210 IAC 8-10-10 - Library services

Authority: IC 11-8-2-5; IC 31-31-8-2

Affected: IC 31-31-8-2

Sec. 10.

Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that library services are available to all juveniles and include the following:

(1) Defined principles, purposes, and criteria in the selection and maintenance of library materials.
(2) Planned and continuous acquisition of materials to meet the needs of users.
(3) Logical organization of materials for convenient use.
(4) Circulation of materials to satisfy the needs of users.
(5) Information services to locate facts, as needed.
(6) A reader's advisory service that helps provide users with suitable materials.
(7) Promotion of the use of library materials.
(8) Access to publications.
(9) A congenial library atmosphere, functional in design and inviting in appearance.


210 IAC 8-10-10
Department of Correction; 210 IAC 8-10-10; filed 9/16/2022, 3:13 p.m.: 20221012-IR-210220072FRA

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