26 Del. Admin. Code § 3010-4.0 - Load Forecast

4.1 The Company shall consider a range of load growth forecasts that include:
4.1.1 Both historical data and future estimates.
4.1.2 Both winter and summer peak demand for total Delmarva Delaware load and Delmarva Delaware SOS load by customer class.
4.1.3 Weather adjustments, including consideration of climate change potential.
4.1.4 Five (5) year historical loads, current year-end estimate and ten (10) year weather adjusted forecast showing individually and aggregated Delmarva Delaware and Delmarva Delaware SOS load, and both Delmarva Delaware and Delmarva Delaware SOS load disaggregated by customer classes, including both capacity (MW) and energy requirements (MWh).
4.1.5 Analyses of how existing and forecast Conservation, DR, DSM, Customer-Sited Generation, various economic and demographic factors, including the price of electricity, will affect the consumption of electric services, and how customer choice under Retail Competition of utility service may affect future loads.
4.1.6 Description of the process the Company used to develop these forecasts. Forecasts shall include the probability of occurrence. Within the forecasting modeling descriptions the Company shall demonstrate how well its model predicted past load data for the prior five (5) years.


26 Del. Admin. Code § 3010-4.0

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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