La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § II-1703 - Specific Standards for Installation of Fiber-Optic Cable

A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the applicable industry code and to department specifications.
B. All safety precautions for the protection of the traveling public must be observed. Undue delay to traffic will not be tolerated.
C. All excavations within the limits of the right-of-way shall be backfilled and tamped in 6 inch layers to the density of the adjacent undisturbed soil. Where sod is removed or destroyed, it shall be replaced within one week of the original disturbance. Where existing spoil material is, at the discretion of the department, unsuitable for backfill, select material shall be furnished in lieu thereof, and the existing material shall be disposed of by approved methods.
D. Any clearing and grubbing which may be required by the applicant shall be represented by a plan covering any such actions. Such plans shall also be submitted for erosion control measures which may be required to vegetate the area under such clearing and grubbing. The applicant is authorized to retain all cleared timber. The applicant shall follow up with an erosion control, seeding plan approved by the department.
E. Access to the permitted installation shall be made in the following order of priority:
1. first from the land side;
2. second from the interchange (longitudinally); and
3. third from the highway.
F. Each occasion of access shall be pre-approved by the appropriate DOTD District Permit Office.
G. Repairs beneath the roadway shall not be allowed if such repairs necessitate open cutting (open trenches) the highway. If a problem occurs with a line crossing, the utility company must install a new crossing. The utility company must bear the total cost.
H. The DOTD District Permit Office shall be contacted and notified and shall give departmental approval whenever the installation must be accessed, including access for routine maintenance. For routine maintenance, three days' notice shall be given. In emergency situations, as much notice as possible must be given.
I. Repeater boxes shall be placed outside of the right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the department.
J. Parallel installations shall be located on a uniform alignment to the right-of-way line and within 6 inches of the approved alignment.


La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § II-1703
Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Highways/Engineering, LR 25:2464 (December 1999).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 48:381.2.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.