01. Petition or Union Representation. Any employer, union, or employee may petition the Department to conduct an investigation and/or hearing to determine whether the majority of the employees of any given business wish union representation and what union they wish to be represented by. Such petition must fully set forth and allege the exact question concerning representation of employees in the collective bargaining unit. The request must fully state the name of the employer, the place of business, the type of business, the name of the labor organization or organizations involved; and if the request is made by the employer it must include a list of employees employed in said unit.
02. Requests Made by Unions. If the request is made by a union, such union must submit written statements or authorization cards from at least thirty percent (30%) of those workers in the unit to establish there is such a question of representation, except in establishments having less than six (6) employees, in which case twenty-five percent (25%) of the employees involved will be deemed sufficient. A description of the bargaining unit must be given.
03. Collective Bargaining Unit. When a question arises concerning representation of employees in a collective bargaining unit the Department will investigate in order to determine the wishes of the majority of the employees in said unit.
04. Hearings. In any such investigation, a hearing may be held after giving due notice to all interested parties as provided for in the procedural rules of the Department. If as a result of such hearing or investigation the parties agree which union, if any, may properly represent them, a certification will be made and issued by the Director of the Department designating the union for bargaining purposes. If after such a hearing and/or investigation, there is any doubt as to the wishes of the majority of the employees employed in said unit, a time and place will be scheduled to permit the employees to vote by secret ballot.
05. Preparation of Ballot. In all cases where a secret ballot is taken, the ballot must be prepared by the Department to permit a vote for or against representation by anyone named on the ballot. In case of two (2) or more unions, a place must be provided for a vote against any union.
06. Waiver of Investigation and Hearing. The investigation and hearing may be waived by consent of the parties pursuant to written stipulation by all parties involved, and a cross check may be conducted by representatives of the Department. Such cross check will be made by comparing the signatures or names appearing on the employer's payroll with signatures on authorization cards submitted by the union involved. At such cross check, no representatives will be permitted to be present except representatives of the Department. The Department may, at its discretion, also question individual employees.
07. Elections. If it becomes necessary to conduct an election, such election will be held only after appropriate notice is posted by the department in a conspicuous place where the employees are employed. Whenever possible, the election will be held on the premises of the employer and at a time calculated to best permit all employees who are eligible to vote, and so far as possible at a time which will minimize the disruption of the employer's business. Such notice must be posted at least twenty-four (24) hours before the election and in those cases where, because of the nature of the shifts, a longer time is necessary, it shall be so given. Every effort will be made to hold the election reasonably soon after the twenty-four (24) hour period except in those exceptional cases.
08. Observers. The parties involved may each designate and have present at the election only one (1) observer. Neither management nor union officials may act as observers. Employees having the right to hire or fire or to effectively recommend hiring or firing will be considered as management personnel of the employer and will not be permitted to vote at such election or to act as observers. No member of an employer's immediate family will be eligible to vote at such representation election or to act as an observer, or any principal stockholder owning ten percent (10%) or more of the company stock.
09. Voting Eligibility. All employees in said bargaining unit on the payroll at the time the petition was received in the Department may vote. Regular part-time employees will be permitted to vote. Casual part-time employees or workers who are employed for a limited period will not be permitted to vote.
10. Challenging Eligibility. Any interested party or representative of the Department may challenge the eligibility of any person to participate in the election for cause under these rules. The ballots of such challenged person will be impounded. Upon conclusion of the election and before the ballots are counted, the parties will be permitted to offer evidence in support of their contentions as to eligibility to vote, after which time a ruling will be made sustaining or overruling the objection. If overruled, the ballot will be placed in the ballot box.
11. Ballots. Ballots prepared by the Department will set forth the question involved. One ballot will be given to each eligible voter. Such ballots are not to be signed by the voters. Voters will be requested to place an "X" in a square which will require only "YES" or "NO" votes. The ballot must be prepared to permit a vote against any representation.
12. Deauthorization of Union Representation. A petition in a union shop for an election to determine whether there should be any union representation or not, may be filed with the Department. In such petition, it must be shown at least thirty percent (30%) or more of the employees in the unit covered by the agreement desire deauthorization. Only employees in the bargaining unit will be counted for this purpose subject to the provisions of Subsection 014.12.
13. Petition for Election. The demand or petition set forth in Subsection 014.12 need not be in any particular form, but must comply with the procedural rules of the Department. No such election as set forth in Subsection 014.12 will be conducted among employees presently covered by a valid collective bargaining agreement, except when filed in accordance with the reopening or termination clause of such agreement.
14. Existing Collective Bargaining Agreement. An existing collective bargaining agreement is a bar to any representation election except as provided for within Section 012.
15. Frequency of Election. No election may be held in any bargaining unit or subdivision thereof within which a valid election was held in the preceding twelve (12) month period.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 23, 2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.