01. Restrictable Diseases. School reportable and restrictable diseases are those diseases that are readily transmissible among students and staff in schools as listed under Section 050 of these rules. (3-17-22)
02. Restrictions - Work. Any person who is diagnosed to have a school restrictable disease must not work in any occupation that involves direct contact with students in a private, parochial, charter, or public school as long as the disease is in a communicable form. (3-17-22)
03. Restrictions - Attendance. Any person who is diagnosed with or reasonably suspected to have a school restrictable disease must not attend a private, parochial, charter, or public school as long as the disease is in a communicable form. (3-17-22)
04. Determination Disease Is No Longer Communicable. A licensed physician, public health nurse, school nurse or other person designated by the Department or Health District may determine when a person with a school restrictable disease is no longer communicable. (3-17-22)
05. School Closure. A school administrator must report the closure of any public, parochial, charter, or private school within one (1) working day when, in their opinion, such closing is related to a communicable disease. (3-17-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.