Sections 63-3612, 63-3613, 63-3616, 63-3621, 63-3622, Idaho Code

01. Private Printing Plants. Persons operating private printing plants in conjunction with their principal business pay sales or use tax on the purchase of equipment and supplies used to produce display signs, advertising brochures, and other materials for their own consumption. (3-31-22)
02. Printing upon Special Order. Persons primarily engaged in the printing of tangible personal property upon special order for a consideration may purchase equipment and supplies directly used to produce such property exempt from sales or use tax. (3-31-22)
a. The sale of typography, art work, photoengraving, electros, mats, stereotypes, hand or machine composition, lithographic plates or negatives, electrotypes, etc., to a person primarily engaged in the printing of tangible personal property for a consideration, and to be used directly by such person is deemed essentially sales of service or exempt materials and not taxable. (3-31-22)
b. When purchasing goods exempt from tax, the printer provides the seller with a properly completed exemption certificate. See Rule 128 of these rules. (3-31-22)
03. Sales by Persons Engaged in Printing. Fees charged to ultimate consumers for printing of tangible personal property upon special order are taxable. (3-31-22)
a. Printing of tangible personal property includes imprinting and all processes or operations connected with the preparation of paper or paper-like substances, the reproduction thereon of characters or designs and the alteration or modification of such substances by finishing and binding. (3-31-22)
b. Upon such final sales, charges for materials, labor and production of fabrication or typography, author's alterations, art work, photo engravings, electros, mats, stereotypes, hand or machine composition, lithographic plates or negatives, electrotypes, etc., and binding and finishing services are included in the taxable sales price whether the various charges are separately stated or not. (3-31-22)
c. The following charges, if separately stated, are not included in the taxable sale price: (3-31-22)
i. Charges for postage as part of the printed item; or (3-31-22)
ii. Charges for addressing, stamping, sealing, inserting or wrapping in connection of a direct mail advertising in which items of tangible personal property and service are supplied. (3-31-22)
04. Advertising Inserts. As used in this rule, advertising inserts means printed advertising distributed concurrently with, but printed separately from, a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. (3-31-22)
a. The sale of advertising inserts by a printer or other supplier to an advertiser for use by the advertiser in the promotion of its business or products, and not for resale by the advertiser, is a taxable sale of tangible personal property. If, for any reason, the seller of the advertising inserts fails to collect sales tax on the sale of the advertising inserts to the advertiser, the advertiser is subject to use tax on its use of advertising inserts in Idaho. (3-31-22)
b. When an advertiser contracts for the distribution of advertising inserts to locations within this state, a taxable use by the advertiser occurs. The contracted distribution constitutes an exercise of right or power over the advertising inserts by the advertiser. The person performing the distribution services may be a publisher, printer, distributor of a newspaper, magazines, or other publication, or any other person performing distribution services. (3-31-22)
c. A contract between an advertiser and a publisher of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication, whereby the publisher sells advertising space in its publication is not a taxable sale. (3-31-22)
05. Labels and Other Printed Matter Sold to Manufacturers. Sales of labels or name plates, and the printing thereon, to manufacturers, producers, or wholesale merchants where the purpose of the buyer is to affix the label or name plate to his own product, or the container thereof will not be taxable. (3-31-22)
a. Sale of package inserts, individual folding boxes and setup boxes, and the printing thereon to manufacturers, or producers, to accompany their own manufactured products, and to pass to the ultimate consumer upon final sales of the manufactured product contained or described therein, are presumed to be made for the purpose of resale. (3-31-22)
b. Sale of direction sheets, instruction books, or manuals to a manufacturer, producer, wholesale or retail merchant, to be supplied with his product at no separate charge, are not taxable. If a separate charge is made for such sheets, books, manuals, or pamphlets, the manufacturer, etc., is required to collect and remit sales tax. (3-31-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.