02-502 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 1 - Advisory Rulings
and Scope. The board, in its discretion, may issue an advisory ruling
concerning the applicability of any statute or rule it administers to an
existing factual situation. Each request for an advisory ruling will be
reviewed to determine whether an advisory ruling is appropriate. The board may
decline to issue an advisory ruling when the question is hypothetical, there is
sufficient experience upon which to base a ruling, or for any other reason the
board deems proper.
Submission. Requests for advisory rulings must be in writing and
must set forth in detail all facts pertinent to the question. The board may
require additional information as necessary to complete a factual background
for its ruling.
Acknowledgment. A request for an advisory ruling will be
acknowledged by the board within fifteen days of receipt. Within sixty days of
acknowledgment, the board will state whether it will issue a ruling.
Alternatively, the board may request additional information in order to
determine whether an advisory ruling is appropriate.
Rulings. All advisory rulings
will be issued in writing and will include a statement of the facts or
assumptions, or both, upon which the ruling is based. The statement will be
sufficiently detailed to allow an understanding of the basis of the opinion
without reference to other documents. Advisory rulings will be signed by the
chair of the board and will be numbered serially in an appropriate manner.
Disposition. Each
completed advisory ruling will be mailed to the requesting party and a copy
will be kept by the board in a file or binder established for this purpose. All
advisory rulings are public documents. In addition, the board may otherwise
publish or circulate any advisory ruling as it deems appropriate.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.