(1) A general
permit is granted to the Florida Department of Transportation, counties, and
municipalities to conduct the activities described below:
(a) For existing maintained roadways and
causeways, the alteration, placement, replacement, removal, modification, or
maintenance of bridges or bridge culverts and approaches where the combined
total of dredging and filling, both temporary and permanent, in wetlands and
other surface waters does not exceed 0.5 acre. The total work conducted under
notices of intent to use this general permit shall result in the creation of no
more than 0.5 acre of new overwater structure for any bridge crossing,
including parallel spans, and no new structure area over waters within
federally designated critical habitat of Johnson's seagrass (Halophila
(b) Channel
clearing and shaping, not to exceed a combined total of 0.5 acre of dredging
and filling in wetlands and other surface waters, to facilitate maximum
hydraulic efficiency of the structures detailed in paragraph (a), above, where
the spoil material is used on an upland portion of the project or is deposited
on a self-contained, upland spoil site. Escape of spoil material or water from
the spoil deposition area into wetlands or other surface waters is
(2) This
general permit shall be subject to the following specific conditions:
(a) No dredging of access or work channels is
authorized by this general permit;
(b) Temporary fill roads shall not be
constructed waterward of mean high water or ordinary high water;
(c) All fill placed in wetlands, other than
fill on which a bridge or approach is constructed, shall be regraded to the
original wetland elevations and revegetated with native wetland species endemic
to adjoining, undisturbed wetlands, within seven days of completion of
construction. Within "clear zones, " revegetation shall be with native
herbaceous species endemic to adjoining, undisturbed wetlands. During the
five-year period following the initial planting or restoration of the site,
these areas shall be maintained to ensure planted or naturally recruited native
wetland species are surviving and growing, and that the areal coverage of
exotic and invasive species constitutes less than 10% areal coverage;
(d) Hydraulic openings of bridges shall be
sufficient to prevent downstream scour, increased downstream water velocities,
and increased flood elevations on the property of others;
(e) Minimum horizontal and vertical
navigational clearances on bridges over navigable waters of the United States
shall be established in accordance with procedures outlined in Chapter 2 of the
U.S. Coast Guard Bridge Administration Manual, COMDTINST M16590.5C, (March 26,
2004), incorporated by reference herein (
a copy of which may be obtained from the Agency, as described in subsection
F.A.C, and in no circumstance shall placement or replacement of a bridge result
in a reduction of horizontal and vertical navigational clearances;
(f) Replacement or modification of a bridge
that includes changes in the configuration of the bridge and fill areas due to
changes in materials, construction techniques, or meeting current construction
codes or safety standards are authorized under this permit. Any connecting road
expansion or alteration associated with such replacement or modification must
be authorized by a separate general or individual permit under Chapter 62-330,
F.A.C., as applicable, before the start of construction; and
(g) This general permit does not authorize
the construction of additional travel lanes for motorized vehicles, except that
any single-lane bridge may be widened to two travel lanes, provided the bridge
widening does not exceed that reasonably necessary to match the existing travel
lane alignment of a two-lane road. This permit does not authorize new corridors
or roadway connections where there is no existing structure over wetlands or