La. Admin. Code tit. 56, § I-119 - Water Well Registration (Short Form)

A. The Water Well Registration Short Form (DNR-GW-1S) and detailed instructions for properly completing and distributing the form are available by contacting department staff at (225) 342-8244 or by accessing the department's website at A copy is to be mailed, or delivered by an Office of Conservation approved electronic delivery system, by the water well contractor within 30 days after the well has been completed. If by mail, send to:

Department of Natural Resources

Office of Conservation

P.O. Box 94275

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275

B. A copy of the form shall be retained by the water well contractor for their files and another copy shall be given to the well owner immediately upon completion of the work. The commissioner will consider and encourages the electronic submission of registration, data or reports required under this section.
C. Although most of the information needed to complete the form is available to the water well contractor, the following explanation will provide clarification of intent for selected items and uniformity of reporting:
1. Use of Well. The principal purpose for which the well is used should be indicated by checking the appropriate box on the form. If the well is used for more than one purpose, only the principal or primary use should be shown.
a. Domestic Well. A water well used exclusively to supply the household needs of the owner/lessee and his family. Uses may include drinking, cooking, washing, sanitary purposes, lawn and garden, watering and caring for pets.
b. Rig Supply Well. A water well drilled at an oil or gas drilling site to supply water for drilling and/or other field related activities.
c. Monitoring Well. A well used to obtain hydrologic and water quality data, usually installed at or near a known or potential source of ground water contamination.
d. Heat Pump Supply. A water well which supplies ground water to a heat pump heat exchanger.
e. Heat Pump Hole. A hole drilled to install piping (tubing) material for an earth-coupled water source heat pump system, also known as a vertical closed-loop system.
f. Abandoned Pilot Hole. A hole drilled with the intent to install casing and to produce water but had to be abandoned because of problems related to drilling operations or encountering unsatisfactory formations.
g. Other. A well used for a purpose that does not fit into either the above categories or those requiring a long form (DNR-GW-1).
2. Owner Information. List the name of the legal owner of the property on which the well is located or the person or company holding a long-term lease on the property. If the owner or lessee is an individual, list first and last names and middle initial of individual. List area code and telephone number of owner in the spaces provided.
3. Owner's Address. List full and correct address of the owner.
4. Owner's Well Number. List name or number the well owner has assigned to the well.
5. Well Information. List in appropriate spaces, completion date of well, depth of hole, depth of well, static water level, casing type, size and length, screen size, type and length, the depth to which the casing was cemented, and cementing method used.
6. Well Location. List the parish where the well is located, including the nearest town, city, physical address, etc., and give directions to the well site. The location of the well should be described in detail and as accurately as possible so that the well can be easily located by the department's staff or field inspector. Please include a detailed map or sketch on the back of the original form, or provide a legible attachment to the original form, showing the location of the well with reference to roads, railroads, buildings, etc. Use an (X) to indicate location of the well. Show location of nearest existing well(s), if any nearby, by making (Os) and approximate distance between wells. If submitting the registration form by an Office of Conservation approved electronic delivery system, follow the instructions on the electronic form for including a detailed location map. Determine the well's Global Positioning System (GPS) location and record the GPS longitude and latitude coordinates onto the form. For rig-supply wells, attach a "registered" permit plat (see §105.I) and for monitoring wells, complete spaces provided for the section, township and range (see §105 J)
7. Remarks. This space can be used for presenting any other information, such as screen openings, pump information, problems encountered during drilling, name and license number of water-well subcontractors, method and materials used to seal heat pump hole, etc.
8. Driller's Log. List in the space provided a description of the materials encountered and depth as detailed in the form instructions. If space on front of the form is insufficient, continue driller's log on reverse side of original form or attach a copy of the driller's log to the original form to be transmitted to the department. If submitting the registration form by an Office of Conservation approved electronic delivery system, follow the instructions on the electronic form for including the Driller's Log information.
9. Heat Pump Holes. List average depth of holes and number of holes drilled at the site. Indicate type of tubing material used by checking appropriate box. Method and materials used to seal holes shall be stated under item marked "remarks."
10. Abandonment Information. If the well is new, specify whether or not it replaces an existing well. The water well contractor is responsible for informing the owner of the well of state regulations requiring plugging of abandoned wells.
D. After completing the form, list the name of the water well contracting company and the license number on the spaces provided. Sign and date the form and mail the original to the department at the address listed on the form within 30 calendar days after the well has been completed. The owner's copy shall be given to the owner immediately upon completion of the work. The contractor's copy shall be retained by the contractor for his files.
E. If there are any questions or you need assistance, please call or write to:

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

Office of Conservation

P.O. Box 94275

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275

Phone: (225) 342-8244


La. Admin. Code tit. 56, § I-119
Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works, LR 1:249 (May 1975), amended LR 11:974 (October 1985), repromulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works, LR 31:942 (April 2005), amended by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, LR 37:908 (March 2011), Amended LR 4844 (1/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 38:3098-38:3098.8.

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