712 - Merger with Out-of-State Banks[1]

  1. § 712-1.0 - Merger Application By A Delaware State Bank
  2. § 712-2.0 - Application For Waiver Of The 30% Concentration Limit
  3. § 712-3.0 - Additional Information, Investigation, Notice, Comment and Hearing
  4. § 712-4.0 - Findings and Decision
  5. § 712-5.0 - Filing Of Merger Agreement With The Secretary Of State

(Sections 795D, 795F, 795G, 795H)

Formerly Regulation No.: 5.795etal.0016

Effective Date: January 12, 1998

This regulation establishes procedures governing:

(i) the merger of one or more out-of-state banks with or into one or more Delaware banks to result in a Delaware state bank, pursuant to § 795D of Title 5, Delaware Code;
(ii) the merger of one or more Delaware state banks with or into one or more out-of-state banks to result in an out-of-state state bank, pursuant to § 795F of Title 5, Delaware Code;
(iii) the merger with an out-of-state bank of a Delaware state bank that is in default or in danger of default, pursuant to § 795G of Title 5, Delaware Code; and
(iv) the approval by the Commissioner, pursuant to § 795H of Title 5, Delaware Code, of a merger in accordance with Sections 795C, 795D, 795E, 795F or 795G of Title 5, Delaware Code, even though the resulting bank (including all insured depository institutions, as defined in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act at 12 U.S.C. § 1813(c), which would be affiliates of the resulting bank), upon consummation of the transaction, would control 30 percent or more of the total amount of deposits of insured depository institutions in this State. This regulation is to be used in conjunction with statutory provisions included by reference in Sections 795D, 795F, 795G and 795H of Title 5, Delaware Code, and the merger procedure prescribed in Subchapter IX of Chapter 1 of Title 8, Delaware Code, for the merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations.

[1] 12.1 Terms used in this regulation are as defined in § 795 of Title 5, Delaware Code, unless otherwise noted.

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