01. Insurance Coverage. Pursuant to Section 22-5114, Idaho Code, the seed buyer must maintain a commercial property policy for loss against, but not limited to: (3-15-22)
a. Loss from fire; (3-15-22)
b. Loss from internal explosion; (3-15-22)
c. Loss from lightning; (3-15-22)
d. Loss from tornado. (3-15-22)
02. Insurance Deductible. The maximum deductible allowed for insurance required by Section 22-5114, Idaho Code, is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). However, a larger deductible may be allowed at the discretion of the director. The request must be submitted in writing and kept on file. (3-15-22)
03. Seed Stored for Withdrawal. The amount of insurance coverage must be sufficient to cover the full replacement value of similar or better kind and quality of seed crop. (3-15-22)
04. Self-Insurance. A request for self-insurance must be submitted to the ISDA in writing and signed by the seed buyer or his representative. Supporting evidence of ability to pay seed crop obligations, in the event of a loss due to fire, internal explosions, lightning, or tornadoes, must be attached to the self-insurance request. (3-15-22)
a. The director may accept or reject the self-insurance request. The director's findings will be in writing and kept on file. (3-15-22)
b. If a seed buyer is self-insured and the seed crop within the licensed seed buyer's facility has been damaged or destroyed, the seed buyer must make complete settlement to all producers within thirty (30) days of the loss. Failure of the seed buyer to make such settlement is cause to revoke the seed buyer's license. If the seed buyer and producer agree to other terms, set out in writing, the settlement does not need to be made within the thirty (30) day time period. If only a portion of the seed crop is damaged, settlement may be made on a pro-rata basis to the producer. (3-15-22)
05. Insurance Settlement. When the seed crop within a licensed seed buyer's facility has been damaged or destroyed, the seed buyer must make complete settlement to all producers having seed crops transferred to the seed buyer or stored for withdrawal within ten (10) days after settlement with the insurance company. Failure of the seed buyer to make such settlement is cause to revoke the seed buyer's license. If the seed buyer and producer agree to other terms, set out in writing, the settlement does not need to be made within the ten (10) day time period. If only a portion of the seed crop is damaged, settlement may be made on a pro-rata basis to the producer. (3-15-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.