Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-21.20 - Incident reports regarding storm water drainage service

(1) Notification. A utility shall notify the commission about any incident involving:
a. A non-storm water discharge from the storm water drainage system;
b. A flood event affecting the storm water drainage system;
c. A cyberattack affecting the well-being of the utility, its customers, or the environment; or
d. Any event that causes serious adverse impact on the health of people or the environment or interrupts service to the customer.
(2) Information required. The utility shall notify the commission immediately, or as soon as practical, of any reportable incident by emailing the duty officer at dutyofficer@iuc.iowa.govor, when email is not available, by calling the commission duty officer at (515)745-2332. The person sending the email shall leave the telephone number of a person who can provide the following information:
a. The name of the utility, the name and telephone number of the person making the report, and the name and telephone number of a contact person knowledgeable about the incident.
b. The location of the incident.
c. The time of the incident.
d. The number of deaths or personal injuries and the extent of those injuries, if any.
e. The number of services interrupted.
f. A summary of the significant information available to the utility regarding the likely cause of the incident and the estimated extent of damage.
(3) Normal service restored. The utility shall notify the commission when the incident has ended and normal storm water drainage service has been restored.


Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-21.20
Adopted by IAB January 15, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 15, effective 2/19/2020 Editorial change: IAC Supplement 7/24/2024

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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