Title 25 - Water Resources, Flood and Erosion Control

  1. 26 - Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment Plants (§ 25-26-1 to 25-26-6 to 25-26-15 to 25-26-23)
  2. 32 - Qualifications of Operators of Water Treatment Plants (§ 25-32-1 to 25-32-7)
  3. 32d - Source Water Protection Measures (§ 25-32d-1 to 25-32d-6)
  4. 32e - Civil Penalties for Violation of Certain Drinking Water Laws (§ 25-32e-1)
  5. 33b - Program of Loans and Grants to Private and Municipal Water Companies (§ 25-33b-1 to 25-33b-5)
  6. 33h - Connecticut Plan for Public Water Supply Coordination (§ 25-33h-1)
  7. 37c - Establishment of Criteria and Performance Standards for Classification Water Company Lands, and Department of Health Services Review of Disposition and Use of Such Lands (§ 25-37c-1 to 25-37c-2)
  8. 37d - Water Company Land Permits (§ 25-37d-1 to 25-37d-9)
  9. 54cc - Terminals for the Loading or Discharge of Petroleum or Chemical Liquids or Products From Vessels (§ 25-54cc-1 to 25-54cc-7)
  10. 54cc(c) - Hazardous Waste Management (§ 25-54cc(c)-1-25-54cc(c)-16 to 25-54cc(c)-44)
  11. 54i - Water Pollution Control (§ 25-54i-1.0 to 25-54i-5.2)
  12. 68h - Flood Management Regulations for State Agencies (§ 25-68h-1 to 25-68h-3)
  13. 104 - Soil Conservation (§ 25-104-1 to 25-104-11)
  14. 104a - Establishment of Connecticut Council on Soil and Water Conservation (§ 25-104a-1 to 25-104a-3)
  15. 110 - Construction of Dams (§ 25-110-1 to 25-110-4)
  16. 128 - Description of Organization, Rules of Practice, and Regulations for the Well Drilling Industry (§ 25-128-1 to 25-128-32 to 25-128-64)
  17. 129 - Well Casing Extension (§ 25-129-1 to 25-129-11)
  18. 130 - Well Drilling and Geothermal Systems (§ 25-130-1)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.