Idaho Admin. Code r. - ACTION

A notification letter and copies of the complaint form and investigation findings may be provided to all involved parties and HUD. (3-28-23)

01. Division Action. Any Division action, notification and follow-up are completed according to HUD guidelines. (3-28-23)
02. License File. If the nature of the complaint pertains to retailer contractual issues or installation problems, a copy of the complaint is to be consolidated with the appropriate Division license files. (3-28-23)
03. Correction or Repair. A Division building inspector will issue a report concerning correction or repair of defects that are a matter of dispute between the homeowner, retailer, installer, or manufacturer. The report will include the likely cause of the defect and identify the party responsible for creating the defect that is in need of correction or repair. (3-28-23)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.