8 CCR 1203-2, pt. 16 - Non-registered Limited Commercial Applicator and non-registered Public Applicator training requirements

16.01. This Part 16 applies to all limited commercial applicators and public applicators, as defined in Sections 35-10-103(8) and (12), C.R.S., that are not registered with the Department pursuant to Section 35-10-109, C.R.S.
16.02. Any owner or designee of a non-registered limited commercial applicator and any employee of a non-registered public applicator must be trained prior to:
(a) The use of any general use pesticide that requires mixing or loading of a pesticide into a separate service container or application device.
(b) The use of any ready-to-use general use pesticide on the property of schools, children's day care facilities, hospitals and health care facilities required to obtain a license from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment pursuant to Section 25-3-101, C.R.S., and in children's playground areas.
16.03 Training is not required for the following uses of general use pesticides:
(a) The use of any anti-microbial pesticides such as those intended to disinfect, sanitize, reduce or mitigate growth or development of microbiological organisms.
(b) The use of any ready-to-use general use pesticide in areas other than those specified in Part 16.02(b).
16.04. Non-registered limited commercial applicator owners or their designee and all non-registered public applicator employees, before making any pesticide applications as specified in Part 16.02, must obtain training in all of the following subjects; laws and regulations, pesticides and their families, applicator safety, public safety, environmental protection and the use of pesticides. Persons that are required to be trained may meet these training requirements by:
(a) holding a current qualified supervisor, certified operator or private applicator license in any licensure category; or
(b) Taking and passing the qualified supervisor or certified operator general core examination or the private applicator examination within the last five years prior to the application of a pesticide; or
(c) Doing one of the following:
(1) Taking and passing the Department's on-line pesticide training course; or
(2) attending any continuing education courses that cover the required subjects and are approved by the Commissioner; or
(3) completing any other training that covers all of the above subjects and is approved by the Commissioner.
16.05. Training must be completed, at a minimum, within 3 years prior to the date of any application.
16.06. Training records for each person making applications must be maintained for a period of 3 years by the limited commercial applicator or public applicator.


8 CCR 1203-2, pt. 16
38 CR 23, December 10, 2015, effective 12/30/2015 39 CR 05, March 10, 2016, effective 3/30/2016 45 CR 01, January 10, 2022, effective 1/30/2022

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