Upon completion of an inspection, the Department will send notice of such compliance or noncompliance to the detention center administrator, governing body responsible for the detention center, and Idaho County Risk Management Program where applicable. (3-31-22)

01. Development of a Plan of Corrective Action. Upon receipt of a notice of noncompliance from the Department, the detention center administrator and governing body shall develop a plan of corrective action to correct the deficiencies cited in the report. The plan shall include a description of the nature of noncompliance for each standard cited, the steps to be taken to correct the deficiency, and a projected completion date. Inspection representatives shall be available to advise and consult concerning an appropriate corrective action. The plan shall be submitted no later than sixty (60) days from receipt of notice to the Department for approval. (3-31-22)
02. Demonstration of Meaningful Progress Toward Achieving Compliance. Meaningful progress toward achieving compliance according to the submitted plan must be demonstrated during the time frame approved by the Department in the corrective action plan. (3-31-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.