105 IAC 7-4-14 - Modification of conforming sign to different sign type; addendum to permit

Authority: IC 8-23-2-6; IC 8-23-20-25

Affected: IC 8-23-20-25.5

Sec. 14.

(a) A permittee shall not modify a conforming sign to a different sign type without the approval of the department. Before modifying a conforming sign to a different sign type, the permittee shall submit a completed modification request for an addendum to the sign permit to the department on a form to be provided by the department or through the electronic permitting system, together with the addendum fee of one hundred dollars ($100). The department may then issue an addendum to the permit allowing such change, provided the sign otherwise complies with state and federal law. The permittee's failure to submit this modification request and to receive the department's approval for the addendum prior to modifying the conforming sign to a different sign type will result in the permit for such sign being automatically and permanently changed to a permit for a nonconforming sign, without any notice from the department to the permittee, and the permittee must promptly remove all features added to modify the sign to a different sign type.
(b) The modification approved by the addendum must be completed within three hundred sixty-five (365) days of the date of issuance of the addendum, or the department's approval under the addendum expires without any further action by the department. No extension of time shall be granted by the department.


105 IAC 7-4-14
Filed 7/24/2019, 8:08 a.m.: 20190821-IR-105170337FRA

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