Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8, § 125.340 - Operating Procedures

a) The Department incorporates by reference 9 CFR 381.65 through 381.67 (2004); 79 FR 49566, effective October 20, 2014.
b) The bar-cut method of evisceration shall not be used.
c) Cut-up poultry may be processed from unchilled eviscerated poultry only in air-conditioned rooms (50 degrees F. or less).
d) The meltage of ice in the chilling system shall be counted toward the minimum fresh water intake requirements provided an accurate measurement of the amount of melted ice can be obtained.
e) Reference to the Poultry Inspector's Handbook shall mean the "Meat and Poultry Inspection Manual" as adopted by the Department in Section 125.20.
f) The Department shall approve the shipment of poultry in operational type containers, such as chill tanks or lugs, from one official establishment to another official establishment for further processing provided the means of conveyance is sealed and the poultry can reach its destination in accordance with the general chilling requirements as stated in this Section (see 9 CFR 381.66(b)) .
g) Ready-to-cook poultry shall be permitted to be moved from an official establishment prior to freezing in accordance with the specific requirements as stated in 9 CFR 381.66(f)(3).
h) Compounds used in immersion or spray freezing procedures shall be those that are listed in the "List of Proprietary Substances or Nonfood Compounds" as adopted by the Department in Section 125.20.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8, § 125.340

Amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 5661, effective April 13, 2005

Amended by peremptory rulemaking at 38 Ill. Reg. 20825, effective October 20, 2014

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