Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 29H-1.005 - Officers and Committees

The officers of the Council shall be as follows:

(1) Chair: The Chair shall preside at meetings of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. The Chair shall appoint all committees and committee chairs and shall sign on behalf of the Council all deeds, contracts, and other formal instruments, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Council.
(2) Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall, during the absence of the Chair or inability to act, have and exercise all the powers and duties of the Chair and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Council.
(3) Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall give notice and keep minutes of all meetings, have custody of the records of the Council and of its seal, and attest all necessary instruments. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the chief financial agent of the Council and may exercise authority in all financial matters in accordance with such authority as may be granted by the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have an annual audit made by an independent auditing firm approved by the Council and shall submit a yearly financial report at the Annual General Meeting.
(4) The officers shall be elected annually by the Council and shall hold office for one (1) year or until their respective successors are elected and qualified. The Council shall utilize a Nominating Committee, chosen by the Chair, for nominating the annual slate of officers. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by the Council at its next regular meeting; the person so elected shall serve until a successor is elected and duly qualified.
(5) Executive-Budget Committee: An Executive-Budget Committee may be appointed by the Council and shall at a minimum consist of all officers of the Council. The Committee shall exist for the time specified and shall perform those duties delegated to it by the Council, including approving an annual budget to govern financial operations of the Council for each fiscal year beginning October 1st and shall submit same to the June regular meeting of the Council for adoption, unless otherwise decided. The Chair of the Executive-Budget Committee shall be the Chair of the Council and the Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair. The Executive-Budget Committee may act on behalf of the full Council when a quorum of the full Council is not present, in case of emergencies, or when required to meet the statutory responsibilities of the Council, and shall report such action to the Council at its next regular meeting for whatever action the Council deems necessary. In those instances when the Committee acts on behalf of the full Council, members of the Committee may attend and participate either by telephone or in person.
(6) Advisory Committees: The Chair may appoint Advisory Committees to assist the Chair, the Council and the staff in carrying out their responsibilities. Advisory Committees may consist of Council and non-Council members. The Council Chair shall either appoint a Chair from among the members of each Advisory Committee or delegate authority to one or more Advisory Committees to appoint a Chair from among their members. Advisory Committees shall meet upon the call of the Council Chair, its Chair or the Executive Director, and shall consider such matters as may be referred to it. Advisory Committees shall present recommendations, findings and reports to the full Council and/or the Executive-Budget Committee for whatever action is deemed appropriate.
(7) Agency on Bay Management: The Council Chair shall appoint the members of the Agency on Bay Management, which shall carry out responsibilities and operate in accordance with policies approved by the Council. The Agency on Bay Management shall consist of Council and non-Council members. The Council Chair shall appoint the Chair and Vice Chair of the Agency on Bay Management.
(8) Clearinghouse Review Committee. The Clearinghouse Review Committee is a committee established by the Council with authority to conduct pre-application meetings, site visits concerning proposed Developments of Regional Impact (DRI), and provide advice as necessary on matters relating to the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Tampa Bay Region and/or intergovernmental coordination and review.
(a) The Council Chair shall appoint a minimum of five Council representatives to the Committee of which the Vice Chair of the Council shall be the Chair of the Committee. The term of each appointment shall expire with the term of the Chair of the Council.
(b) The Committee or the staff shall conduct a preapplication conference for each DRI to be assessed by the Council pursuant to the following procedures:
1. A project summary will be prepared by the applicant and submitted at least 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the project preapplication conference.
2. The project summary will be reviewed by Council staff and a report prepared for committee action which will include the aspects of the proposed project recommended for designation as regional issues of concern.
3. The project summary, along with the staff report, will be sent to committee members and to the appropriate reviewing agencies 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the project preapplication conference. The staff report will also be provided to the applicant 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the project preapplication conference.
4. Preapplication conferences, as needed, shall be held once a month during the regularly scheduled Clearinghouse Review Committee meetings.
5. The applicant, Council staff and reviewing agencies shall be provided the opportunity to identify areas of concern with the proposed projects during the preapplication conference.
6. A list of regional issues specific to the project, as approved by the committee, shall be provided 10 days following the preapplication conference to the developer for consideration during the preparation of the Application for Development Approval, as part of the follow-up correspondence reiterating the areas of agreement reached at the preapplication conference.
(c) A site inspection for committee members, other agency representatives and staff will be held, as needed, during the month following the preapplication conference and shall be scheduled for the mutual convenience of the parties involved.
(d) As necessary and upon the request of the Council or staff, the committee shall review and provide advice on matters relating to the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Tampa Bay Region and/or intergovernmental coordination and review.
(9) Other Committees: The Chair or Executive Director may appoint additional standing or special committees as deemed necessary. Appointments to special committees need not be limited to members of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. All committee appointments shall be for the work year and shall expire with the term of the Chair.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 29H-1.005

Rulemaking Authority 120.53(1)(a), 163.01(2), (7)(a), (b), 186.504, 186.505 FS. Law Implemented 120.53(1)(a), 163.01(2), (7)(a), (b), 186.504, 186.505 FS.

New 11-25-75, Amended 11-8-76, 11-19-79, 8-15-83, 10-21-84,Formerly 29H-1.05, Amended 3-9-09.

New 11-25-75, Amended 11-8-76, 11-19-79, 8-15-83, 10-21-84, Formerly 29H-1.05, Amended 3-9-09.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.