01. Intent of Rules. The Board, in order to protect the health, safety, and environment of the people of the state of Idaho establishes these rules governing the design, construction, siting and abandonment of individual and subsurface sewage disposal systems. These rules are intended to ensure that blackwastes and wastewater generated in the state of Idaho are safely contained and treated and that blackwaste and wastewater contained in or discharged from each system: (3-31-22)
a. Are not accessible to insects, rodents, or other wild or domestic animals; (3-31-22)
b. Are not accessible to individuals; (3-31-22)
c. Do not give rise to a public nuisance due to odor or unsightly appearance; (3-31-22)
d. Do not injure or interfere with existing or potential beneficial uses of the waters of the State. (3-31-22)
02. Compliance with Intent Required. The Director shall not authorize or approve any system if, in the opinion of the Director, the system will not be (is not) in compliance with the intent of these rules. (3-31-22)
03. System Limitations. Cooling water, backwash or backflush water, hot tub or spa water, air conditioning water, water softener brine, groundwater, oil, or roof drainage cannot be discharged into any system unless that discharge is approved by the Director. (3-31-22)
04. Increased Flows. Unless authorized by the Director, no person shall provide for or connect additional blackwaste or wastewater sources to any system if the resulting flow or volume would exceed the design flow of the system. (3-31-22)
05. Failing System. The owner of any failing system shall obtain a permit and cause the failing system's repair: (3-31-22)
a. As soon as practical after the owner becomes aware of its failure; or (3-31-22)
b. As directed in proper notice from the Director. (3-31-22)
06. Subsurface System Replacement Area. An area of land which is suitable in all respects for the complete replacement of a new subsurface system disposal field shall be reserved as a replacement area. This area will be kept vacant, free of vehicular traffic and free of any soil modification which would negatively affect its use as a replacement disposal field construction site. (3-31-22)
07. Technical Guidance Committee (TGC). The Director shall appoint a TGC composed of three (3) representatives from the seven (7) Health Districts, one (1) representative from the Department of Environmental Quality, one (1) professional engineer licensed in the state of Idaho and one (1) licensed installer. Initially two (2) committee members shall be appointed to each of one (1), two (2) and three (3) year terms. Appointments to vacancies thereafter shall be to three (3) year terms. (3-31-22)
08. Duties of the TGC. The TGC shall maintain the TGM to be used in the design, construction, alteration, operation, and maintenance of conventional systems, their components, and alternatives. The TGC shall review variances and commercially manufactured wastewater treatment components and systems at the request of the Director and provide recommendations. (3-31-22)
09. TGM. The TGM maintained by the TGC shall provide state-of-the-art technical guidance on alternative sewage disposal components and systems, soil type determination methodology and other information pertinent to the best management practices of individual and subsurface sewage disposal. (3-31-22)
10. Alternative System. If a standard system as described in these rules cannot be installed on a parcel of land, an alternative system may be permitted if that system is in accordance with the recommendations of the TGC and is approved by the Director as set forth in Section 009. (3-31-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.