1. Part I - Architects (Chapter 1 to 23)
  2. Part III - Auctioneers (Chapter 1 to 29)
  3. Part V - Automotive Industry (Subpart 1 to 3)
  4. Part VII - Barbers (Chapter 1 to 17)
  5. Part VIII - Behavior Analysts (Chapter 1 to 10)
  6. Part XI - Boxing and Wrestling (Chapter 1 to 9)
  7. Part XIII - Cemetery Industry (Chapter 1 to 25)
  8. Part XIX - Certified Public Accountants (Chapter 1 to 23)
  9. Part XXI - Certified Shorthand Reporters (Chapter 1 to 13)
  10. Part XXIII - Certified Solid Waste Operators (Chapter 1 to 15)
  11. Part XXV - Credentialed Social Workers (Chapter 1 to 9)
  12. Part XXVII - Chiropractors (Chapter 1 to 9)
  13. Part XXIX - Contractors (Chapter 1 to 15)
  14. Part XXXI - Cosmetologists (Chapter 1 to 17)
  15. Part XXXIII - Dental Health Profession (Chapter 1 to 18)
  16. Part XXXV - Electrologists (Chapter 1 to 21)
  17. Part XXXVII - Regulations (Chapter 1 to 23)
  18. Part XXXVIII - Emergency Medical Services Professionals (Subpart 1)
  19. Part XXXIV - Drug and Device Distributors (Chapter 1 to 15)
  20. Part XXXIX - Hearing Aid Dealers (Chapter 1 to 11)
  21. Part XL - Home Inspectors (Chapter 1 to 11)
  22. Part XLI - Horseracing Occupations (Chapter 1 to 23)
  23. Part XLIII - Interior Designers (Chapter 1 to 13)
  24. Part XLIV - Massage Therapists (Chapter 1 to 61)
  25. Part XLV - Medical Professions (Subpart 1 to 5)
  26. Part XLVI - Notaries Public (Chapter 1)
  27. Part XLVII - Nurses: Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses (Subpart 1 to 2)
  28. Part XLIX - Nursing Facility Administrators (Chapter 1 to 17)
  29. Part LI - Optometrists (Chapter 1 to 8)
  30. Part LIII - Pharmacists (Chapter 1 to 33)
  31. Part LIV - Physical Therapy Examiners (Subpart 1 to 3)
  32. Part LV - Plumbers (Chapter 1 to 10)
  33. Part LVI - Polygraph (Chapter 1)
  34. Part LVII - Private Investigator Examiners (Chapter 1 to 9)
  35. Part LIX - Private Security Examiners (Chapter 1 to 9)
  36. Part LX - Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners (Subpart 1 to 2)
  37. Part LXI - Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (Chapter 1 to 33)
  38. Part LXII - Professional Geoscientists (Chapter 1 to 19)
  39. Part LXIII - Psychologists
  40. Part LXV - Radio and Television Technicians (Chapter 1)
  41. Part LXVI - Radiologic Technologists (Chapter 1 to 15)
  42. Part LXVII - Real Estate (Subpart 1 to 3)
  43. Part LXIX - Registered Dietitians/Nutritionists (Chapter 1 to 7)
  44. Part LXX - River Pilots (Subpart 1 to 6)
  45. Part LXXI - Sanitarians (Chapter 1 to 23)
  46. Part LXXV - Speech Pathology and Audiology (Chapter 1 to 7)
  47. Part LXXX - Substance Abuse Counselors (Chapter 1 to 19)
  48. Part LXXXV - Veterinarians (Chapter 1 to 15)
  49. Part LXXXVI - Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors (Chapter 1 to 18)
  50. Part LXXXIX - Water Well Contractors (Drillers) (Chapter 1 to 11)
  51. Part XCI - Drug and Device Distributors (Chapter 1 to 15)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.