A license or a certificate of registration is required for drug outlets prior to doing business in or into Idaho. A license or certificate of registration will be issued by the Board to drug outlets pursuant to, and in the general classifications defined by, Section 54-1729, Idaho Code. (3-28-23)

01. New Drug Outlet Inspections. Following the issuance of a new license or registration, each drug outlet will be inspected to confirm that the facility is compliant with applicable law. A change of ownership of a currently registered pharmacy will not require an onsite inspection of a new pharmacy registration unless a change of location occurs. (3-28-23)
02. License and Registration Transferability. Drug outlet licenses and registrations are location and owner specific and are nontransferable as to person or place. (3-28-23)
03. Nonresident Drug Outlet. The Board may license or register a drug outlet licensed or registered under the laws of another state if the other state's standards are comparable to those in Idaho and acceptable to the Board, evidenced by an inspection report. (3-28-23)
04. Change of Location. At least ten (10) days prior to the event, the registrant must notify the Board of a drug outlet's change of location through the completion of an application for a new license or registration. When a licensee or registrant has made a timely and complete application for a new license or registration, the existing license does not expire until the application has been finally determined by the Board, and, in case the application is denied or the terms of the new license limited, until the last day for seeking review of the Board order. This does not preclude the Board from taking immediate action to protect the public interest. (3-28-23)
05. Change of Ownership. The registrant must notify the Board of a drug outlet's change of ownership within thirty (30) days of the event on a Board form. (3-28-23)
06. Permanent Closing. A registrant must notify the Board and the general public of the pharmacy's permanent closing at least ten (10) days prior to closing. The notice must include the proposed date of closure, and the new location of the prescription files. The notice to the board is to include the location where the closing inventory record of controlled substances is retained. (3-28-23)
07. Exemption from Separate Controlled Substance Registration. All drug outlets doing business in or into Idaho who hold a valid license or registration from the Board are exempt from obtaining a separate controlled substance registration, but are subject to compliance with all requirements under Title 37, Chapter 27, Idaho Code. (3-28-23)
08. Sterile Preparation Endorsement. A drug outlet engaged in sterile preparation must obtain a single endorsement for one (1) or more hood or aseptic environmental control devices. (3-28-23)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.