19 Del. Admin. Code § 2001-5.0 - Cost of Coverage

5.1 Regular officers and employees become eligible for State Share contributions on the first of the month following the date of hire. State Share contributions are limited to State regular officers, employees, LTD beneficiaries and pensioners.
5.2 Permanent part-time (regularly scheduled to work less than 130 hours per month), temporary per diem and contractual employees of the General Assembly as described in subsection 1.1 of this regulation are eligible to participate in the State Plan, but are not eligible for State Share. Therefore, any such employee joining the State Plan must pay the full cost of the health plan selected. Payment must be collected by the organization and forwarded to the Department of Human Resources/Financial & Administrative Services by the first day of the month for which the employee's coverage becomes effective.
5.2.1 If an existing full-time State employee takes a limited term position, State Share shall continue.
5.2.2 Casual and seasonal employees and substitutes are not eligible to participate in the State Plan, nor are they eligible for State Share.
5.3 Pursuant to 29 Del.C. § 5202(d), eligible employees who were both each first employed as a regular officer or employee by the State on or before December 31, 2011 and a husband and wife legally married on or before December 31, 2011, may each qualify as a regular officer, employee or eligible pensioner of the State. In the case where 2 members of a family qualify, the following options are set forth:
5.3.1 The 2 employees, or an eligible pensioner, and all eligible dependents may choose to enroll under 1 family contract.
5.3.2 Each employee, or an eligible pensioner, may choose to enroll under a separate contract. Eligible dependents may be enrolled under either contract, but no dependent shall be enrolled more than once under the state health insurance program.
5.3.3 The provisions of this paragraph shall continue to apply to a surviving spouse for employee only or employee and children contracts after the death of 1 of the spouses covered in response to this paragraph has occurred, as long as the surviving spouse is entitled to a survivor's pension in response to 29 Del.C. § 5528.
5.3.4 If employee and spouse are eligible pensioners where 1 or both retire on or after July 1, 2012, and before July 1, 2017, only 1 $25 per month charge shall apply when separate contracts are required for a Medicare Supplement plan.
5.3.5 Effective January 1, 2018, if the 2 employees or non-Medicare pensioners enroll under an employee and spouse or family contract, the employee or non-Medicare pensioner who enrolls for the coverage shall be charged 50% of the employee or non-Medicare pensioner cost share premium per month, or $25 per month, whichever is greater. If the employees or non-Medicare pensioners choose to enroll in separate plans, employee only and employee and children contracts, each employee or non-Medicare pensioner shall be charged 50% of the employee or non-Medicare cost share premium per month, or $25 per month, whichever is greater for the plans chosen. If both spouses are eligible pensioners and 1 is not yet Medicare eligible, the non-Medicare pensioner will enroll under a pensioner only or pensioner and children contract and the Medicare pensioner will enroll in the Medicare Supplement plan. The non-Medicare pensioner shall be charged 50% of the cost share premium, or $25 per month, whichever is greater. If 1 spouse is a regular officer or employee and 1 spouse is a Medicare eligible pensioner, the regular officer or employee who enrolls for employee and spouse or family coverage shall be charged 50% of the employee cost share premium. If the employee and Medicare eligible spouse choose to enroll in separate plans, employee and Medicare eligible pensioner shall be charged 50% of the employee and Medicare supplement cost share premium per month, or $25 per month, whichever is greater for the plans chosen. If both spouses are Medicare eligible and 1 or both retired on or after July 1, 2017, only one 50% pensioner only, or $25 per month premium, whichever is greater, shall apply when separate contracts are required for a Medicare Supplement Plan. If both spouses are Medicare eligible and both retired after July 1, 2012, and before July 1, 2017, each Medicare eligible pensioner shall be charged $25 per month premium when separate contracts are required for a Medicare Supplement plan.
5.3.6 In no case shall there be a monetary credit or return to the spouse for that spouse's basic credits.
5.4 If a husband and wife are both permanent full-time active employees or pensioners and married to each other on or before December 31, 2011, and leave State Service, on authorized unpaid leave of absence (no longer eligible for State Share), or stop collecting a pension, on or after January 1, 2012, they will be eligible to earn State Share as indicated in subsection 5.3 of this regulation if they return or are permanent full-time active employees or pensioners at a future date as long as they are married to the same spouse who is also a regular officer or employee or pensioner.
5.5 If a regular officer or employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner, or beneficiary selects coverage under any plan, the employee or pensioner is responsible for paying the monthly employee premium cost for the selected plan and coverage class (employee, employee and child, employee and spouse, or family).
5.6 A regular officer or employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner who is eligible for the State Share contribution may not receive the cash equivalent in lieu of the coverage itself.
5.7 Health coverage premiums for State of Delaware regular officers and employees are collected on a lag basis. (Example: January coverage is paid by deduction in the second pay of January plus deduction in the first pay of February).
5.7.1 Each agency/school district/sub group is responsible for reconciling premiums to ensure that proper payment has been remitted. Payments, other than those made through OMB/PHRST's automated payroll system, and all adjustments must be submitted in accordance with Statewide Benefits Office procedures. The State Plan will not be responsible for payment of premiums or claims if a signed enrollment form/confirmation statement/waiver is not in the employee file.
5.7.2 When a regular officer or employee of the State transfers from one State agency, school district, or charter school to another mid-month, the State agency, school district, or charter school where the employee left is responsible for the health plan premium payment for the entire month.
5.8 An eligible employee who returns from an authorized unpaid leave of absence is entitled to State Share payments upon return. The employee must request enrollment by contacting their Human Resources Office within 30 days of return from leave of absence. State Share and coverage (if it has lapsed) begin on the date of return from leave of absence.
5.9 Any regular officer or employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner who fails to make payment for their share of the cost of health coverage when they are eligible to continue coverage and does not have sufficient salary, disability or pension from which payment can be deducted will have coverage canceled on the first day of the following month that a regular officer or employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner fails to pay the required share for the coverage selected.
5.9.1 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulations provide that employees have a 30-day grace period for late premium payments. The employer's obligation to maintain health coverage ceases if an employee's premium payment is more than 30 days late.
5.9.2 Benefit Representative or Human Resources Offices should continue the employee's health coverage for the 30-day period provided under FMLA. The Benefit Representative or Human Resources Offices can then do a retroactive cancellation if the required employee contribution was not paid by the end of the 30-day grace period. (See subsection 5.21 of this regulation for additional FMLA considerations.)
5.10 An employee who has a break in active employment due to authorized leave of absence, suspension, termination or unauthorized leave of absence without pay for a full calendar month, shall not be eligible for State Share for that calendar month and any subsequent calendar month that the employee is in a non-pay status for the entire calendar month. In the case of an authorized leave of absence, an intermittent return to work or use of paid leave of less than five full days in one month, the employee shall not be entitled to State Share contributions. Full payment must be made to the organization by the first of each month in order to retain coverage and the organization shall remit payment to the Department of Human Resources/Financial & Administrative Services. Upon return, the employee is eligible for State Share, provided the break was the result of any of the following:
5.10.1 An authorized leave of absence;
5.10.2 A suspension without pay; or
5.10.3 Termination or unauthorized leave of absence for a period less than 30 calendar days.
5.11 State Share will be paid for employees drawing Workers' Compensation and State Personal Injury Protection (PIP), provided the employee is not eligible for coverage from a subsequent employer. Such an employee must submit payment for the share of the coverage that would normally be deducted from their salary.
5.12 State Share will be paid for employees who are approved for Short Term or Long Term Disability or both through the State's DIP.
5.12.1 Employee's share of premium shall be deducted by OMB from employee's salary or by the DIP Plan Administrator from the beneficiary's monthly LTD check.
5.12.2 Employees whose STD claims are in a pending status are entitled to receive State Share for the period the STD claim is in a pending status. If STD claim is denied, the employee is responsible for the State Share paid on their behalf while the claim was in a pending status.
5.12.3 Employees who are appealing a STD termination or benefit denial or both are eligible to receive State Share for the period the employee is appealing or requesting STD benefits. If the appeal results in a denial, the employee is responsible for the State Share paid on their behalf during the period the claim was in a pending appeal status.
5.13 Any refund of State Share or employee or pensioner share for health plan coverage is subject to the following requirements:
5.13.1 A regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner who has paid the State Share in order to ensure continuation of health coverage and then later is found to have been eligible for receipt of State Share, is to be refunded the amount that was not paid by the State. The employee or pensioner must make application for the refund within 1 calendar year of the date the employee first paid the State Share to be refunded as required under 10 Del.C. § 8111.
5.13.2 A regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or eligible pensioner who has paid the employee or pensioner share then later is found to have been eligible for State Share in accordance with 29 Del.C. § 5202(d) is to be refunded the amount paid for employee or pensioner share for a period not to exceed one calendar year. The employee or pensioner seeking a refund must make application for the refund within 1 year of the date the employee or pensioner first paid the employee or pensioner share to be refunded as required under 10 Del.C. § 8111.
5.13.3 A regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner who has paid the employee or pensioner share for an ineligible dependent (for example following divorce, death, or exceeding the dependent age limits) is to be refunded the amount paid for employee or pensioner share for a period not to exceed 60 days, provided that the State Plan has not paid claims for the dependent during the period of ineligibility. The employee or pensioner seeking a refund must make application for the refund within 60 days of the date the employee or pensioner paid the employee or pensioner share to be refunded. The employee or pensioner shall be liable for any amounts paid by the State Plan on behalf of the ineligible dependent and which exceed employee or pensioner share paid and attributable to the dependent for the period of ineligibility. A regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner who fails to make notification of a divorce or civil union dissolution within 30 days shall not be eligible for a refund.
5.13.4 A regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary, or pensioner who has paid the employee or pensioner share for themselves or a covered dependent and later found to be dual covered under another health plan contract through the GHIP shall be refunded the amount paid for the employee or pensioner share for a period not to exceed 60 days, assuming the dual coverage has been resolved.
5.13.5 If an employee is terminated from employment and does not pay the employee share for the second half of the month in which terminated, coverage under the Plan is terminated as of the first day of the month. A refund will be given, if the employee makes request for a refund within 60 days and upon determination that the State Plan did not pay claims for any enrolled members during the month of employment termination.
5.13.6 Refunds of less than $1.00 will not be made.
5.13.7 The refund is limited to the amount paid by the regular officer, employee, or eligible pensioner during the 1 employee or pensioner share for which the State should have paid the State Share or employee or pensioner share as established in accordance with 10 Del.C. § 8111.
5.14 Teachers who are granted a sabbatical leave of absence are eligible for State Share while they are on such leave. Also see subsection 6.3 of this regulation.
5.15 All employees whose positions are involuntarily terminated after they have been employed for a full calendar year (or full school year) who return to full-time State employment within 24 months of their termination or rehired shall be eligible for coverage and State Share on the first of the month following the date of rehire.
5.16 A temporary, casual, seasonal employee, or substitute teacher of the State who becomes a "Regular Officer or Employee" will be eligible for coverage and State Share on the first of the month following the date they become a "Regular Officer or Employee".
5.17 State Share shall continue for a "Regular Officer or Employee" who is temporarily appointed to a position that results in a dual incumbency.
5.18 Any regular officer, employee or pensioner who is also receiving a survivor's pension through the State of Delaware shall also be entitled to State Share for the survivor's pension. The increment of cost of the contract selected by the regular officer or employee or eligible pensioner who is also receiving a survivor's pension, shall be deducted by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) from salary, pension, or disability payment or checks. Also see subsection 5.3.3 of this regulation.
5.19 A regular officer or employee called to active duty with the National Guard or Reserve for other than training purposes shall continue to receive State Share toward health insurance coverage for a period of up to 2 years. Employee's share must be remitted to Benefit Representative or Human Resources Office for further processing.
5.20 In the event that the State Plan has paid the employee or pensioner share or any copays, coinsurance, deductibles or other amounts that the Statewide Benefits Office determines should have been paid by the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner or covered spouse or dependent of the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner after deducting premiums paid during the applicable period and upon prior written notice to such regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner (which shall not be less than 60, the State Plan, to the extent permissible under applicable law, may recover such amounts from such regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner by deducting the amount paid by the State Plan from the after tax pay due to the regular officer or employee, LTD beneficiary or by invoicing the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner.
5.20.1 The regular officer, employee or pensioner shall be provided an opportunity to dispute such amounts owed to the State Plan to the Statewide Benefits Office; and
5.20.2 If the amount owed by the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner exceeds $500 then the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner shall be provided an opportunity to have the amount owed deducted or invoiced in monthly installments over a period of time not less than 12 months. In accordance with 10 Del.C. § 8106(a), payment which the State Plan has made for the employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner share or any copays, coinsurance, deductible or other amounts that the Statewide Benefits Office determines should have been paid by the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioners or covered spouse or dependent of the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner for a period of up to 1 year may be collected from the regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner after deducting premiums paid during the applicable period and provided the State Plan shall provide such regular officer, employee, LTD beneficiary or pensioner an opportunity to repay the amount due in a period of time not less than the total number of months being collected by the State Plan or not less than 12 months if the amount owed exceeds $500.
5.21 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulations provide that employees who fail to return to work after their FMLA leave entitlement has been exhausted shall be responsible for repayment of the State Share under the group health plan unless they fail to return to work due to their own or eligible family member's serious health condition, or for some other reason beyond their control, including STD leave.
5.22 Pensioner State Share eligibility is set forth in 29 Del.C. § 5202(b).
5.23 A pensioner who returns to active State employment as a "Regular Officer or Employee" is entitled to coverage and State Share on the first of the month following the date or hire.


19 Del. Admin. Code § 2001-5.0
6 DE Reg. 690 (11/01/02)
12 DE Reg. 986 (01/01/09)
13 DE Reg. 126 (07/01/09)
13 DE Reg. 683 (11/01/09)
15 DE Reg. 225 (08/01/11)
15 DE Reg. 1071 (01/01/12)
16 DE Reg. 1003 (03/01/13)
16 DE Reg. 1090 (04/01/13)
24 DE Reg. 601 (12/1/2020)
27 DE Reg. 532 (1/1/2024) (Final)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.