Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 160-4-2-.47 - High School Graduation Requirements for Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade for the First Time in the 2002-03 School Year and Subsequent Years

(1) Purpose. This rule specifies programs of study that shall be offered by local boards of education for students enrolling in the ninth grade for the first time in the 2002-03 School Year and for subsequent years.
(2) Definitions.
(a) Core Courses - courses identified as "c" or "r" in Rule 160-4-2-.03 List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses for the specified program of study. For diploma seals with distinction, fine arts courses are also considered core.
(b) Elective Courses - any courses identified as "e" in Rule 160-4-2-.03 List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses that a student may select beyond the core requirements to fulfill the unit requirements for graduation.
(c) Program of study - selected courses as specified by the State Board of Education that, when successfully completed, will result in a specific seal of endorsement on the High School Diploma.
1. College Preparatory (CP) Program - a program of study requiring 22 units. Completion of this program is signified by a High School Diploma with a College Preparatory Seal.
2. College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) Program - a program of study requiring 24 units and a grade-point average in the core courses of 3.0 or above on a four-point scale or 80 numeric grade-point average or above. Completion of this program is signified by a High School Diploma with a College Preparatory Seal of Distinction.
3. Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) Program - a program of study requiring 22 units. Completion of this program is signified by a High School Diploma with a Technology/Career-preparatory Seal.
4. Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction (TC+) Program - a program of study requiring 24 units and a grade point average in the core courses of 3.0 or above on a four point scale or 80 numeric grade point average. Completion of this program is signified by a High School Diploma with a Technology/Career-preparatory Seal of Distinction.
(d) Required courses - specific courses identified as "r" in Rule 160-4-2-.03 List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses that each student in a program of study shall pass to graduate from high school.
(e) Seal - an attachment placed on a high school diploma indicating the successful completion of one or more programs of study.
(f) Secondary School Credential - a document awarded to students at the completion of the high school experience.
1. High School Diploma - the document with appropriate seal(s) awarded to students certifying that they have satisfied attendance requirements, unit requirements and the state assessment requirements as referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment.
2. High School Certificate - the document awarded to pupils who do not complete all of the criteria for a diploma or who have not passed the state assessment requirements as referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment, but who have earned 22 units.
3. Special Education Diploma - the document awarded to students with disabilities assigned to a special education program who have not met the state assessment requirements referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment or who have not completed all of the requirements for a high school diploma but who have nevertheless completed their Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
(g) Unit - one unit of credit awarded for a minimum of 150 clock hours of instruction or 135 hours of instruction in an approved block schedule.
(h) Unit, Summer School - one unit of credit awarded for a minimum of 120 clock hours of instruction.
(3) Requirements.
(a) Local boards of education shall provide secondary school curriculum, instructional and support services that reflect the high school graduation and state assessment requirements and assist all students in developing their unique potential to function in society.
(b) Local boards of education shall require that:
1. Students who enroll from another state meet the graduation requirements for the graduating class they enter and the state assessment requirements as referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment.
2. Students who enroll in the ninth grade for the first time in the 2002-2003 school year and withdraw shall meet the graduation requirements specified in this rule and the assessment requirements specified in Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment.
3. Units Of Credit.
(i) All state-supported high schools shall make available to all students the programs of study for the required College Preparatory, College Preparatory with Distinction, Technology/Career-preparatory and Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction programs of study.
(ii) A course shall count only once for satisfying any unit of credit requirement for graduation. See the following chart.
(iii) Areas Of Study CP CP+ TC TC+
(I) English/Language Arts* 4 4 4 4
(II) Mathematics* 4 4 3** 3**
(III) Science* 3 3 3 3
(IV) Social Studies* 3 3 3 3
(V) Health and Physical Education 1 1 1 1
(VI) Computer Technology and/or Fine Arts and/or Technology/Career preparatory and/or Foreign Language 1 1 1 1
(VII) Foreign Language* 2 2 0 0**
(VIII) Technology/Career-preparatory units***

0 0 4 4

(From core Technology/Career preparatory courses)

(IX) Locally required or elective units

4 4 3** 4**

(X) State Electives from Core Areas - (Courses with a single asterisk) and/or Fine Arts

0 2 0 1


* Core Courses

** Technology/Career-preparatory students may want to utilize an elective unit as Foreign Language or as a fourth unit of mathematics depending upon the student's program of study and the student's intentions to enter a University System of Georgia institution or other post-secondary institution. Determination of the appropriate number of mathematics units for each Technology/Career- preparatory program of study shall be determined by the local board of education.

*** Technology/Career-preparatory includes Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC).

(iv) Dual Seal: To receive both the College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) and the Technology/Career- preparatory (TC) or Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction (TC+) seal, a student shall complete the requirements as specified in this rule for each seal.
4. Course Credit.
(i) Unit credit shall be awarded only for courses that include concepts and skills based on the Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) for grades 9-12 or those approved by the State Board of Education. Unit credit may be awarded for courses offered in the middle grades that meet 9-12 QCC requirements. For example, a student who takes an Algebra I course in the middle grades that meets 9-12 QCC requirements may be awarded unit credit. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) shall specify whether core courses taken as part of an IEP shall receive core unit credit.
(ii) Only elective course credit or no course credit may be awarded for courses in which instruction is based on the QCC for grades K-8.
(iii) Completion of a program of study does not necessarily qualify students for the HOPE Scholarship Program.
5. Areas Of Study.
(i) Courses that shall earn unit credit in English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, health, physical education, foreign languages, military science, music, visual arts, dance, theatre arts, computer science, education, humanities, personal/interpersonal/ social skills and Technology/Career-preparatory are listed in Rule 160-4-2-.03 List of State-funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses.
(ii) Any student may select any course listed in the course listing rule. The one exception to this provision is where the letter "r" appears with course names. These courses are required. They must be successfully completed and cannot be substituted with any other course. Any course identified as "c" is a core course and may be selected to count as one of the core unit requirements. Courses identified as "c" in Technology/Career-preparatory areas will count as one of the four core Technology/Career-preparatory courses for a T/C or T/C+ program of study. A course identified as "e" is an elective course that may be selected beyond the core requirements to fulfill the unit requirements.
(I) English/Language Arts: At least one-half unit of credit in American literature/composition shall be required. All courses that may satisfy the remaining units of credit are identified with a "c". The other courses identified with an "e" are electives. Grammar/ composition shall be a component of all courses and shall be integrated into the course of study, not isolated.
(II) Fine Arts: One elective required of all students may be selected from courses in fine arts. For students working toward diplomas with distinction, two additional elective units are required for College-Preparatory (CP) programs and one additional elective unit is required for Technology/Career-preparatory (T/C) programs. These electives may be chosen from fine arts.
(III) Foreign Language: Two units of credit of the same foreign language shall be required for the College Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) programs of study. Students whose native language is not English may be considered to have met the foreign language requirement by exercising the credit in lieu of enrollment option if they are proficient in their native language. A formal examination is not necessary if other evidence of proficiency is available. One elective required of all students may be selected from courses in foreign language. For a student who is hearing impaired, American Sign Language may be taken as an elective or as a core course to fulfill the requirements of the College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) seal. If American Sign Language is to be used to fulfill the college preparatory requirement of two units of the same foreign language, adherence to the requirements in the following paragraph is required. For the purpose of fulfilling the foreign language requirement for a College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) seal, a demonstrated proficiency in American Sign Language shall be accepted as a foreign language if it is determined that a deaf student has a hearing loss which significantly impacts upon the student's ability to learn a foreign language. The IEP Committee shall state in the IEP that American Sign Language is substituting for two units of foreign language. For students who are not hearing impaired, American Sign Language may be taken for one unit of elective credit or for a third unit of foreign language credit.
(IV) Health and Physical Education: For each program of study, one unit of credit of health and physical education is required. Students shall combine one-half or one-third units of credit of Health (17.011), Health and Personal Fitness (36.051), or Advanced Personal Fitness (36.061) to satisfy this requirement. Health and physical education courses may be taken as electives for all programs of study. Courses in physical education shall be taken to enhance lifelong fitness and physical activities rather than development of athletic performance.
(V) Mathematics: For the College Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) programs of study, four units of credit of approved mathematics will be required. The student record shall show credit or equivalency for each of the core courses of Algebra I (27.061); Euclidean Geometry (27.063) or Informal Geometry (27.062); and Algebra II (27.064) and an additional course listed in the College Preparatory Mathematics (27.06) or Advanced Mathematics (27.07) categories or Statistics (27.051). For the student who takes Applied Problem Solving (27.045) and Applied Algebra (27.046), the record shall show credit for Applied Problem Solving (27.045), Applied Algebra (27.046), Euclidean Geometry (27.063) or Informal Geometry (27.062) or Applied Geometry (27.047), and Algebra II (27.064). This latter program of study will fulfill admission requirements for some institutions in the University System of Georgia. The Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) and Technology/Career preparatory with Distinction (TC+) programs of study require that a student earn at least three units of mathematics which shall include, as a minimum, Algebra I or its equivalent. To meet the requirements of Algebra I or its equivalent, a student shall earn a unit of credit in (1) Algebra I or (2) a locally developed course equivalent to Algebra I that has been approved by the State Board of Education, or (3) earn two units of credit by passing both Applied Problem Solving and Applied Algebra or (4) two units of credit by passing both Concepts of Problem Solving and Concepts of Algebra.
(VI) Science: Students shall earn at least three (3) units of credit in science. Students earning the College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) seal shall satisfactorily complete a physical science, a life science, and one additional science course. Students earning the Technology-Career-preparatory (TC) or Technology/ Career-preparatory with Distinction (TC+) seal shall meet the requirements for the College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) seal or shall pass any three units of science including one physical science, one life science or two units of applied biology/chemistry. Science courses that meet the science requirement for graduation shall be year-long courses with the exception of the third unit of credit. All courses meeting the science requirements for graduation must be laboratory-based.
(VII) Social Sciences: At least three units of credit shall be required in social studies. One unit of credit shall be required in United States history. One unit of credit shall be required from the world studies area, e.g., world history or world geography. World history shall be required for the College Preparatory and College Preparatory with Distinction seals. World geography may be taken to meet the world studies requirement for a Technology/Career or Technology/Career with Distinction seal. One-third or one-half unit of citizenship education (government) shall be required. One-third or one-half unit of Principles of Economics/Business/Free Enterprise shall be required. Systems organized on the quarter system shall add one other one-third social studies unit from the political science/ government area or from the economics area or from the international relations area to the Citizenship Education and Principles of Economics/Business/Free Enterprise courses to complete the unit of credit requirement.
(VIII) Technology/Career-preparatory: To receive the Technology/ Career-preparatory (TC) or Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction (TC+) seal, a student shall complete at least four Technology/ Career-preparatory units, three of which must be concentrated in one occupational or related program areas. One of the four units may include the Program of Education and Career Exploration (PECE), Coordinated Vocational Academic Education (CVAE) or Related Vocational Instruction (RVI).
6. Required Procedures For Awarding Units of Credit.
(i) A unit of credit for graduation shall be awarded to students only for successful completion of state-approved courses of study based on a minimum of 150 clock-hours of instruction provided during the regular school year, 135 clock-hours of instruction in an approved block schedule during the regular school year, or a minimum of 120 clock-hours of instruction in summer school.
7. Local and Responsibilities.
(i) Local boards of education shall provide instructional, support and delivery services. These services shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(I) A continuous guidance component beginning with the ninth grade. The purposes of the guidance component are to familiarize students with graduation requirements, to help them identify the likely impact of individual career objectives on the program of work studies they plan to follow and to provide annual advisement sessions to report progress and offer alternatives in meeting graduation requirements and career objectives.
(II) Record keeping and reporting services that document student progress toward graduation and include information for the school, parents and students.
(III) Diagnosis and continuous evaluation services that measure individual student progress in meeting competency expectations for graduation.
(IV) Instructional programs, curriculum and course guides and remedial opportunities to assist each student in meeting graduation requirements.
(V) Appropriate curriculum and assessment procedures for students who have been identified as having disabilities that prevent them from meeting the prescribed competency performance requirements.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 160-4-2-.47
O.C.G.A. Secs. 20-2-131, 20-2-140, 20-2-142, 20-2-150, 20-2-151, 20-2-154, 20-2-160, 20-2-161.1, 20-2-161.2, 20-2-281.
Original Rule entitled "High School Graduation Requirements for Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade for the First Time in the 2002-03 School Year and Subsequent Years" adopted. F. Feb. 15, 2002; eff. Mar. 7, 2002.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.