Form and identification. All tariffs shall conform to the
following rules:
a. The tariff shall be filed
electronically using the board's electronic filing system. The filed tariff
shall be capable of being reproduced on 81/2- × 11- inch paper so
customers may readily view and reproduce copies of the tariff. A tariff filed
with the board may be the same format as is required by a federal agency
provided that the rules of the board as to title page; identity of superseding,
replacing or revision sheets; identity of amending sheets; identity of the
filing utility, issuing official, date of issue, effective date; and the words
"Tariff with board" shall apply in the modification of the federal agency
format for the purposes of filing with this board.
b. The title page of every tariff and
supplement shall show:
(1) The first page
shall be the title page which shall show:
(Name of Public Utility)
Electric Tariff
Filed with
Iowa Utilities Board
When a tariff is to be superseded or replaced in its entirety, the replacing
tariff shall show on the upper right corner of its title page that it
supersedes a tariff on file and the number being superseded or replaced, for
TARIFF NO. ___________________________
(3) When a new part of a tariff eliminates an
existing part of a tariff it shall so state and clearly indicate the part
(4) Any tariff
modifications as defined above shall be marked in the right-hand margin of the
replacing tariff sheet with symbols as here described to indicate the place,
nature and extent of the change in text.
(C)-Changed regulation
(D)-Discontinued rate or regulation
(I) -Increase in rate or new
treatment resulting in increased rate
(N)-New rate, treatment or regulation
(R)-Reduction in rate or new
treatment resulting in reduced rate
(T)-Change in text only
c. All sheets except the title
page shall have, in addition to the above-stated requirements, the following
(1) Name of utility under which
shall be set forth the words "Filed with board." If the utility is not a
corporation, and a trade name is used, the name of the individual or partners
must precede the trade name.
Issuing official and issue date.
(3) Effective date (to be left blank by
rate-regulated utilities).
d. All sheets except the title page shall
have the following form:
(Company Name)
(Part identification)
Electric Tariff
(This sheet identification)
Filed with board
(Canceled sheet identification, if any)
(Content or tariff)
Issued: (Date)
Issued by: (Name, title)
(Proposed Effective Date:)
The issued date is the date the tariff or the amended sheet
content was adopted by the utility.
The effective date will be left blank by rate-regulated
utilities and shall be determined by the board. The utility may propose an
effective date.
Content of tariffs.
a. A table of contents containing a list of
rate schedules and other sections in the order in which they appear showing the
sheet numbers of the first page of each rate schedule or other section. In the
event the utility filing the tariff elects to segregate a section such as
general rules from the section containing the rate schedules or other sections,
it may at its option prepare a separate table of contents for each such
segregated section.
b. A
preliminary statement containing a brief general explanation of the utility's
c. All rates for
service with indication for each rate of the type and voltage of service and
the class of customers to which each rate applies. There shall also be shown
any limitations on loads and type of equipment which may be connected, the net
prices per unit of service and the number of units per billing period to which
the net prices apply, the period of billing, the minimum bill, any effect of
transformer capacity upon minimum bill or upon the number of kWh in any step of
the rate, method of measuring demands, method of calculating or estimating
loads in cases where transformer capacity has a bearing upon minimum bill or
size of rate steps, level payment plan, and any special terms or conditions
applicable. The period during which the net amount may be paid before the
account becomes delinquent shall be specified. In any case where net and gross
amounts are billed, the difference between net and gross is a late payment
charge and shall be so specified.
d. The voltage and type of service, (direct
current or single or polyphase alternating current) supplied in each
municipality, but without reference required to any particular part
e. Forms of standard
contracts required of customers for the various types of service
f. If service to other
utilities or municipalities is furnished at a standard filed rate, either a
copy of each signed contract or a copy of the standard uniform contract form
together with a summary of the provisions of each signed contract. The summary
shall show the principal provisions of the contract and shall include the name
and address of the customer, the points where energy is delivered, rate, term,
minimum, load conditions, voltage of delivery and any special provisions such
as rentals. Standard contracts for such sales as that of energy for resale,
street lighting, municipal athletic field lighting, and for water utilities may
be filed in summary form as above outlined.
g. Copies of special contracts for the
purchase, sale, or interchange of electrical energy. All tariffs must provide
that, notwithstanding any other provision of this tariff or contract with
reference thereto, all rates and charges contained in this tariff or contract
with reference thereto may be modified at any time by a subsequent filing made
pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 476.
h. A list of all communities in which service
is furnished.
i. The list of
service areas and the rates shall be filed in a form to facilitate ready
determination of the rates available in each municipality and in unincorporated
communities that have service. If the utility has various rural rates, the
areas where the same are available shall be indicated.
j. Definitions of classes of
k. Extension rules for
extending service to new customers indicating what portion of the extension or
cost thereof will be furnished by the utility; and if the rule is based on
cost, the items of cost included.
l. Type of construction which the utility
requires the customer to provide if in excess of the Iowa electric safety code
or the requirements of the municipality having jurisdiction, whichever may be
the most stringent in any particular.
m. Specification of such portion of service
as the utility furnishes, owns, and maintains, such as service drop, service
entrance cable or conductors, conduits, service entrance equipment, meter and
socket. Indication of the portions of interior wiring such as range or water
heater connection, furnished in whole or in part by the utility, and statement
indicating final ownership and responsibility for maintaining equipment
furnished by utility.
n. Statement
of the type of special construction commonly requested by customers which the
utility allows to be connected, and terms upon which such construction will be
permitted, with due provision for the avoidance of unjust discrimination as
between customers who request special construction and those who do not. This
applies, for example, to a case where a customer desires underground service in
overhead territory.
o. Rules with
which prospective customers must comply as a condition of receiving service,
and the terms of contracts required.
p. Rules governing the establishment and
maintenance of credit by customers for payment of service bills.
q. Rules governing the procedure followed in
disconnecting and reconnecting service.
r. Notice required from a customer for having
service discontinued.
s. Rules
covering temporary, emergency, auxiliary and stand-by service.
t. Rules covering the type of equipment which
may or may not be connected, including rules such as those requiring
demand-limiting devices or power-factor corrective equipment.
u. General statement of the method used in
making adjustments for wastage of electricity when accidental grounds exist
without the knowledge of the customer.
v. Statements of utility rules on meter
reading, bill issuance, customer payment, notice of delinquency, and service
discontinuance for nonpayment of bill.
w. Rules for extending service in accordance
with 20.3(13).
x. If a sliding
scale or automatic adjustment is applicable to regulated rates and charges of
billed customers, the manner and method of such adjustment calculation shall be
covered through a detailed explanation.
y. Rules on how a customer or prospective
customer should file a complaint with the utility, and how the complaint will
be processed.
z. Rules on how a
customer, disconnected customer or potential customer for residential service
may negotiate for a payment agreement on amount due, determination of even
payment amounts, and time allowed for payments.
Annual, periodic and other
reports to be filed with the board.
a. System map verification. The utility shall
file annually a verification that it has a currently correct set of utility
system maps in accordance with the general requirements of subrule 20.3(11) and
a statement as to the location of the utility's offices where such maps, except
those deemed confidential by the board, are accessible and available for
examination by the board or its agents. The verification and map location
information shall also be reported to the board upon other occasions when
significant changes occur in either the maps or location of the maps.
b. Accident reports. Rescinded IAB 12/11/91,
effective 1/15/92. See
199-25.5 (476,478).
c. Rescinded IAB 11/13/02, effective
d. Electric service
record. Each utility shall compile a monthly record of electric service showing
the production, acquisition and disposition of electric energy, the number of
customer terminal voltage investigations made, the number of customer meters
tested and such other information as may be required by the board. The monthly
"Electric Service" record shall be compiled not later than 30 days after the
end of the month covered and such record shall, upon and after compilation, be
kept available for inspection by the board or its staff at the utility's
principal office within the state of Iowa. A summary of the 12 monthly
"Electric Service" records for each calendar year shall be attached to and
submitted with the utility's annual report to the board.
e. The utility shall keep the board informed
currently by written notice as to the location at which the utility keeps the
various classes of records required by these rules.
f. The utility's current rules, if any,
published or furnished by the utility for the use of engineers, architects,
electrical contractors, etc., covering meter and service installations shall be
maintained and made available to the board upon request.
g. A copy of each type of customer bill form
in current use shall be filed with the board.
h. A copy of the adjustment calculation shall
be provided the board prior to each billing cycle on the forms adopted by the
i. Rescinded IAB 1/9/91,
effective 2/13/91.
j. Residential
customer statistics. Each rate-regulated electric utility shall file with the
board on or before the fifteenth day of each month one copy of the following
residential customer statistics for the preceding month:
(1) Number of accounts;
(2) Number of accounts certified as eligible
for energy assistance since the preceding October 1;
(3) Number of accounts past due;
(4) Number of accounts eligible for energy
assistance and past due;
(5) Total
revenue owed on accounts past due;
(6) Total revenue owed on accounts eligible
for energy assistance and past due;
(7) Number of disconnection notices
(8) Number of disconnection
notices issued on accounts eligible for energy assistance;
(9) Number of disconnections for
(10) Number of
(11) Number of
accounts determined uncollectible; and
(12) Number of accounts eligible for energy
assistance and determined uncollectible.
k. List of persons authorized to receive
board inquiries. Each utility shall file with the board in the annual report
required in 199-subrule 23.1(2) a list of names, titles, addresses, and
telephone numbers of persons authorized to receive, act upon, and respond to
communications from the board in connection with:
(1) general management duties;
(2) customer relations
(3) engineering
(4) meter tests and
(5) franchises for electric
(6) certificates for electric
generating plants. Each utility shall file with the board a telephone contact
number where the board can obtain current information 24 hours a day about
outages and interruptions of service from a knowledgeable person. The contact
information required by this paragraph shall be kept current as changes or
corrections are made.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section