8 CCR 1202-2, pt. 5 - Tolerance Criteria for Rejected Devices

5.1. Work orders or condemned device tags shall be issued for devices for which the owner is required to be licensed in the following circumstances:
5.1.1. For devices with a capacity up to and including 2,000 lbs.: If the allowable tolerance is specified in terms of divisions, a blue work order tag shall be placed on a scale that exceeds the allowable tolerance by up to and including three divisions. If the allowable tolerance is specified in terms of divisions, a red condemned device tag shall be placed on a scale that exceeds the allowable tolerance by more than three divisions.
5.1.2. For devices with a capacity greater than 2,000 lbs.: If the allowable tolerance is specified in terms of divisions, a blue work order tag shall be placed on a scale that exceeds the allowable tolerance by up to and including three times the allowed divisions. If the allowable tolerance is specified in terms of divisions, a red condemned device tag shall be placed on a scale that exceeds the allowable tolerance by more than three times the allowed divisions.


8 CCR 1202-2, pt. 5
37 CR 13, July 10, 2014, effective 7/30/2014

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