26 Del. Admin. Code §§ 2001-2.0 - Records And Reports

2.1 Availability Of Records

All books, accounts, papers, records, and memoranda required by these rules or necessary for the administration thereof, shall be open and available for examination by the Commission or its authorized representatives at all times.

2.2 Retention Of Records

All books, accounts, papers, records, and memoranda required by these rules shall be preserved for a minimum period of three (3) years.

2.3 Location

All books, accounts, papers, records, and memoranda required by these rules shall be kept in an office within this State, and shall not be removed from this State, except upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Commission. This provision shall not apply if the utility is engaged in interstate commerce, whose accounts are kept at its principal office outside this State. However, such utility, when required by the Commission, shall furnish to same, certified copies of its books, accounts, papers, records, and memoranda relating to the business done by such public utility.

2.4 Information To Be Filed With The Commission

Each utility shall file with the Commission, and keep current, a copy of its approved tariff.

2.4.1 Rates.The tariff shall include each schedule of rates for service.
2.4.2 Rules.The tariff shall include the utility's rules and regulations, or terms and conditions describing the utility's policies and practices in rendering service, and in its relations with customers or prospective customers.
2.4.3 Bill Forms.Each utility shall file with the Commission a sample of each type of customer billing statement, which shall include the information normally shown on a customer's bill for service.
2.4.4 System Map(s). Each utility shall file with the Commission a map showing the utility's water system, scale 1" = 1 mile or less, e.g. 1" = 2000 feet. Such map shall be revised annually unless such revision is unnecessary in which event the utility shall notify the Commission that the map on file is current. The map should show: the location of pumping stations, treatment plants, and sources of supply; storage facilities; mains 8 inches or larger; service area.
2.4.5 Persons to Contact.Each utility shall file with the Commission and shall notify its customers upon request, of the name, title, business address, and telephone number of the person(s) who should be contacted in connection with the following areas of operation: management; customer relations (complaints and billing inquiries); engineering and water quality; meter tests and repairs; emergencies during non-office hours and regular hours; and shall notify the Commission promptly of any changes.
2.4.6 Accident Notification. In the event of a fatal or serious accident, prompt notice shall be given to the Commission by telephone or telegraph, followed by a written report of such accident. A full report is also required when any serious property damage shall have been caused to the utility. These reports shall be treated confidentially per 26 Del.C. § 213 (b).
2.4.7 Reports of Service Interruption. Each utility shall file with the Commission a monthly report of any interruptions in service within ten (10) days after the end of any month in which an interruption occurred. Negative reports are also required after the end of any month in which no interruptions occurred. Reports shall include: location and time of interruption; time of restoration of service; estimated number of customers affected; when known, the cause for interruption. Utilities shall make all possible efforts to re-establish service in the shortest time practicable with due regard to safety. When service is interrupted for scheduled repairs or maintenance, such work should be done at a time which will cause the least inconvenience to customers. The customers who would be affected should be notified prior to the scheduled interruption. If any interruption affects or would affect the service to any public fire protection device or department, the utility shall immediately notify the official responsible for fire protection.
2.4.8 Annual Reports. Each utility shall file an annual financial statement based upon the accounts set out in the Uniform System of Accounts, or such other requirement as prescribed by the Commission. This report shall be filed with the Commission on or before March 31st of the succeeding year for which the report covers.
2.5 Complaints
2.5.1 Each utility shall keep a record of each complaint received. The complaint record shall contain: complainant's name, address, and telephone number; nature of the complaint; date complaint was received; when, how, and by whom the complaint was handled; disposition and findings of the complaint.
2.5.2 Resolution. All complaints should be handled promptly, courteously, and include a full investigation prior to any conclusion.
2.5.3 Disputes. No customer shall be disconnected when a dispute over a billing statement is under investigation. No water company shall discontinue service because of non-payment while the company is investigating a customer's complaint about a bill, nor shall any customer's service be terminated for non-payment without Commission approval once the company has been notified that a formal complaint concerning a water bill has been filed with the Public Service Commission under the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. No notice of termination of service for non-payment may be sent to a customer during the investigation of a complaint by either the company or the Commission, and no additional deposit may be required for the continuation of service during the period of such investigation. After the Commission or the company has completed its investigation of a customer's complaint concerning a bill, the customer shall be afforded a reasonable time, not less than twenty (20) days, to pay the bill as finally determined.
2.5.4 Definition. "Complaint" as used in this subsection shall be construed to mean any specific objection to charges or meter readings on the billing statement, facilities, practices, or services of a utility.
2.6 Meter Records
2.6.1 Meter reading sheets, cards, or records from which billing statements are prepared shall contain: customer's name, address, and rate schedule; meter identification number; meter reading and date reading was made; applicable water meter multiplier or constant; estimated or actual reading.
2.6.2 Inventory Records. Each utility shall maintain records of each meter and metering device which will identify each as to its design, capacity, and application. Such identifying information may also include: manufacturer, number, type, size, capacity, multiplier, and/or constants.
2.6.3 History Records. Each utility shall maintain records for each meter and metering device which shall show the date of purchase, date of installation, date of removal from service, together with the location.
2.6.4 Testing Records.Each utility shall maintain test records on each meter, which shall include the following: date of last test, and date and reason for current test; meter reading at time of disconnection from customer's premises prior to any testing; the accuracy before testing and after adjustment; if testing is performed in conjunction with a standard meter, the utility shall retain all data taken to permit checking test methods andcalculations; if a standard meter is used for accuracy calibration of customer meters, it will be checked and adjusted at least semi-annually.


26 Del. Admin. Code §§ 2001-2.0

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.