312 IAC 2-3-5 - Notice of public hearing under this rule

Authority: IC 14-11-4-9

Affected: IC 14

Sec. 5.

(a) The hearing officer shall set the time and place of the public hearing and give reasonable written notice to the following persons:
(1) Each of the petitioners.
(2) The applicant.
(3) At least one (1) of the owners of each parcel of real property reasonably known to be adjacent to the affected real property.
(4) Any other person who requests in writing to be notified.
(b) Unless a shorter period is stipulated by the petitioners and the applicant or as specified by statute, the hearing officer shall give at least fifteen (15) days' notice of the hearing. If notice is served through the United States mail, three (3) days must be added to the period required for the notice.
(c) If requested in the petition, the location of the public hearing under subsection (b) shall be in the county where the licensed activity would take place.


312 IAC 2-3-5
Natural Resources Commission; 312 IAC 2-3-5; filed Aug 20, 1997, 3:16 p.m.: 21 IR 28; readopted filed Oct 2, 2002, 9:10 a.m.: 26 IR 546; readopted filed Jul 21, 2008, 12:16 p.m.: 20080813-IR-312080052RFA; Readopted filed 5/20/2014, 9:48 a.m.: 20140618-IR-312140027RFA Readopted filed 5/20/2020, 9:55 a.m.: 20200617-IR-312200178RFA

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