Kan. Admin. Regs. § 82-4-85 - Rate applications filed by carriers party to a collective rate-making agreement

(a) Each carrier that is a party to a collective rate-making agreement and files an application proposing a general increase or decrease in rates shall submit with the application schedules indicating to the commission the nature and extent of the proposed changes to be effected.
(b) Each application shall be based upon data submitted for a test year.

The application and schedules shall be filed with the commission by electronic mail. The size of print used in the application and schedules shall be clearly legible. Negative numbers shall be shown in parentheses. Amounts included in the application shall be cross-referenced between the appropriate summary schedule and supporting schedules, as well as among the various sections. Referencing shall include allocation ratios, when appropriate. All items shall be self-explanatory. Additional information, cross-references, or explanatory footnotes shall be presented on the schedule. The application shall be supported by schedules as specified in this subsection and shall be assembled under topical sections, with each section clearly identified and a page number for each schedule. The form, order, and titles of each section shall be prescribed as follows:

(1) Application, letter of transmittal, and authorization. This section shall contain a copy of the application, a copy of the letter of transmittal, and an appropriate document or documents authorizing the fling of the application, if any.
(2) General information and publicity. This section shall list the means employed by the carriers to acquaint the general public affected by the proposed rate change with the nature and extent of the proposal. These methods may include meetings with public officials, shippers, and citizen groups; newspaper articles; and advertisements. This section shall include general information concerning the application that will be of interest to the public and suitable for publication. That information shall include the following, if applicable:
(A) The percent and dollar amount of the aggregate annual increase or decrease that the application proposes; and
(B) any other pertinent information that the applicant wants to submit.
(3) List of carriers participating in the application. This list shall show the motor carrier identification number and the name and address of each carrier that is a participant in the application.
(4) List of carriers in the study group. The list shall state the carriers used in the study group. A detailed explanation of how the study group of carriers was selected shall also accompany this section.
(5) Study group carriers' operating ratios. This section shall contain the Kansas intrastate operating ratios for the actual test year for the study group carriers.
(6) Study group carriers: test year and pro forma income statements. This section shall present the following:
(A) An operating income statement for each of the study group carriers and a composite statement of all the study group carriers depicting the unadjusted test year operations for the total system; and
(B) a second schedule that expands the actual system composite income statement to a Kansas intrastate operations income statement. This statement shall be adjusted to show pro forma test year operations. Supporting schedules shall set forth a full and complete explanation of the purpose and rationale for the pro forma adjustments. The pro forma adjustments may include adjustments to reflect the of nonrecurring and unusual items, and adjustments for known or determinable changes in revenue and expenses.
(7) Capital and cost of money. This section shall be prepared for each participating carrier having total Kansas intrastate system revenue of one million dollars or more. This section shall contain the following:
(A) A schedule indicating the amounts of the major components of the capital structures of the carrier that are outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the test year. This schedule shall contain the ratios of each component to the total capital;
(B) a schedule disclosing the cost of each issue of debt and preferred stock outstanding, with due allowance for premiums, discounts, and issuance expense. Data relating to the other components of capital shall be shown, if appropriate; and
(C) if the applicant is a part of a consolidated group or a division of another company, the consolidated capital structure shall be included in this section.
(8) The proposed tariffs. The application shall contain the proposed tariffs requested for approval.
(c) Prefiled testimony shall be required in all transportation rate cases filed by a tariff publishing organization, and all prefiled testimony shall be filed simultaneously with the fling of the application.
(d) Each application found to be incomplete or not in the form prescribed in this regulation shall be rejected by the commission.


Kan. Admin. Regs. § 82-4-85
Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 66-1,112; effective, T-83-45, Dec. 8, 1982; effective May 1, 1983; amended Jan. 4, 1999; amended by Kansas Register Volume 38, No. 28; effective 7/26/2019.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.