Idaho Admin. Code r. - ENFORCEMENT

01. Security and Patrol. Capitol Mall parking lots and State Parking Garages #1 and #2 are secured and patrolled by Capitol Mall Parking, or its authorized representative. (3-25-22)
02. Notice of Violation. Upon witnessing or finding a violation of these rules, Capitol Mall Parking, or its authorized representative, will leave notice with the occupant of the vehicle or on the vehicle parked in violation of these rules. (3-25-22)
a. Notice may be in the form of a warning or a ticket. The warning or ticket will indicate the date and hour of the violation, the nature of the violation, and the name of the Capitol Mall Parking employee or its authorized representative. A warning or ticket may be issued only for those violations that do not cause the loss of a parking space and do not cause a safety hazard. (3-25-22)
b. A ticket may be issued by Capitol Mall Parking, or its authorized representative, for a fine of at least two dollars ($2), but not more than twenty-five dollars ($25). (3-25-22)
c. If an individual is determined to have altered, counterfeited or otherwise misused a parking permit, a ticket may be issued by Capitol Mall Parking, or its authorized representative, for a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50). (3-25-22)
d. All tickets issued by Capitol Mall Parking, or its authorized representative, will be forwarded to the city of Boise, county of Ada, for collection or prosecution. (3-25-22)
e. Capitol Mall Parking retains the right to suspend or revoke an individual's parking privileges if the warnings or tickets have been issued or fines imposed for repeated violations. (3-25-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.