Kan. Admin. Regs. § 82-4-27a - Applications for transfer of certificates of convenience and necessity and certificates of public service

(a) A certificate of convenience and necessity or a certificate of public service issued to common motor carriers under the provisions of K.S.A. 66-1,114 and K.S.A. 66-1,114b, and amendments thereto, shall not be assigned or transferred without the consent of the commission. The terms and provisions of any certificate may reasonably be altered, restricted, or modified by the commission, or restrictions may be imposed by the commission on any transfers when the public interest may be best served.
(b) An application for the commission's approval of the transfer of the common carrier certificate shall be completed by both transferor and transferee and filed on forms prescribed by the commission. Each applicant shall file an original and two copies of the application with the commission. The application shall contain a certified or sworn contract entered into by the parties that shall meet the following criteria:
(1) Is filed as an exhibit with the application;
(2) sets out in full the agreement between the parties; and
(3) details all transferred items including equipment, property, goodwill, assumption of debt, covenants not to compete, and any other items relevant to the financial stability of the parties.
(c) The transferor or present owner of the certificate shall file a sworn statement containing the following information:
(1) The name and address of the present owner of the certificate;
(2) the date the certificate was obtained;
(3) the reason for the transfer;
(4) an indication of whether the transferor is currently under citation or suspension by the commission;
(5) an indication of whether all ad valorem taxes have been paid to the state of Kansas, or a statement that clearly indicates which party shall be responsible for filing any delinquent rendition statement and who shall be responsible for paying any outstanding ad valorem tax obligation; and
(6) a statement that the vehicle maintenance records, driver qualification files, driver logs, and bills of lading of the transferor for the three years before the date of the transfer will be in the transferee's possession upon conclusion of the transfer.
(d) The transferee of the certificate shall file a sworn statement containing the following information:
(1) The name and address of the transferee according to one of the following:
(A) If the transferee is a corporation, the application shall designate the state in which the articles of incorporation were issued and shall provide the name and address of all officers;
(B) if the transferee is a limited liability company, the applicant shall designate the state in which the articles of organization were issued, provide the name and address of each officer, and provide a copy of the statement of foreign qualification;
(C) if the transferee is a limited liability partnership, the applicant shall designate the state in which the statement of qualification was issued, provide the name and address of each partner, and provide a copy of the limited liability partnership's statement of qualification; or
(D) if the transferee is an individual, partnership, or association, the application shall indicate the names and addresses of all parties owning an interest in the transferee and the percentage each owns;
(2) a financial statement showing in detail the financial ability and responsibility of the transferee;
(3) a statement specifying the amount the transferee borrowed or otherwise obtained to make the purchase of the items detailed in subsection (b) and specifying all details regarding the transactions;
(4) a sworn statement from the transferee that the vehicle maintenance records, driver qualification files, driver logs, and bills of lading of the transferor will be in the transferee's possession for three years from the date of the transfer. The transferee shall accept all responsibility for the books and records and shall have them available at any time for inspection by the commission or the commission's employees; and
(5) if the transferee is not currently a motor carrier holding authority from the commission, evidence of compliance with K.A.R. 82-4-26(b) .


Kan. Admin. Regs. § 82-4-27a
Authorized by K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 66-1,112 and 66-1,117; implementing K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 66-1,117 and K.S.A. 66-1,118; modified, L. 1981, ch. 424, May 1, 1981; amended May 1, 1983; amended May 1, 1987; amended Sept. 16, 1991; amended May 10, 1993; amended Oct. 3, 1994; amended Jan. 4, 1999; amended Jan. 31, 2003; amended Oct. 22, 2010.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.