17 - Encroachment Permit Regulations

  1. § 13b-17-1 - Purpose and applicability
  2. § 13b-17-2 - Definitions
  3. § 13b-17-3 - Conditions for issuance of permits
  4. § 13b-17-4 - Application for permit
  5. § 13b-17-5 - Rejection of applications
  6. § 13b-17-6 - Inviolability of non-access lines
  7. § 13b-17-7 - Issuance of permit
  8. § 13b-17-8 - Bond requirements
  9. § 13b-17-9 - Insurance requirements
  10. § 13b-17-10 - Obligation of the permittee and the state
  11. § 13b-17-11 - Cost of permit work
  12. § 13b-17-12 - Removal of material from highway right of way
  13. § 13b-17-13 - Drainage requirements
  14. § 13b-17-14 - Construction of roads and streets
  15. § 13b-17-15 - Driveways
  16. § 13b-17-16 - Major traffic generators
  17. § 13b-17-17 - Utility installation requirements
  18. § 13b-17-18 - Parking areas within the highway right of way
  19. § 13b-17-19 - Signs
  20. § 13b-17-20 - Mailboxes
  21. § 13b-17-21 - Gasoline stations
  22. § 13b-17-22 - Parades, block dances, etc
  23. § 13b-17-23 - Holidays
  24. § 13b-17-24 - Emergency permits
  25. § 13b-17-25 - Extension of time
  26. § 13b-17-26 - Responsibility for boundary lines
  27. § 13b-17-27 - Construction or repair of sidewalks, curbs or steps
  28. § 13b-17-28 - Safety to traffic
  29. § 13b-17-29 - Removal of existing pavement surfaces
  30. § 13b-17-30 - Excavating and trenching
  31. § 13b-17-31 - Trench support
  32. § 13b-17-32 - Slide and cave-ins
  33. § 13b-17-33 - Jacking, boring or tunnelling
  34. § 13b-17-34 - Blasting
  35. § 13b-17-35 - Backfilling
  36. § 13b-17-36 - Temporary pavement repairs and improved shoulder repairs
  37. § 13b-17-37 - Period of settling
  38. § 13b-17-38 - Making repairs on roadsides
  39. § 13b-17-39 - Responsibility for replacement of pavement, shoulders and other parts of the highway
  40. § 13b-17-40 - Quality of construction and repair work
  41. § 13b-17-41 - Final inspection, acceptance of work and closing out of permits
  42. § 13b-17-42 - Refusal to do acceptable work
  43. § 13b-17-43 - Revoking permits
  44. § 13b-17-44 - Keeping drainage system open
  45. § 13b-17-45 - Protecting tree roots
  46. § 13b-17-46 - Detours
  47. § 13b-17-47 - Repealed
  48. § 13b-17-48 to 13b-17-99 - Reserved
  49. Rail Regulatory Activities Initiated Pursuant to Chapters 278, 279 and 280 of the Connecticut General Statutes (§ 13b-17-100 to 13b-17-155)
  50. Rules of Practice (Article ONE to IV)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.