9 CCR 2503-4 - Reserved for Future Use

  1. ยง 9 CCR 2503-4-3.400 - [Reserved]


9 CCR 2503-4
Section 3.460.45 emer. rule eff. 04/05/2013.
Section 3.460.45 eff. 07/01/2013.
Section 3.460.45 emer. rule eff. 01/01/2014.
Entire rule repealed eff. 03/02/2014.

Primary sections of 9 CCR 2503-1 have been recodified effective 09/15/2012. See list below. Versions and rule history prior to 09/15/2012 can be found in 9 CCR 2503-1. Prior versions can be accessed from the History link located above the rule text.

Rule section 3.000 - 3.100, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-1, GENERAL RULES.

Rule section 3.200, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-2, GENERAL FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.

Rule section 3.300, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-3, OLD AGE PENSION.

Rule section 3.400, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-4, AID TO THE NEEDY DISABLED AND AID TO THE BLIND.

Rule section 3.500, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-5, (Reserved for Future Use).

Rule section 3.600, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-6, COLORADO WORKS PROGRAM.

Rule section 3.700, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-7, OTHER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.

Rule section 3.800, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-8, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES.

Rule section 3.900, et seq. has been recodified as 9 CCR 2503-9, COLORADO CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.