329 IAC 13-8-4 - Rebuttable presumption for used oil

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-19-3

Affected: IC 13-14; IC 13-19; IC 13-20; IC 13-22; IC 13-23; IC 13-30

Sec. 4.

(a) To ensure that used oil managed at a used oil burner facility is not hazardous waste under the rebuttable presumption of 329 IAC 13-3-1(b)(1)(B), a used oil burner must determine whether the total halogen content of used oil managed at the facility is above or below one thousand (1,000) parts per million.
(b) The used oil burner must determine if the used oil contains above or below one thousand (1,000) parts per million total halogens by:
(1) testing the used oil;
(2) applying knowledge of the halogen content of the used oil in light of the materials or processes used; or
(3) if the used oil has been received from a processor or refiner subject to regulation under 329 IAC 13-7, using information provided by the processor or re-refiner.
(c) If the used oil contains greater than or equal to one thousand (1,000) parts per million total halogens, it is presumed to be a hazardous waste because it has been mixed with halogenated hazardous waste listed in 40 CFR 261, Subpart D*. The owner or operator may rebut the presumption by demonstrating that the used oil does not contain hazardous waste. For example, this may be done by showing that the used oil does not contain significant concentrations of halogenated hazardous constituents listed in 40 CFR 261, Appendix VIII. The rebuttable presumption does not apply to the following:
(1) Metalworking oils or fluids containing chlorinated paraffins, if they are processed, through a tolling arrangement as described in 329 IAC 13-4-5(c) [sic, 329 IAC 13-4-5 ], to reclaim metalworking oils or fluids. The presumption does apply to metalworking oils or fluids if the oils or fluids are recycled in any other manner or disposed.
(2) Used oils contaminated with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) removed from refrigeration units where the CFCs are destined for reclamation. The rebuttable presumption does apply to used oils contaminated with CFCs that have been mixed with used oil from sources other than refrigeration units.
(d) Records of analyses conducted or information used to comply with this section must be maintained by the burner for at least three (3) years.

*This document is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov, or are available for review at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Thirteenth Floor, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.


329 IAC 13-8-4
Solid Waste Management Board; 329 IAC 13-8-4; filed Feb 3, 1997, 9:15 a.m.: 20 IR 1510; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:25 p.m.: 24 IR 1535; filed Jun 9, 2006, 3:40 p.m.: 20060712-IR-329050066FRA Filed 4/24/2020, 4:48 p.m.: 20200506-IR-329190411FRA, eff 4/24/2020, see Executive Order 20-15, posted at 20200422-IR-GOV200234EOA

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