460 IAC 2-4-32 - Relocation, installation, renovation of a business enterprise program facility

Authority: IC 12-9-2-3

Affected: IC 12-12-5; 20 U.S.C. 107

Sec. 32.

(a) The:
(1) installation;
(2) modification;
(3) relocation;
(4) removal; or
(5) renovation;

of a BEP facility shall be subject to the prior approval and supervision of the state licensing agency and the custodial authority responsible for the property on which the facility is located, in consultation with the licensed manager.

(b) The cost of relocation initiated by the state licensing agency shall be paid by the state licensing agency.
(c) The cost of relocation initiated by the custodial authority shall be paid by that entity, subject, however, to the terms of the:
(1) permit for the BEP facility; or
(2) facility agreement entered into by the:
(A) custodial authority; and
(B) state licensing agency.


460 IAC 2-4-32
Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services; 460 IAC 2-4-32; filed Aug 23, 2001, 2:30 p.m.: 25 IR 77; filed Nov 26, 2007, 10:19 a.m.: 20071226-IR-460070254FRA; readopted filed Nov 30, 2007, 4:47 p.m.: 20071226-IR-460070733RFA; readopted filed Nov 20, 2013, 9:02 a.m.: 20131218-IR-460130457RFA Readopted filed 11/13/2019, 11:55 a.m.: 20191211-IR-460190489RFA

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