40 C.F.R.
26 U.S.C.
U.S.C. 300f-300j
224.10-100 requires the cabinet to develop
and conduct a comprehensive program for the management of water resources, to
issue permits for the construction, modification, or extension of water
treatment systems, and to provide for the prevention, abatement, and control of
water pollution. This administrative regulation establishes administrative
procedures for the issuance of permits for the construction, modification, and
operation of facilities authorized by KRS Chapter 224 and establishes
conditions for construction of facilities under 401 KAR Chapter 5. This
administrative regulation also establishes a schedule of fees to recover the
costs of issuance for certain classes of permits.
Section 1. Applicability.
(1) This administrative regulation shall
apply to an
owner and an
operator of a
sewage system, except:
1. A
septic tank with a subsurface discharge;
2. A pretreatment
facility regulated by a
pretreatment program or intermunicipal agreement, approved pursuant to
KAR 5:055; or
3. An authorization by
permit or rule that is
prepared to assure that underground
injection will not endanger a drinking
water supply, pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act,
and that are issued pursuant to a state or federal Underground
program; and
underground injection control well that is permitted pursuant to 40 C.F.R.
144 if the
1. Is protective of public
health and welfare; and
2. Prevents
the pollution of ground and surface waters.
(2) Unless exempted pursuant to subsection
(3)(b) of this section or paragraph (a) of this subsection, a person shall not
construct, modify, or operate a
facility without having received a
permit from
(a) A construction or
modification permit shall not be required for maintenance replacement for
components of an existing facility or for changes that do not affect the
treatment processes of the facility, but shall be required for replacement of
an entire wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).
(b) The operational permit provisions of
Section 27 of this administrative regulation shall be satisfied by those
facilities that have a valid KPDES permit.
(3) This subsection shall apply to an
agricultural waste handling system,
industrial WWTP, or a stormwater
(a) The following requirements shall apply to
an agricultural waste handling system:
1. An
agricultural waste handling system that conveys, stores, or treats manure from
a concentrated animal feeding operation shall obtain a:
a. Permit to construct or modify the
facility, pursuant to Sections 2 and 24 of this administrative regulation; and
b. KPDES permit; and
2. All other agricultural waste
handling systems shall obtain a:
a. Permit to
construct, modify, or operate the facility pursuant to Sections 2, 24, 25, 27,
and 30(1) of this administrative regulation; and
b. Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permit
The following shall apply to
industrial wastewater treatment plants (IWWTPs):
1. An
IWWTP with a closed loop system or a
system that uses spray irrigation for disposal shall:
a. Obtain a KNDOP permit;
b. Comply with Sections 2, 25, 27, and
30(1)(e) through (h) of this administrative regulation; and
c. Not be required to obtain a permit to
construct or modify the facility;
2. An
IWWTP with a
discharge to the waters of
the Commonwealth shall:
a. Comply with Section
4(2) of this administrative regulation;
b. Obtain a KPDES permit to discharge into
the waters of the Commonwealth;
Comply with any other applicable standard or requirement of 401 KAR Chapter 5;
d. Not be required to obtain a
permit to construct or modify the facility; and
3. A sewer line that conveys wastewater to an
IWWTP shall not be required to obtain a construction permit.
(c) The following requirements
shall apply to a
WWTP that collects, conveys, or treats only stormwater:
1. A
permit to construct or modify the
facility shall not be required for a
WWTP that collects, conveys, or treats
only stormwater and discharges into the waters of the Commonwealth.
401 KAR
5:060 establishes if these facilities shall obtain a
KPDES permit.
that collects, conveys, or treats only stormwater and does not discharge into
the waters of the Commonwealth shall obtain an operational permit pursuant to
Sections 2, 25, 27, and 30(1)(e) through (h) of this administrative
Section 2. Application Submittal.
(1) An
application to construct, modify, or
operate a
facility, or renew the operational
permit for a
facility shall be
submitted on the applicable forms established in this subsection and shall
include the applicable supporting information pursuant to Section 3 of this
administrative regulation, applicable construction
permit fees pursuant to
Section 5 of this administrative regulation, applicable modification or
permit fees, and plans and specifications for the proposed
construction or modification pursuant to Section 6 of this administrative
(a) For construction of a sewer
line extension, the applicant shall submit a completed Construction Permit
Application for Clean Water Collection System, DEP No. 7071-S1
(b) For construction of a
WWTP with a
sewer line with a
direct discharge, the applicant shall
submit or shall have submitted:
1. The
KPDES applications pursuant to
401 KAR
5:060; and
2. A completed Construction Permit
Application for Wastewater Treatment Plant, DEP No. 7071-W1 (4/2018).
(c) For a
WWTP construction
project without a
discharge other than an agricultural waste handling system,
the applicant shall submit:
1. A completed
Construction Permit Application for Wastewater Treatment Plant, DEP No. 7071-W1
(4/2018); and
2. A completed
Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permit Application, DEP 7033-ND
(d) For an
operational permit or renewal of a Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permit
(KNDOP) other than an agricultural waste handling system, the applicant shall
submit a completed Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permit for Closed Loop and
Spray Irrigation Systems Application, DEP 7033-ND (3/2018).
(e) For construction, renewal, modification,
or operation of agricultural waste handling systems that do not discharge and
do not intend to discharge, the applicant shall submit a completed Kentucky No
Discharge Operational Permit Application for Agricultural Wastes Handling
Systems, Short Form B, DEP 7033-B-ND (3/2018).
(f) For construction of minor modifications
to a WWTP, the applicant shall submit a completed Construction Permit
Application for Wastewater Treatment Plant, DEP 7071-W1 (3/2018).
(g) For
WWTP construction projects with a
discharge for an individual residence, the applicant shall submit a completed
notice of intent for coverage under a
general permit issued pursuant to
KAR 5:055.
(h) For operational permits or renewals of
operational permits for publicly owned sewer systems that have at least 5,000
linear feet of sewer line and that discharge to a sewer system or a WWTP that
is owned by another person, the applicant shall submit a completed Kentucky
Inter-System Operational Permit Application, DEP 7103
(2) Signatures.
(a) An
application and all reports required
by the
permit shall be signed as established in
122.22(a) through
(b) Certification. A person signing a
document in accordance with paragraph (a) of this subsection shall make the
following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and
all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision. The
information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
imprisonment for known violations."
Section 3. Application; Construction
Supporting Information. For those facilities required to submit a Construction
Permit Application for
Wastewater Treatment Plant or Construction
Application for Clean Water Collection System, the following information shall
be submitted with the
application pursuant to Section 2 of this administrative
(a) The applicant shall identify who will
inspect and certify that the facility under construction conforms to the plans
and specifications approved by the cabinet in accordance with this
administrative regulation.
Facilities designed by an engineer shall be inspected and certified by an
(2) The
applicant shall provide:
(a) An estimate for
the cost of the facility and the sources of project funding;
(b) A USGS 7.5 minute topographic map with
the proposed project site identified;
(c) The North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83),
degree, minutes, and seconds measurement of the proposed project's latitude and
longitude; and
(d) An estimate, and
the basis for the estimate, for the average daily flow added by the proposed
(3) Closure
(a) If an existing
facility or a portion
of a
facility will be taken out of service, the applicant shall submit a
closure plan discussing the following items:
1. How the
facility will be constructed and
how the
sewage will be diverted to the new construction without a
bypass to a
stream. If a
bypass is unavoidable during construction, the applicant shall
a. An explanation of why construction
cannot occur without the bypass;
An estimate of the shortest duration for the construction to be
c. A description of all
equipment, material, labor, and any other item necessary to complete the
construction; and
d. An estimate of
when the necessary items for the construction will be on-site;
2. How the contents of the
facility will be removed and properly disposed;
3. How any remaining sludge will be removed
and properly disposed;
4. How the
abandoned facility will be removed or filled and covered; and
5. How the abandoned sewers will be plugged
and manholes filled and covered.
(b) If an existing WWTP discharge is
eliminated, the owner of the WWTP shall submit a completed No Discharge
Certification, DEP 7032-NDC (3/2018), within thirty (30) days after the
elimination of the discharge;
(4) Preliminary submittal. Applicants for
WWTP construction permits may submit the following information prior to formal
submittal of the construction
application, to allow the applicant to receive a
preliminary determination on the suitability of the proposed
discharge location
and preliminary effluent limits used in the design of the
(a) If the information in this subsection is
not submitted prior to the formal submittal, the information shall be submitted
with the construction application.
(b) The preliminary determination shall be
valid for up to one (1) year after issuance of the preliminary determination or
until the issuance of the KPDES permit, whichever occurs first.
(c) The preliminary determination shall not
be a guarantee of final permit limits and may be changed as a result of
information presented during the public notice phase of the KPDES permitting
(d) The preliminary
effluent limits shall be contingent upon the validity, accuracy, and
completeness of the following information that the applicant shall submit:
1. A reproducible copy of a USGS 7.5 minute
topographic map with the projected service area outlined, the proposed WWTP
location, and the discharge point identified on the map;
2. A letter from the regional planning agency
stating whether the applicant's project is compatible with the regional
facility plan or water quality management plan;
a. For a
new or an expansion of an existing
regional facility pursuant to
KAR 5:006, a
regional facility plan or
water quality
management plan.
b. The planning
requirements of Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2014 Edition,
A Report of the Wastewater Committee of the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River
Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers, 2014
(Ten States' Standards) shall be satisfied by the cabinet's approval of a
regional facility plan or a water quality management plan;
4. For a
WWTP project, a demonstration that
the users of the proposed
WWTP cannot be served by an existing
facility. The applicant shall provide a detailed evaluation of alternatives by
conducting a twenty (20) year present worth cost analysis.
a. The distance criteria for determining
availability shall not apply to a WWTP with an average daily design capacity
less than or equal to 1,000 gpd.
The distance shall be measured along the most feasible route of connection to a
point where the downstream sewer has capacity to carry the additional flow;
5. An estimate and
the basis for the estimate of the average daily flow added by the proposed
For a
WWTP project, the applicant shall submit the following influent design
(a) Average daily flow;
(b) Peak daily flow;
(c) Peak hourly flow;
(d) Peak instantaneous flow;
(e) BOD;
(f) Influent suspended solids;
(g) Phosphorus; and
(h) Ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N);
(6) For a WWTP project, if the
discharge point of a proposed WWTP fails to coincide with a stream indicated as
a blue line on a USGS 7.5 minute topographic map, the applicant shall
demonstrate that the applicant has a recorded deed, recorded other right of
ownership, or recorded right of easement to discharge the applicant's effluent
across any land owner's property that comes between the point of discharge and
a blue line stream;
(7) For a WWTP
project, the applicant shall submit a copy of the plat or survey clearly
indicating the property boundaries, the position of the proposed facility, and
the position of the dwellings within 200 feet of the WWTP;
(8) For a WWTP project, the applicant shall
provide a sludge management plan that includes the method of sludge processing
and ultimate sludge disposal;
For a WWTP project, the applicant shall indicate that laboratory services shall
be provided for self-monitoring and process control to ensure that the WWTP
operation complies with the permit; and
(10) For a
WWTP project, the applicant shall
(a) A schematic drawing of the WWTP
layout and detailed explanation of the proposed facility and its method of
(b) The WWTP's
reliability category and a demonstration of how the WWTP complies with the
reliability requirements in Section 13 of this administrative regulation;
(c) The design calculations
used to size the unit processes.
Section 4. Application; Preliminary
(1) A permit shall not be
granted to a facility that is not compatible with a regional facility plan or
with a water quality management plan approved by the cabinet or the U.S.
(2) A
permit shall not be
granted to construct a new or expanded
wastewater treatment plant five (5)
miles or less upstream of a surface water intake.
(a) The
cabinet may issue a
variance to the
five (5) mile limitation established in this subsection if the applicant
demonstrates that the:
1. Proposed wastewater
treatment plant incorporates design and reliability features necessary to
protect water quality at surface water intakes located five (5) miles or less
downstream of the proposed wastewater treatment plant; and
2. Wastewater treatment plant discharge shall
not significantly affect the quality of the water at the downstream source
water intake.
(b) An
applicant for a
variance on the five (5) mile limitation established in this
subsection to construct a new or expanded
wastewater treatment plant shall
submit to the
cabinet a
plan of study describing in detail how the applicant
plans to undertake the demonstration required by subparagraph (a) of this
subsection. At a minimum the
plan of study shall include the:
1. Methodologies to be used;
2. Source and extent of existing data to
establish quantitative and qualitative background conditions or tentative plan
to generate a data base that will establish quantitative and qualitative
background conditions;
Parameters to be measured and equipment to be used for measurement and
4. Means by which the
discharge flow and resulting plume will be simulated to include estimates of
maximum concentrations expected at the discharge point and the downstream
surface water intake; and
Distribution of instream sampling points and the frequency at which samples
will be taken.
(c) An
applicant for a permit to construct a new or expanded wastewater treatment
plant shall not commence field work on the demonstration required by
subparagraph (a) of this subsection until the plan of study has been reviewed
and approved by the cabinet.
(d) An
applicant for a permit to construct new or expanded wastewater treatment plant
greater than five (5) miles upstream of a surface water intake may be required
to demonstrate that the proposed wastewater treatment plant discharge will not
significantly affect the quality of the water at the downstream surface water
(3) A new
open-top component of a
WWTP shall not be located within 200 feet of an
existing dwelling or property line; except:
(a) A WWTP that serves an individual
residence shall not be required to be at least 200 feet from the dwelling that
it serves; and
(b) An open-top
component of a
WWTP may be located within 200 feet of another dwelling that the
WWTP does not serve or a property line if:
The WWTP or component is enclosed within a building that controls odors and
dampens noise; or
2. The applicant
demonstrates that an equivalent method for noise and odor control shall be
(4) A
discharge point or direct discharge into a wellhead protection area shall
comply with Section 4(2) of this administrative regulation if that public
drinking water well or spring is under the direct influence of surface
(5) The initial suitability
of a location for a proposed
discharge point or spray irrigation field shall be
determined by the
cabinet after
site inspection. In determining the suitability
of the location, the
cabinet shall consider the:
(a) Distance to the nearest
(b) Distance to water
intake used for a public water supply;
(c) Downstream land use;
(d) Physical characteristics and current use
of the stream;
(e) Physical
characteristics of the proposed spray field including karst
(f) Need for
(g) Location of property
boundaries; and
(h) Other items
consistent with this administrative regulation and KRS Chapter 224.
(6) If the
discharge from the
enters a
sinkhole directly or enters a
disappearing stream, the applicant shall
submit a proposal for a
groundwater tracer study or results from a previously
conducted study to the
(a) The
cabinet shall accept a
groundwater tracer study or a proposal for a
tracer study if it is sufficiently scientifically rigorous to establish if a
hydrologic connection exists with:
1. Surface
waters that may result in additional or more stringent permit
2. Domestic water
supply intakes within five (5) miles; and
3. Drinking water wells within five (5)
(b) The cabinet
shall notify that applicant of the cabinet's acceptance or denial of a
pro-posed groundwater tracer study.
(c) If the cabinet accepts a proposal for a
groundwater tracer study, the applicant shall conduct the groundwater tracer
study and submit the completed groundwater tracer study to the
(d) The cabinet shall
issue, deny, or modify the permit based upon the findings of a scientifically
rigorous groundwater tracer study.
(7) The
cabinet may condition or deny a
permit to construct or expand a
facility based on its compatibility with a
regional facility plan or the availability of a
regional facility.
(a) Permits to construct, expand, or operate
a sewage system shall require connection to a regional facility if one (1)
becomes available and shall not be renewed, reissued, or modified to remove
that requirement unless a regional facility is no longer available.
(b) The distance criteria to determine if a
regional facility is available shall be measured along the most feasible route
of connection to a point where the downstream sewer has capacity to carry the
additional flow.
Pursuant to
KAR 5:075, the
cabinet may coordinate issuance of a
permit for WWTPs that require a new
KPDES permit or modification
to a
KPDES permit with the issuance of the
KPDES permit to ensure that public
comments received as a result of the public notice requirements of
KAR 5:075 shall be considered in the issuance of the
(a) The cabinet may also
coordinate issuance of construction approval for the associated sewer lines
with the issuance of the construction permit for the WWTP.
(b) The cabinet may condition or deny the
construction permit based on those public comments.
(a) The
cabinet shall issue a notice of deficiency for the deficiencies in the
application, fees, supporting information, or plans and
(b) Failure of the
applicant to respond to a notice of deficiency within thirty (30) days shall
result in the application being terminated without the issuance of a
construction permit.
5. Fees.
(1) Except as specified
and subsection (5) of this section, the applicant shall submit a construction
permit fee as provided in subsection (4) of this section with the construction
permit application and any applicable KPDES fee.
(2) If the cabinet denies a construction
permit for a WWTP or sewer line, the fee for the construction permit shall be
retained by the cabinet, unless the fee is for a WWTP that serves only an
individual residence.
(3) The
applicant shall make checks or money orders payable to the Kentucky State
(4) Construction
fees shall be as established in the table in this subsection, except as
provided in subsection (5) of this section.
Facility Category
Construction Permit Fee
Large Facility: WWTP
Intermediate Facility: WWTP
Small Facility: WWTP
Minor Modification to a WWTP:
Small Facility for Nonprofit Organizations pursuant
Large Facility: Sewer Lines
Intermediate Facility: Sewer Lines
Small Facility: Sewer Lines
Fees established in this section shall not apply to an agricultural waste
handling system or to a renewal of a KNDOP permit.
(6) The
WWTP fee shall apply to the
project and sewers or pump stations located on the plant property.
(a) A sewer fee shall apply to all sewers,
force mains, and pump stations that are bound together as one (1) set of
(b) If a WWTP project
includes sewers, force mains, or pump stations located off of the plant
property, at least two (2) fees shall be submitted.
(7) To qualify for the reduced fee in
subsection (4) of this section, nonprofit organizations shall submit proof that
they are qualified pursuant to
26 U.S.C.
Section 6. Plans and Specifications.
(1) The applicant shall submit to the cabinet
at least one (1) set of detailed plans and specifications for the facility and
one (1) digital copy. Plans for gravity sewer lines and force mains shall
include a plan view and a profile view.
(2) The cabinet may request additional
information as is necessary to evaluate the facility to ensure compliance with
this administrative regulation.
If cabinet approval is obtained, changes shall not be made to the plans and
specifications that would alter or affect the location, capacity, type of
treatment process, discharge location, or quality of effluent without issuance
of a modified permit from the cabinet.
(4) If a proposed facility will become a part
of a sewer system served by a regional facility or has a projected average
daily design capacity of 10,000 gpd or more, the plans and specifications shall
be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional engineer.
(5) The plans shall be accompanied by
engineering calculations necessary for the understanding of the basis and
design of the facility.
(6) If a
proposed facility's design capacity is less than 10,000 gpd, the cabinet may
require the plans to be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional
engineer if there is not sufficient operating data available from previous
similar installations. Operation data shall demonstrate that water quality
standards have not been violated and that there have not been significant
operational problems.
7. Design Considerations.
(a) Facilities, except an extended aeration
package WWTP with an average daily design capacity less than 100,000 gpd, shall
be designed in accordance with the Recommended Standards for Wastewater
Facilities, 2014 Edition, A Report of the Wastewater Committee of the Great
Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and
Environmental Managers, 2014, commonly referred to as Ten States' Standards.
1. A deviation from the Ten States' Standards
requirements may be approved if the applicant submits a written request for a
deviation with the basis for the request pursuant to this paragraph.
2. The basis for the deviation request shall
be supported by current engineering practice such as that found in Wastewater
Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, Metcalfe and Eddy Inc., 5th Edition
3. Design calculations and
other supporting documentation to support the deviation shall be submitted to
the cabinet.
(b) Other
practices may be required if necessary for the protection of public health and
the environment.
(c) Other
practices may be approved by the cabinet if sufficient operational experience
is available from previous similar installations to indicate operational
problems have not occurred, that water quality standards have not been
violated, and design calculations and documentation to support the other
practice have been submitted to the cabinet.
(2) The applicant shall demonstrate that the
effluent from a proposed
facility shall:
Protect those minimum conditions listed in
401 KAR
10:031 that are applicable to all waters of the
(c) Be in accordance with any facility
requirement established in 401 KAR Chapter 5.
(3) Each
WWTP shall have a flow measuring
device at the plant capable of measuring the anticipated flow, including
variations, with an accuracy of ± ten (10) percent.
(a) The flow measuring device shall measure
all flow discharged by the WWTP including any bypasses.
(b) An indicating, recording, and totalizing
flow measuring device shall be installed at each large WWTP.
(c) A flow measuring device for new large
WWTPs shall meet the requirements of Section 12 of this administrative
(4) A bypass
or overflow structure of any type shall not be constructed in a sewer line or
pump station or at a WWTP unless construction of the bypass or overflow
structure is necessary to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe
property damage and there is not an alternative.
Section 8. Requirements for
Sewer Line
(1) If the applicant does not own
all of the proposed sewer line extension, the applicant shall identify the
owner and the portion of the sewer line extension owned by the other
(2) The applicant shall
submit letters from the
owner of the:
Sewer line extension stating that the owner shall accept operation and
maintenance responsibilities for the sewer line extension as it is
(b) Sewer system
stating that the owner approves the connection and accepts responsibility for
the additional flow; and
(c) WWTP
stating that the owner approves the connection and accepts responsibility for
the additional flow.
(a) The applicant shall demonstrate that the
portion of the sewer system used by the connection has adequate capacity to
transport the current and anticipated peak flow to the WWTP and that the
portion of the sewer system used by the connection shall not be subject to
excessive infiltration or excessive inflow.
(b) The cabinet may deny a sewer line
extension for that portion of the sewer system if the portion of the system is
subject to excessive infiltration or excessive inflow unless a plan for
investigation and remediation that addresses these conditions has been
submitted and is being implemented.
(a) The
applicant shall demonstrate that the WWTP that receives the waste has adequate
capacity to treat the current and the anticipated flow and is not subject to
excessive infiltration or excessive inflow.
(b) The cabinet may deny the sewer line
extension if the WWTP does not have adequate capacity to treat the flow or is
subject to excessive infiltration or excessive inflow unless a plan for
investigation and remediation that addresses these conditions has been
submitted and the plan is being implemented.
(5) The entrance of groundwater into, or loss
of waste from, a new gravity sewer line shall be limited to 200 gpd per inch of
diameter per mile of the gravity sewer line and shall include manholes, gravity
sewer lines, and appurtenances.
(a) The integrity of a new gravity
sewer line
shall be verified by either the infiltration-exfiltration or low pressure air
testing method.
1. An
infiltration-exfiltration test shall be performed with a minimum positive head
of two (2) feet.
2. A deflection
test shall be performed for each new flexible pipe; pipe deflection shall not
exceed five (5) percent.
3. Each
new manhole shall be tested for watertightness.
(b) The integrity of a new force main shall
be verified by leakage tests. The applicant shall describe the proposed testing
methods and leakage limits in the specifications submitted with the permit
(7) The
construction of a new
combined sewer shall not be permitted unless it is a
consolidation sewer,
flood relief sewer, or a replacement of a
combined sewer
(a) Conforms with the long-term CSO
control plan that complies with the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control
Policy, U.S. EPA, 59 Federal Register 18688, April 1994;
(b) Enhances water quality; and
(c) Protects public health and
(8) A gravity
sewer line and a
force main shall be designed and constructed to give mean
velocities, when flowing full, of not less than two and zero-tenths (2.0) feet
per second.
(a) The roughness coefficient used
in the Manning or Kutter's formula shall be 0.013, or the "C" factor used in
the Hazen-Williams Formula shall be 100.
(b) If the specifications allow only plastic
pipe, a roughness coefficient of 0.011 or a "C" factor of 120 may be
(c) A roughness coefficient
between 0.013 and 0.011 may be used for other pipe materials if sufficient
documentation of experimental testing is submitted to the cabinet and if the
testing supports the use of the design roughness coefficient.
(9) A gravity sewer line and a
force main shall have a minimum of thirty (30) inches of cover or provide
comparable protection.
(10) If a
gravity sewer line and a force main are to be constructed in fill areas, the
fill areas shall be compacted to ninety-five (95) percent density as determined
by the Standard Proctor Density test or to a minimum of ninety (90) percent
density as determined by the Modified Proctor Density test prior to the
installation of the sewer lines.
(11) The minimum diameter for a conventional
sewer line shall be eight (8) inches, except that:
(a) The minimum diameter for an extension to
an eight (8) inch or larger sewer line if a future extension is not feasible
shall be six (6) inches;
(b) The
minimum diameter for an extension to a six (6) inch sewer line shall be six (6)
inches; and
(c) A sewer line shall
be sized based upon engineering calculations consistent with current
engineering practices.
(12) A manhole shall be provided at the
junction of two (2) building sewers. This subsection shall not apply to
building sewers that serve a single-family residence.
(13) The following building sewers shall be
exempt from the requirements of this administrative regulation:
(a) A gravity sewer that:
1. Discharges directly to the sewer main;
2. Serves a single building;
(b) A
force main
sewer, regardless of the location of the pump station that:
1. Discharges directly to a gravity sewer
main; and
2. Serves a single
Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a
sewer line shall be
located at least fifty (50) feet away from an intermittent or perennial stream
except where the sewer alignment crosses the stream.
(a) The distance shall be measured from the
top of the stream bank.
(b) The
applicant may request a variance from the requirement established in this
(15) A
sewer line and a
force main that cross streams shall be constructed by
a method that maintains normal stream flow and allows for a dry excavation.
(a) Water pumped from the excavation shall be
contained and allowed to settle prior to reen-tering the stream.
(b) Excavation equipment and vehicles shall
operate outside of the flowing portion of the stream.
(c) Spoil material from the sewer line
excavation shall not be allowed to enter the flowing portion of the
(16) A pump
station wetwell shall be sized so that, based on the average flow, the time to
fill the wetwell from the pump-off elevation to the pump-on elevation shall not
exceed thirty (30) minutes.
(17) A
pump station wetwell shall have a vent.
(18) A pump station shall provide a minimum
of two (2) hours of detention, based on the average design flow, above the high
level alarm elevation or provide an alternate source of power with wetwell
storage providing sufficient time for the alternative power source to be
(19) Each high point in
the force main shall have an automatic air release valve.
(20) The applicant shall submit a performance
curve for a proposed pump station.
(21) A simplex design shall be used only for
a pump station that serves an individual residence or business, and a spare
pump shall be available for immediate installation.
Section 9. Municipal Water Pollution
Program. This section applies to owners of regional WWTPs, sewer
systems served by regional WWTPs, and political subdivision facilities with
(1) For each regional
WWTP, the
cabinet shall review the
WWTP's reported monthly flows and organic loads for
the most recent twelve (12) months. If the annual average flow or organic load,
or for systems with
combined sewer lines the lowest monthly flow and associated
organic load, exceed the following values, the
cabinet shall advise the
of the
WWTP of the need to address the potential overload condition pursuant to
subsections (2) and (3) of this section:
For a regional WWTP with a design capacity of ten (10) mgd or less, ninety (90)
percent of the WWTP's average daily design capacity; or
(b) For a regional WWTP with a design
capacity of more than ten (10) mgd, ninety-five (95) percent of the WWTP's
average daily design capacity.
(2) The
cabinet shall give written notice to
owner of the
WWTP that the wastewater collection system shall not accept
any additional flow until the
owner of the
(a) Agrees to address the potential overload
condition established in subsection (1) of this section in accordance with
subsection (3) of this section; or
(b) Demonstrates to the cabinet that the
additional flow shall not result in an increase in monthly flows at the WWTP
and receives cabinet approval to accept the additional flow.
(3) The
cabinet shall deny the
approval of a
sewer line extension until the
owner of the
WWTP agrees to
address the potential overload condition identified in subsection (1) of this
section. The
owner shall address the condition by:
Demonstrating, with supporting documentation, that the average daily design
capacity of the plant is greater than the permitted amount.
2. The cabinet shall review the request and
if justified, shall issue a revised average daily design capacity for the WWTP
by issuing a modification to the KPDES permit;
(b) Expanding the WWTP to a size sufficient
to handle the anticipated flows and loads; or
(c) Performing other remedial measures that
address the condition.
(4) The cabinet shall deny a sewer line
extension that is of sufficient flow or adds load sufficient to exceed the
remaining design capacity of the WWTP or exacerbate water quality problems
until the owner of the WWTP agrees to address the design capacity or water
quality problem.
(5) The owners of
the following facilities shall conduct a study of the
sewer system or the
affected portion of the
sewer system that complies with subsections (5) and (6)
of this section:
(a) A regional
WWTP with a
reported average flow or organic load that exceeds the percent identified in
subsection (1)(a) or (b) of this section, as applicable, or a political
KISOP facility that either:
Receives more than 275 gallons per capita per day of sewage flow based on the
maximum flow received during a twenty-four (24) hour period exclusive of
industrial flow; or
2. Receives
more than 120 gallons per capita per day of sewage flow based on the annual
average of daily flows exclusive of industrial flow; or
(b) If subject to excessive infiltration or
excessive inflow, a regional WWTP, sewer system served by a regional WWTP, or a
political subdivision facility with a KISOP.
(6) The study shall determine if the
infiltration-inflow can be removed in a cost-effective manner by using a twenty
(20) year present worth cost analysis and if it cannot be, shall identify the
modifications to the
sewer system, affected portion of the
sewer system, or
affected portion of the
WWTP necessary to transport and treat the
(a) A schedule for
completion of the necessary modifications shall also be prepared.
1. The
study and schedule shall be submitted to the cabinet for review and approval.
2. Approval shall be based on cost
and length of time required to correct the infiltration-inflow.
(7) For the
infiltration-inflow study of the
sewer system or the affected portion of the
sewer system, the
owner shall:
(a) Use a map
of the sewer system or the affected portion of the sewer system to select
manholes for the installation of flow monitoring equipment;
(b) Install equipment to monitor flow at the
key manholes, groundwater levels, and rainfall volume and duration for a period
of thirty (30) to ninety (90) days;
(c) Conduct physical surveys, smoke tests,
and dye water studies of the affected portion of the sewer system;
(d) Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of
transportation and treatment versus correction of the infiltration-inflow
sources by using a twenty (20) year present worth cost analysis;
(e) Internally inspect the sewer lines in the
affected portion of the sewer system to determine the rehabilitation locations
and methods if the rehabilitation locations and methods cannot be established
by other analysis;
(f) Develop
plans for rehabilitation of the affected portion of the sewer system or
modifications to the affected portion of the facility necessary to transport
and treat all flows; and
Develop a schedule for completion of the rehabilitation or
(a) The owner of the facility shall complete
the necessary rehabilitation or modifications in accordance with the schedule
to which the applicant and cabinet agree.
(b) The cabinet may deny a further sewer line
extension if the owner is not meeting the schedule or is not making progress
that follows the schedule.
Section 10. Extended Aeration
Package WWTP
Requirements. This section shall apply to an extended aeration
package WWTP
intended to treat only
domestic sewage but shall not apply to an extended
package WWTP that serves an individual residence.
(1) A bar screen shall be provided for each
plant, except those with trash traps pursuant to Section 14 of this
administrative regulation.
(2) The
aeration chamber shall have a minimum detention time of twenty-four (24) hours
based on the average design flow.
(3) A minimum of 2,050 cubic feet of air
shall be provided per pound of BOD.
(4) The clarifier shall have:
(a) A minimum detention time of four (4)
hours based on the average design flow;
(b) A surface overflow rate of less than
1,000 GPD/ft2; and
(c) A solids loading of less than thirty-five
(35) lb/ft2 based on the peak daily design flow
(5) A positive
sludge return shall be provided.
(a) A
source of water shall be provided for cleanup.
(b) If a potable source is provided, backflow
preventers shall be installed to protect the water supply.
(7) Fencing with a lockable gate shall be
installed around the plant site.
(8) An all-weather access road to the plant
shall be provided.
(9) A sludge
holding system shall be provided for each
large WWTP. The sludge holding system
(a) Provide two (2) cubic feet of
volume per 100 gallons of WWTP design treatment capacity;
(b) Provide thirty (30) cubic feet per minute
(cfm) of air per 1,000 cubic feet of tank volume;
(c) Be designed to prevent overflows;
(d) Transport supernatant to
the aeration chamber.
(10) For a large WWTP, motors and blowers
shall be installed sufficient to handle the load if the largest unit is taken
out of service.
(11) Post aeration,
if required by effluent limits, shall be designed to raise the effluent
dissolved oxygen from two (2)
mg/l to the required effluent concentration.
(a) If a diffused air system is used, a
minimum blower capacity of 0.154 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per 1,000 gallons
of average daily design capacity shall be provided.
(b) If a step aeration ladder is used, a
minimum drop of nineteen (19) feet shall be provided.
(12) A WWTP with a monthly average permit
limit for CBOD of twenty (20) mg/l or less shall provide additional
(13) A WWTP that serves
a restaurant or other similar establishment where food is prepared and served
and a food grinder is used shall be designed to treat the additional BOD
(14) Effluent discharge
piping for a new WWTP, except a regional facility, shall be designed to
transport sewage to facilitate a future connection to a regional
(15) A used package
extended aeration WWTP may be used if the manufacturer or a professional
engineer certifies that the tank is structurally sound and all mechanical
equipment has been reconditioned.
Section 11. Disinfection.
(1) All WWTPs shall have a disinfection
process that meets the following requirements:
(a) An ultraviolet disinfection system
designed to treat the anticipated peak hourly flow with two (2) banks in
(b) A chlorination system
with a flow or demand proportional feed system.
1. The chlorine contact tank shall have a
minimum detention time of thirty (30) minutes based on the average flow, or
fifteen (15) minutes based on the peak hourly flow, whichever requires the
larger tank size.
2. A WWTP shall
also have a dechlorination system with a flow or demand proportional feed
system if necessary to meet the effluent limits;
(c) A chlorination system with a manually
controlled feed system and a flow equalization basin designed to eliminate the
diurnal flow variations.
1. The flow
equalization basin shall meet the requirements of Section 17 of this
administrative regulation.
2. The
chlorine contact tank shall have a minimum detention time of thirty (30)
minutes based on the average design flow or fifteen (15) minutes based on peak
hourly flow.
3. A WWTP shall also
have a dechlorination system if necessary to meet the effluent
(d) A peracetic
acid system for a
WWTP with a capacity that is greater than 10,000 gpd in flow.
1. If a pilot test is to be conducted, the
WWTP shall submit written notice of the intent to begin pilot
2. Pilot testing shall not
exceed twelve (12) months.
3. For
final approval of a peracetic acid system, the
WWTP shall submit:
a. A W-1 application;
b. A detailed plan showing:
(i) The treatment train that shall include
peracetic acid;
(ii) The basin that
will serve as a chamber for feeding peracetic acid; and
(iii) Secondary containment of peracetic acid
c. The type of
pump used to deliver peracetic acid;
d. The type of material used in the feed
line; and e. The contact time calculations.
4. If basin construction is required,
construction plans and specifications shall be signed, stamped, and dated by a
Professional Engineer; or
(e) Another disinfection process approved
based on a demonstration that the process provides equivalent
(2) Tablet
type chlorination equipment shall not be used in an intermediate or large
Section 12.
Requirements for Flow Measuring Devices. This section shall apply to a new
large WWTP.
(a) Each flow measuring device shall be
capable of measuring the anticipated flow, including variations, with an
accuracy of ± ten (10) percent.
(b) The flow measuring device shall measure
all flow received at the WWTP.
An indicating, recording, and totalizing flow measuring device shall be
installed at each large WWTP.
(a) If
the influent and effluent flow are expected to be significantly different, flow
measuring devices shall be provided for both the influent and the effluent
(b) Multiple flow measuring
devices shall be provided for a
1. That
stores and hydrographically controls the release of effluent;
2. With flow equalization facilities that are
designed to store more than the volume required to dampen the diurnal flow
3. With a lagoon that
has a detention time of greater than twenty-four (24) hours;
4. With the capability to bypass a treatment
process; and
5. With more than one
(1) discharge point.
(3) Sharp crested weirs shall be used for
measuring effluent flow only and shall have the following characteristics:
(a) The weir shall be installed perpendicular
to the axis of flow, and there shall not be leakage at the weir edges or
(b) The weir plate shall be
level and adjustable;
(c) The sides
of a rectangular contracted weir shall be vertical;
(d) The angles of a V-notch weir shall be cut
(e) The thickness of the
weir crest shall be less than one-tenth (0.1) of an inch;
(f) The distance from the weir crest to the
bottom of the approach channel shall be more than one (1) foot or two (2) times
the maximum weir head, whichever is greater;
(g) For a weir other than a suppressed,
rectangular weir, the distance from the sides of the weir to the sides of the
approach channel shall be more than one (1) foot or two (2) times the maximum
weir head, whichever is greater;
(h) Air shall circulate freely under, and on
both sides of, the nappe;
(i) The
measurement of head on the weir shall be made at least four (4) times the
maximum weir head upstream from the weir crest;
1. The
cross-sectional area of the approach channel shall be at least eight (8) times
the area of the nappe.
2. The
approach channel shall be straight and uniform upstream from the weir for a
distance of fifteen (15) times the maximum weir head;
(k) The minimum acceptable weir head shall be
two-tenths (0.2) foot;
(l) The
maximum downstream pool level shall be at least two-tenths (0.2) foot below the
crest elevation;
(m) The weir
length for a rectangular, suppressed, or cipolletti weir shall be at least
three (3) times the maximum weir head; and
(n) A reference staff gauge shall be
(4) Parshall
flumes may be used to measure influent or effluent flows and shall have the
following characteristics:
(a) The approach
channel upstream of the flume shall be straight and have a width uniform for
the length required by the following:
1. If
the flume throat width is less than one-half (1/2) the width of the approach
channel, the straight upstream channel length shall be twenty (20) times the
throat width;
2. If the flume
throat width is equal to or larger than one-half (1/2) the width of the
approach channel, the straight upstream length shall be greater than ten (10)
times the approach channel width; and
3. If the cross-sectional area of the inlet
to the approach channel is smaller than the cross-sectional area of the
approach channel, additional straight upstream channel length may be required
to dissipate the velocity if necessary to maintain laminar flow;
(b) The throat section walls shall
be vertical;
(c) The head measuring
point shall be at two-thirds (2/3) the length of the converging
(d) The flow shall be
evenly distributed across the channel, shall be free of turbulence or waves,
and shall not be located after transition sections;
(e) The longitudinal and lateral axes of the
converging crest floor shall be level;
(f) Free flow conditions shall be maintained;
(g) A reference staff gauge
shall be provided for Ha and Hb to determine if submergence occurs.
(5) Other types of flow measuring
devices shall be approved if the device reasonably and accurately measures the
Section 13.
Reliability Categories.
(1) A
WWTP design
(a) Provide sufficient treatment units
to allow for cleaning and repair without causing a violation of effluent
limitations or a bypass from the sewer system or WWTP; and
(b) Provide storage or treatment capability
sufficient to contain or treat the:
1. Volume
of the largest tank if that tank is out of service; and
2. Flow received during the time needed to
drain, complete cleaning, and accomplish an anticipated repair without causing
a permit violation or bypass of a treatment process.
(2) The
cabinet shall determine
the reliability grade of a
WWTP based on the water quality use designation of
the receiving stream, pursuant to
401 KAR
(a) A Grade
WWTP shall have:
1. Treatment units and
alternate power sufficient for the continuous use of all treatment processes
and disinfection, with the exception of alternate power for the aeration
equipment used in an activated sludge process; and
2. Full alternate power capacity for a
discharge to a stream segment within five (5) miles of a public water supply
(b) A Grade B
WWTP shall have:
a. Treatment units sufficient for the
continuous use of the preliminary, primary, and secondary treatment processes
and disinfection; and
b. If an
intermediate or large facility, alternate power sufficient for the continuous
use of the preliminary, primary, secondary treatment, and disinfection
processes, with the exception of alternate power for the aeration equipment
used in an activated sludge process; or
2. If a small facility, a design that enables
the small facility to connect to an emergency generator.
(c) A Grade C
WWTP shall have:
Treatment units sufficient for the continuous use of the preliminary treatment,
primary treatment, and disinfection processes; and
b. If an intermediate or large facility,
alternate power sufficient for the continuous use of the preliminary treatment,
primary treatment, and disinfection processes; or
2. If a small facility, a design that enables
the small facility to connect to an emergency generator.
(d) If alternate power is required pursuant
to this subsection:
1. Alternative power
shall be provided from the connection to at least two (2) independent power
sources or an emergency generator; or
2. The
cabinet may approve alternative
measures for an intermediate or
small facility if:
a. The applicant can demonstrate that those
measures provide protection comparable to alternative power; and
b. The receiving stream is not an OSRW,
within five (5) miles of a public water supply intake, or within five (5) miles
of a wellhead protection area.
(3) Grade A
WWTP requirements shall be met by
WWTP approved to
(a) To a water
body designated as an
Outstanding State Resource Water pursuant to
401 KAR
(b) Into a sinkhole or disappearing stream;
(c) Within five (5) miles of a
public water supply intake or discharge directly into a wellhead protection
(4) A WWTP shall
meet the requirements for a Grade B WWTP if it discharges within five (5) miles
upstream of the head of an embayment if the lake is at normal
(5) Except as provided
in subsection (6) of this section, a WWTP shall, at minimum, meet the
requirements for a Grade C WWTP.
(6) The
cabinet shall not assign a grade to a
(a) Treating less than or equal to 1,000
gallons per day; or
(b) Serving an
individual family residence.
Section 14. Requirements for Trash Traps. A
trash trap shall not be used on a
WWTP with a design capacity of larger than
100,000 gpd. A trash trap shall have an outlet baffle, be accessible to
cleaning equipment, have air-tight access openings for cleaning, allow for
cleaning in front of baffles, and have a volume required by this section.
(1) For a small WWTP, the trash trap volume
shall be fifteen (15) percent of the average daily design flow; and
(2) For an intermediate or
large WWTP with a
design capacity of less than or equal to 100,000 gpd, the trash trap volume
shall be as indicated in the table established in this subsection for the
WWTP capacity. For capacities not included, the volume shall be
WWTP Capacity (GPD)
Trash Trap Volume (Gallons)
15. Requirements for Slow Sand Filters.
(1) Wastewater loading shall not exceed five
(5) GPD per square foot of filter surface area.
(2) Filter areas larger than 900 square feet
shall have multiple beds.
(3) The
discharge piping on the filter bed shall be located so that the maximum lateral
travel over the sand is less than twenty (20) feet.
(4) Each discharge point shall serve a
maximum of 300 square feet of filter surface.
(5) Each discharge point shall have a splash
block with a minimum surface area of nine (9) square feet and a square or
circular shape.
(6) Distribution
piping shall be designed to drain properly.
(7) An underdrain shall be spaced on ten (10)
foot centers or less.
(8) Gravel
shall be placed around the underdrain and to a depth of six (6) inches over the
top of the underdrain.
(9) The
filter bed shall have at least thirty (30) inches of sand with an effective
size between three-tenths (0.3) and five-tenths (0.5) millimeter.
(10) The dosing chamber shall have a volume
sufficient to provide a depth of two (2) inches over the entire filter
Section 16.
Requirements for Rapid Sand or Mixed Media Filters.
(1) Rapid sand or mixed media filter loadings
shall not exceed one (1) gallon per minute per square foot of filter surface
(2) If flow equalization is
provided, the allowable loading may be increased to two (2) gallons per minute
per square foot.
(3) A backwash
system shall be provided.
17. Requirements for Flow Equalization Basins.
(1) A flow equalization basin shall have:
(a) A variable flow weir box set to deliver
flow at a treatable rate;
(b) A
minimum of 1.25 cfm of diffused air per 1,000 gallons of flow equalization
(c) An emergency overflow
to an appropriate point in the treatment scheme; and
(d) Sufficient volume to dampen the diurnal
flow variations.
(2) A
flow equalization basin with earth embankments shall be constructed with a
slope not steeper than 1:3 (one to three) unless a steeper slope is supported
by geotechnical and slope stability studies.
(3) For a flow equalization basin constructed
in material other than earth, the applicant shall indicate how the basin will
be properly sealed.
(4) The flow
equalization basin volume calculation and justification shall be provided to
the cabinet.
Section 18.
Requirements for Wastewater Treatment Lagoons.
(1) BOD loading shall be less than:
(a) Thirty-five (35) pounds per day per acre
of lagoon surface for a nonaerated primary lagoon system;
(b) Fifty (50) pounds per day per acre of
lagoon surface for a nonaerated polishing lagoon; and
(c) 150 pounds per day per acre of lagoon
surface for an aerated lagoon.
(a) The
lagoon design submittal shall provide details on the aeration system proposed
1. The type, location, and capacity
of the aeration units;
2. The
operating depth;
3. The area of the
lagoon at the operating depth;
Permeability and thickness of the lagoon liner;
5. Anticipated ultimate wastewater flow;
6. Influent wastewater
(b) A
new lagoon system shall be designed to treat a raw wastewater BOD of at least
240 mg/l.
(c) Except as established
in subsection (5) of this section, the lagoon design shall be evaluated by the
method established in Ten States' Standards and the predicted BOD remaining
shall be less than the required effluent concentration.
(3) A lagoon shall be at least 200 feet from
any present residence or adjacent property line.
(4) A nonaerated primary lagoon shall have a
minimum detention time of ninety (90) days.
(5) The Ten States' Standards requirement for
vegetation to be established prior to filling the lagoon shall not
(6) An applicant proposing a
lagoon with an embankment slope steeper than one to three (1:3) shall provide
geotechnical and slope stability studies to support the design.
(7) The applicant shall indicate how a basin
constructed in material other than earth will be properly sealed.
Section 19. Additional
Requirements for WWTPs That Serve Schools. In addition to the requirements of
Sections 10 through 18 of this administrative regulation, the requirements
established in this section shall apply to a
WWTP that serves a school.
(1) If a flow equalization basin is provided
it shall meet the requirements of Section 17 of this administrative
(2) The aeration tank
shall have at least ten (10) gallons of capacity per day per student for
elementary and middle schools, or at least twenty (20) gallons of capacity per
day per student for an elementary or middle school, and a high
(3) The secondary clarifier
shall be sized to provide a maximum surface loading, at the average design
flow, of 300 GPD per square foot of clarifier surface area. If a flow
equalization basin is not provided, the secondary clarifier shall be sized to
provide a maximum surface loading of 100 GPD per square foot at average daily
design flow.
Section 20.
Additional Requirements for WWTPs That Serve Multifamily Residential
Developments. In addition to the requirements of Sections 10 through 18 of this
administrative regulation, a
WWTP that serves a multifamily residential
development, including subdivisions, condominiums, apartments, and mobile home
parks shall comply with at least one (1) of the requirements established in
subsections (1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Blowers and motors shall be installed
sufficient to handle the organic load if the largest unit is not available for
(2) An alternate source of
(3) Additional treatment
units or processes.
21. Additional Requirements for WWTPs That Propose Effluent
Disposal by Spray Irrigation. In addition to the requirements of Sections 10
through 18 of this administrative regulation, the requirements in this section
shall apply to a
WWTP that proposes effluent disposal by spray irrigation.
(1) One (1) acre of spray field shall be
provided for each 1,000 GPD of treated wastewater. An applicant proposing
higher application rates shall provide detailed design based on site-specified
(2) The following
plans and specifications shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a professional
engineer licensed in Kentucky:
(a) Plans for a
WWTP with a design capacity of more than 1,000 gallons per day that propose an
application rate greater than 1,000 gallons per acre per day; and
(b) Plans that propose a final slope equal to
or greater than ten (10) percent.
(3) A spray field that has a slope greater
than twenty-five (25) percent on any portion of the spray field shall not be
(4) The soil of a spray
irrigation field shall have an average saturated hydraulic conductivity of not
less than six-tenths (0.6) inch per hour, as established by:
(a) The saturated hydraulic conductivity
value provided by an NRCS soil survey; or
(b) A saturated soil test of the spray
(5) The spray
field shall have less than a six (6) percent slope unless:
(a) The average saturated hydraulic
conductivity for the spray field is more than six (6) inches per hour;
(b) The average soil depth of
the spray field is at least twenty-four (24) inches.
(6) The spray irrigation field shall have
sufficient vegetative growth to promote absorption, evaporation, and
(a) Vegetative growth shall be
(b) Vegetative growth
shall cover not less than ninety-five (95) percent of the spray field
(7) A twenty (20)
foot buffer zone shall be provided between the outer boundary of the spray
field and the property boundary or the applicant shall provide screening to
inhibit the transport of aerosols and windborne spray across property
(8) A spray irrigation
field for an individual residence shall have a temporal or physical barrier
that inhibits human contact with the airborne spray.
(9) Effluent from the spray irrigation field
shall be contained on the owner's property.
(10) Setbacks.
(a) A construction permit shall not be issued
if a portion of the spray field is closer than 200 feet from an existing
(b) A portion of a spray
field shall not be closer than the minimum setback requirements for a leach bed
as established in
902 KAR
10:085, Section 8.
(c) If a setback provision of
902 KAR
10:085, Section 8, is less stringent than the setback
requirements of this subsection, the more stringent setback shall
(11) Effluent
derived from a wastewater that contained human waste shall not be applied to an
area in active production of food for human consumption.
(12) A spray irrigation field for an
individual residence shall also have:
(a) At
least three (3) sprinkler heads;
(b) A spray area larger than 0.19 acre;
(c) A spray area larger than
0.38 acres if the slope is equal to or greater than six (6)
22. Requirements for WWTPs that Serve an Individual Residence.
(1) A wastewater plant intended to serve an
individual residence and eligible for a general
KPDES permit pursuant to
KAR 5:055 shall have, at minimum, the following
treatment processes:
(a) Extended
(b) Filtration;
(2) The
WWTP shall be capable of meeting the final effluent limitations of the general
(3) The
WWTP shall be
capable of meeting
secondary treatment requirements of
KAR 5:045 prior to filtration.
(4) The
cabinet may allow an alternative or
additional treatment process to extended aeration if an alternative process is
necessary to meet the requirements of a
general permit issued pursuant to
KAR 5:055.
(5) A minimum lot size of one (1) acre shall
be provided for WWTPs. The cabinet may grant a variance to the one (1) acre
limitation established in this subsection if the WWTP owner demonstrates that
the WWTP shall not adversely affect water quality.
(6) A WWTP serving an individual residence
and proposing effluent disposal by spray irrigation shall also comply with
Section 21 of this administrative regulation.
(7) Setback restrictions for a treatment
system serving an individual residence shall not be less than the setback
restrictions established by
902 KAR
10:085, Section 8, Table 7.
(8) An applicant may submit to the cabinet
only one (1) of the two (2) copies of the plans and specifications required
pursuant to Section 6 of this administrative regulation.
Section 23. Additional Requirements for
extended aeration WWTPs that Serve Car Washes or Laundries. An extended
aeration WWTP that serves a commercial or fleet car wash, commercial laundry,
or laundry serving commercial or institutional establishment, shall have an
average daily flow from other biochemically degradable sources that is at least
four (4) times greater than the anticipated flow of the car wash, commercial
laundry, or laundry serving a commercial or institutional
Section 24. The
(a) A permit to construct a facility shall be
effective upon issuance unless otherwise conditioned.
(b) If construction is not commenced within
the twenty-four (24) months following a permit's issuance, a new permit shall
be obtained before construction may begin.
(a) The
permittee shall submit the certification from an engineer that the facility was
constructed in conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the
cabinet in accordance with this administrative regulation within thirty (30)
days from the completion of construction.
(b) The permittee shall certify the
completion of construction for a project not designed by an engineer.
(c) If construction has not been completed
within five (5) years of the permit issuance date, the permit shall expire and
a new permit shall be required.
(3) Permit conditions.
(a) Permits may contain special conditions
that are necessary to comply with KRS Chapter 224 and 401 KAR Chapters 4
through 11. The conditions shall be in writing and treated as a part of the
(b) The following
conditions shall apply to all construction permits:
1. There shall not be deviations from the
plans and specifications submitted with the application or the conditions
specified in this subsection, unless authorized in writing by the cabinet;
2. The permittee shall ensure
that the effluent is of satisfactory quality to prevent violations of the
standards in 401 KAR Chapter 5 and 401 KAR Chapter 10.
(c) The following conditions shall also apply
to a construction
permit issued to a
WWTP that discharges to waters of the
1. If a sewer system served by a
regional facility becomes available, the WWTP shall be abandoned and the
influent flow shall be diverted to the regional facility; and
2. Issuance of this permit shall not relieve
the permittee from the responsibility of obtaining other permits or licenses
required by this cabinet and other state, federal, or local agencies.
(4) The construction
permit for agricultural waste handling system may be used as an interim
operational permit until the operational permit is issued or denied.
(5) The issuance of a permit by the cabinet
shall not convey any property rights of any kind or any exclusive
Section 25.
Kentucky No
Discharge Operational Permits (KNDOPs). A
Kentucky No Discharge
Operational Permit (
KNDOP) shall only be issued to a
facility that does not
discharge and does not intend to
discharge to waters of the Commonwealth,
including agricultural waste handling systems and facilities that dispose of
effluent by spray irrigation.
(1) Nutrient
Management Plans. An animal feeding operation shall have a
nutrient management
plan that:
(a) Contains the information
required by subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) Is consistent with:
1. The Agriculture Water Quality Act,
224.71-100 through
2. NRCS Conservation Practice
Standard Nutrient Management Code 590 for Kentucky, NRCS, Kentucky (January
(2) The
nutrient management plan shall:
(a) Ensure
adequate storage of manure, litter, and process wastewater, including
procedures to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the storage
(b) Ensure proper
management of animal mortalities established in
257.160 to ensure that they shall not be
disposed of in liquid manure, stormwater, or process wastewater storage or
treatment system;
(c) Ensure that
clean water shall be diverted from the production area;
(d) Prevent direct contact of confined
animals with waters of the Commonwealth;
(e) Ensure that chemicals and other
contaminants handled on-site shall not be disposed of in manure, litter,
process wastewater, or stormwater storage or treatment system, unless
specifically designed to treat chemicals and other contaminants;
(f) Identify site-specific conservation
practices to be implemented to control runoff of pollutants to waters of the
(g) Identify
protocols for testing of manure, litter, process wastewater, and
(h) Establish protocols to
land apply manure, litter, or process wastewater in accordance with
site-specific nutrient management practices that ensure agricultural
utilization of the nutrients in the manure, litter, or process wastewater;
(i) Large animal feeding
operations shall identify records that shall be maintained to document the
implementation and management of the minimum elements described in paragraphs
(a) through (h) of this subsection.
(3) Additional Measures for Large Animal
Feeding Operations.
(a) Visual inspections.
There shall be routine visual inspections of the
production area. The following
shall be visually inspected:
1. Weekly
inspections of all stormwater diversion devices, runoff diversion structures,
and devices channeling contaminated stormwater to the wastewater and manure
storage and containment structure;
2. Daily inspections of drinking water or
cooling water lines; and
3. Weekly
inspections of the manure, litter, and process wastewater impoundments. The
inspection shall note the level in liquid impoundments as indicated by the
depth marker in paragraph (b) of this subsection.
(b) Depth marker. An open surface liquid
impoundment shall have a depth marker that clearly indicates the storage
(c) Corrective actions. A
deficiency found as a result of an inspection shall be corrected.
(d) Mortality handling. A mortality shall not
be disposed of in liquid manure or process wastewater system and shall be
handled in a way that prevents the discharge of pollutants to surface
(4) Record Keeping
Requirements for
Large Animal Feeding Operation Production Areas. Each AFO
shall maintain on-
site, for a period of five (5) years from the date they are
created, a complete copy of the information required by subsection (2)(i) of
this section, and the records specified in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this
subsection. The AFO shall make these records
available to the
cabinet for
review upon request.
(a) Records documenting
the inspections required pursuant to subsection (3)(a) of this
(b) Weekly records of the
depth of the manure and process wastewater in the liquid impoundment as
indicated by the depth marker pursuant to subsection (3)(b) of this
(c) Records documenting an
action taken to correct deficiencies required pursuant to subsection (3)(c) of
this section. Deficiencies not corrected within thirty (30) days shall be
accompanied by an explanation of the factors preventing immediate
(d) Records of
mortalities management and practices used by the AFO to meet the requirements
of subsection (3)(d) of this section;
(e) Records documenting the current design of
manure or litter storage structures, including volume for solids accumulation,
design treatment volume, total design volume, and approximate number of days of
storage capacity; and
(f) Records
of the date, time, and estimated volume of any overflow.
(5) Recordkeeping requirement for the
application areas.
(a) Each AFO shall maintain
on-site a copy of its site-specific nutrient management plan.
(b) Each AFO shall maintain on-site for a
period of five (5) years from the date it was created a complete copy of the
information required by the permit application Short Form B, the information
required by subsection (2)(i) of this section, and the records specified in
paragraphs (a) through (j) of this subsection.
(c) The AFO shall make
available to the
cabinet for review upon request:
1. Expected
crop yields;
2. The date manure,
litter, or process waste water is applied to each field;
3. Weather conditions at time of application
and for twenty-four (24) hours prior to and following application;
4. Test methods used to sample and analyze
manure, litter, process waste water, and soil;
5. Results from manure, litter, process waste
water, and soil sampling;
Explanation of the basis for determining manure application rates;
7. Calculations showing the total nitrogen
and phosphorus to be applied to each field, including sources other than
manure, litter, or process wastewater;
8. Total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus
applied to each field, including documentation of calculations for the total
amount applied;
9. The method used
to apply the manure, litter, or process wastewater; and
10. Each date of manure application equipment
If an animal feeding operation does not discharge, does not intend to
discharge, and obtains a Kentucky No-Discharge Operational Permit pursuant to
this section, the cabinet shall not consider the animal feeding operation a
(7) KNDOP permit conditions.
(a) A permit may contain special conditions
that are necessary to comply with KRS Chapter 224 and 401 KAR Chapters 4
through 11.
(b) The conditions
shall be in writing and shall be treated as part of the permit.
(c) There shall not be a point source
discharge of wastewater from the facility.
(d) The permit authorizes operation only of
the WWTP described in the permit in the manner and under the conditions
established in the permit application and supporting documents as approved by
the cabinet in the permit.
(e) The
permit shall not be construed as authorizing:
1. An operation that is otherwise in
contravention of a statute, administrative regulation, ordinance, or order of a
governmental unit.
2. The creation
or maintenance of a nuisance.
(f) The permit shall be subject to revocation
or modification by the cabinet as established in
(g) Commencement of a routine point source
discharge shall result in a permit revocation.
(h) A permit shall be issued in accordance
with the provisions of KRS Chapter 224 and 401 KAR Chapters 4 through 11.
Issuance of the permit shall not relieve the permittee from the responsibility
of obtaining any other permits or licenses required by the cabinet and other
state, federal, and local agencies.
(i) If applicable, the waste materials
removed from the settling basin shall be disposed of according to the
requirements of the Division of Waste Management in 401 KAR Chapters 30 through
(j) Land application that
results in runoff to a stream shall be prohibited.
Section 26. Kentucky Intersystem
Operational Permits (KISOPs). A
KISOP shall be issued to publicly or privately
owned sewer systems that
discharge to a
WWTP or a
sewer system that is owned by
another person.
(1) A KISOP shall not apply to
sewer systems with less than 5,000 linear feet of sewer line.
(2) A
KISOP shall not apply to a
sewer system
that discharges to a
POTW if the system is subject to a local
permit pursuant
to the
pretreatment program established in
KAR 5:055.
(3) A KISOP shall be issued to the applicant
and the permittee shall remain the responsible party until a Transfer of Permit
Request form is submitted and the transfer of the permit is acknowledged by the
(4) Permits may contain
special conditions that are necessary to comply with KRS Chapter 224 and 401
KAR Chapters 4 through 11. The conditions shall be in writing and shall be
treated as a part of the permit.
Section 27. Operational Permits. An
permit required in Sections 25 and 26 of this administrative
regulation shall be valid for five (5) years from the date of issuance and
shall be renewed to maintain continuous operation.
(1) The operational permit shall specify the
type of monitoring or analysis required for a facility, and the frequency that
the monitoring or analysis shall be performed and reported to the
(2) The facility,
including backup or auxiliary components, shall be operated and maintained to
ensure compliance with permit requirements and this administrative
Section 28.
Transfer of Operating Permits.
(1) An
permit shall be issued to the applicant, and the permittee shall
remain the responsible party for compliance with the
permit until:
(a) A Transfer of Permit Request form is
submitted by the new owner and the transfer of the permit is acknowledged by
the cabinet; or
(b) The current
permittee has submitted a Transfer of Permit Request form and the transfer of
the permit has been acknowledged by the cabinet.
(2) A Transfer of Permit Request form
submitted by the current permittee without the signature of the new permittee
shall include a written agreement between the existing and new permittees
containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and
liability between them.
(3) A
transfer of permit request shall serve as an application for a minor
modification of the operating permit.
(4) Transfer of operating permits issued
pursuant to Sections 25 and 26 of this administrative regulation shall be as
established in C.F.R. 122.61.
29. Alternative Requirements.
The cabinet may approve alternative requirements to the provisions of Sections
7 to 23 of this administrative regulation if the cabinet determines that the
alternative measure provides sufficient treatment, or transport.
(2) The applicant shall demonstrate that an
alternative requested by the applicant provides sufficient treatment or
Section 30.
Material Incorporated by Reference.
(1) The
following material is incorporated by reference:
(a) "Recommended Standards for Wastewater
Facilities, 2014 Edition, A Report of the Wastewater Committee of the Great
Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and
Environmental Managers, 2014". This document is also known as the "Ten States'
(b) "Construction
Permit Application for Wastewater Treatment Plant, DEP No. 7071-W1
(c) "Construction Permit
Application for Clean Water Collection System, DEP No. 7071-S1
(e) "Transfer of Permit Request", DEP 7032-CO
(f) "No Discharge
Certification, DEP 7032-NDC (3/2018)";
(g) "Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permit
for Closed Loop and Spray Irrigation Systems Application, DEP 7033-ND
(h) "Kentucky No
Discharge Operational Permit Application for Agricultural Wastes Handling
Systems, Short Form B, DEP 7033-B-ND (3/2018)";
(i) "Kentucky Intersystem Operational Permit
Application, DEP 7103 (3/2018)"; and
(j) "NRCS Conservation Practice Standard
Nutrient Management Code 590 for Kentucky, NRCS, Kentucky, (January
(k) "Combined Sewer
Overflow (CSO) Control Policy", U.S. EPA, 59 Federal Register 18688, April
(2) This material
may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at
Division of Water, 300 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This material is also
available on the
division's Web
site at
"Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2014 Edition, A Report of the
Wastewater Committee of the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State
and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers, 2014" may also be
obtained at