Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-333-40 - Proposal for renewal-submission

(a) Upon completion of the proceeding under section 16-333-39 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the franchise holder may on its own initiative and upon request of the department submit a Proposal for Renewal.
(b) The proposal for franchise renewal, extension, or transfer shall include, but not be limited to information as to how the franchise holder intends to adequately meet the cable-related community needs and interests, including information as to:
(1) proposed system upgrades for greater channel capacity and advanced technological improvements and anticipated effect on subscriber basic rates for the next three years;
(2) proposed construction financing arrangements;
(3) proposed construction timetable and practices including proposed line extension throughout the franchise area;
(4) proposed facilities and equipment including system capabilities, design, and technical performance standards;
(5) proposed mix, quality, and level of services;
(6) proposed channel capacity for Public, Educational and Governmental use, including access channels, facilities, support services, staff for the access studio and training of the public in use of equipment;
(7) proposed system maintenance practices;
(8) proposed means to monitor performance and enforce compliance with franchise terms for the renewed franchise;
(9) proposed provisions for services for the handicapped;
(10) a statement confirming that the franchise holder has the financial ability to comply with provisions of its proposal for renewal;
(11) proposed term of franchise and service area;
(12) proposed equal opportunity and affirmative action policies;
(13) proposed insurance coverage;
(14) such other information as the department, after completion of the proceeding pursuant to section 16-333-39, may deem appropriate; and
(15) any information available to the franchise holder, relevant to the departments determination of the appropriate community access support amount.
(c) Upon submission of the cable operator's proposal the department shall:
(1) promptly provide notice to the public that the proposal has been submitted for consideration;
(2) commence evaluation of the proposal and, within four months of the completion of the proceeding under section 16-333-39 of these regulations, the department shall either issue a decision to renew, extend or transfer the certificate or issue a preliminary finding that the application for the renewal, extension or transfer shall be denied; and
(3) conduct a hearing, as defined in section 16-1-2(d) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies to establish the amount that the franchise holder or organization responsible for community access shall receive for such operation from each mvpd within a franchise area.
(d) If a preliminary decision not to renew has been issued, the department shall commence a further review proceeding as provided in section 16-333-41 of these regulations.


Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-333-40
Effective June 27, 1989; Amended September 26, 1996

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.