Ill. Admin. Code tit. 68, § 1325.75 - Restoration

a) A person seeking restoration of a license that has expired for less than 5 years shall have the license restored upon payment of fees set forth in Section 1325.50. A person seeking restoration of a license shall provide evidence of successful completion of 30 hours of continuing education in accordance with Section 1325.80 earned within the 2 years immediately preceding the restoration.
b) A person seeking restoration of a license that has been placed on inactive status for less than 5 years shall have the license restored upon payment of the current renewal fee specified in Section 1325.50. A person seeking restoration of a license shall provide evidence of successful completion of 30 hours of continuing education in accordance with Section 1325.80 earned within the 2 years immediately preceding the restoration.
c) A person seeking restoration of a license after it has expired or been placed on inactive status for more than 5 years shall file an application, on forms supplied by the Division, together with the fees set forth in Section 1325.50 and proof of 30 hours or continuing education (e.g., certificate of attendance or completion) in accordance with Section 1325.80. The application shall also include one of the following documents:
1) Sworn evidence of active practice in another jurisdiction. The evidence shall include a statement from the appropriate board or licensing authority in the other jurisdiction that the registrant was authorized to practice during the term of active practice; or
2) An affidavit attesting to military service as provided in Section 60 of the Act; or
3) Other evidence of continued active participation in orthotics, prosthetics or pedorthics for at least the last 2 years. The evidence shall show that he/she has been:
A) Employed in a responsible capacity under the supervision of a licensed orthotist, prosthetist, or pedorthist; or
B) An officer or employee of the United States government as an orthotist, prosthetist, or pedorthist; or
C) Teaching orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics in a college or university.
d) A registrant who is unable to submit proof of satisfaction of the requirments of subsection (a), (b) or (c) shall submit proof of completion of 15 clock hours of approved continuing education for each year the license was expired completed during the 2 years proceeding application for restoration. The requirements of this subsection (d) shall be in addition to the 30 hours of continuing education required by subsections (a), (b) and (c).
e) When the accuracy of any submitted documentation, or the relevance or sufficiency of the course work or experience is questioned by the Division because of lack of information, discrepancies or conflicts in information given or a need for clarification, the person seeking restoration of a license shall be required to:
1) Provide any information as may be necessary; and/or
2) Appear for interviews before the Board to explain the relevance or sufficiency, clarify information or clear up any discrepancies or conflicts in information. Upon recommendation of the Board and approval by the Division, an applicant shall have the license restored.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 68, § 1325.75

Amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 4861, effective April 1, 2013

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.