013.
Section SB&P eff. 11/01/2013.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 01/01/2014.
Entire rule eff. 03/02/2014.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 05/02/2014.
Section SB&P eff. 08/01/2014.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 08/06/2014.
Section SB&P eff. 10/01/2014.
Section SB&P eff. 12/01/2014.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 01/01/2015.
Section SB&P eff 03/20/2015.
Section SB&P eff 04/01/2015.
Section SB&P eff 06/01/2015.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 06/05/2015.
Section SB&P eff. 07/01/2015.
Section SB&P eff. 09/01/2015.
Section SB&P eff. 10/01/2015.
Section SB&P eff. 11/01/2015.
Section SB&P emer. rule eff. 12/04/2015.
Section SB&P eff. 01/01/2016.
Section SB&P eff. 03/01/2016.
Section SB&P eff. 04/01/2016.
Entire rule repealed eff. 11/01/2018.

Primary sections of 9 CCR 2503-1 have been recodified effective 09/15/2012. See list below. Versions and rule history prior to 09/15/2012 can be found in 9 CCR 2503-1. Prior versions can be accessed from the All Versions list on the current rule page.

Rule section 3.100, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-1, (Reserved for Future Use).

Rule section 3.200, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-2, (Reserved for Future Use).

Rule section 3.300, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-3, COLORADO REFUGEE SERVICES PROGRAM (CRSP).

Rule section 3.400, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-4, (Reserved for Future Use).

Rule section 3.500, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-5, ADULT FINANCIAL PROGRAMS.

Rule section 3.600, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-6, COLORADO WORKS PROGRAM.

Rule section 3.700, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-7, LOW-INCOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (LEAP).

Rule section 3.800, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-8, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES.

Rule section 3.900, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-9, COLORADO CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.


Rule 3.639.12 (adopted 02/06/2009) was not extended by Senate Bill 10-060 and therefore expired 05/15/2010.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.